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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. my thoughts 100%. These kids are drafted when 18, then have to stay in school 4 years to get to be agents. Tough route to go, not getting out of your ELC for 2, possible 3 years after your peers.
  2. The size and gnarliness of May's hands on the telecasts always amazes me....looks like he has the proverbial "hands of granite"
  3. so the bigotry and stereotyping comes out eh??? Just cause i wear cardigans you think me entitled And yes, I i am entitled...entitled to wear nice clothes ! In terms of nautical terms...no i do not use them, but my son is at a month long sailing camp as we speak However, i did by my first pair of TopSiders in 79, and used to take chit for them from most of my class even back then...Only wear them now when i go home and to show to those very same guys fetching my fries. And yep, i dressed preppy even in 1979 in good ole Niagara Falls!!
  4. see..this post was meant to demean...just makes me feel all the better bout my stylistic leanings
  5. I know i am a broken record here, but only problem i have is not letting he and his agent shop themselves before 08/15. Could have been same process as what will happen on 08/15...and i am convinced if he reached an agreement to sign somewhere on 07/20, that team would have given something, however marginal, to get his rights and get the deal done then and there. But the trade itself was well worth it.
  6. for guys who wear cargo shorts and hipsters...that is correct...and thank god!!!! Would hate to think i would like clothes they wear. So pictures on first 5 pages all are taken at Newbury Street, Brown. Georgetown, Columbia, Providence, Cornell...yep, all chit holes I have shorts in just about every pastel and color, as well as several pair of colored pants...even have two pair of awesome seersucker shorts, one in blue, one in pink. Plain khaki or denim is about as boring as boring can get. May have to wear the pink seersucker shorts for the opener tailgate!!!
  7. Izod...hmm..no where near as cool as the Whale This http://www.vineyardvines.com/mens-pants/slim-breaker-pants/1P1236.html?dwvar_1P1236_color=630&cgid=Mens-Pants with this http://www.vineyardvines.com/tucker-shirt/crowell-gingham-classic-tucker-shirt/1W1707.html?dwvar_1W1707_color=477&cgid=Mens-Sport-Shirts Now that is a well dressed, relaxed, confidant man!
  8. what kids wear it now?...the cool ones who want to get some play, thats who . Don't think my 15 year old son wears anything BUT Whale stuff to school. You will see, in two years time everyone will be wearing Whale stuff on the West Coast... yes really...classic prep never, ever, never goes out of style...as opposed to weird ass cargo shorts
  9. I do have some awesome VineYard Vines "coral" pants..really pink...that are just awesome! BTW Chef, Vineyard Vines open in SF now...dude who cold calls for me reports his "win" percentage at night up significanly wearing the WHALE! http://bit.ly/2bj2JzN
  10. The best MLT in Buffalo
  11. I am Richmond VA, make about half. Mr.Info and Lvbills also Richmond. EBAll Durham NC and still a season ticket holder. Rubes may be...he is in Salt Lake.
  12. i have been called in 4 times, but have never actually been on a jury. The waiting sucks,,especially pre-cell phone days.
  13. a quote to live by I always go back to the time-tested truth: Twitter makes me like people I don't know. Facebook makes me dislike people I do know.
  14. 2nd one opening tomorrow..interesting Zwiegels outsells Sahlens at the first Richmond store. http://www.richmond.com/business/local/article_62d3ba05-e3b6-50c3-a145-de27990d3eb1.html No more having to wander into the morass that is the Southside! JK for all you southsiders.
  15. About the only beer over 9% ABV that i actually have enjoyed. wow...17%... i like the lower alcohol beers, especially in the summer!
  16. i drink two Gose beers brewed in VA that are 3.0 % Antone else remember going to Ohio and having to drink the 3.2 % near beer?
  17. God no..and never have worn them. Has nothing to do with what's in "style" or "fashion" , some things just are silly looking.
  18. caught up on BrainDead today...pretty funny show..i like it.
  19. Last 2-3 years have seen Meyers now readily available on the East Coast...even in the chit Kroger close to me. Love them. BTW, i am also a huge Brooklyn Summer Can fan. Just got the last 8 cases Total Wine had in Va..as i love it for games...great taste, low alcohol..perfect football beer. So if you like it, i would advise getting whatever your local outlet has left. try it with Bullet Rye...less sweet that the boubon...
  20. way Rex is yapping about the kid, Seymour is the key to the Gilmore negotiations.
  21. Chilly, where will you be staying? If downtown, we will most likely have some room in our trucks for a passenger or two...and will have plenty of coooler space. Will send you a PM as well
  22. Why plead guilty? Take this thing to court, get 3 or 4 continuances, and go to court after the season. I hate drunk driving like the rest of you..but re refused the breathalyser(which is smart)...i bet over half of people who refuse to take the test later are found not guilty...and that's just a guess. 20, i know either the NFL or the NFLPA for sure used to do this. But none of the players would use it cause they felt like somehow their coaches/GMs would find out and would hurt them in contract talks. Not sure if they still do...but they tried!
  23. UBER is a new way of looking at the economy...and the economy and the old line industries are going to have to adjust. The so called "sharing" economy is real...as is the coming trend of "gig" jobs. I am by far not a hipster...but oh how i love getting in a well-maintained and clean car as opposed to chit holes that most cabbies drive. And oh my, air conditioning actually is standard on most cars nowadays, and it works.And I also love paying less and getting air conditioning! How great it is being able to call an Uber to my house and them being htere in 2 minutes as opposed to schlepping down the street. I also love not get a nasty ass look and sigh when i want to pay with a credit card...ohh the horror of not paying cash in a mostly cashless economy. I agree should be a fair compete...but cabs brought this on themselves when they were a monopoly...competition brings out the best in everyone.
  24. I use Lyft and Uber quite a bit, but lean more towards Lyft. Lyft generally seems to get there quicker. Most drivers work for both, prefer to pick up Lyft rides as they keep 80% of fare as opposed to 75% with Uber. Uber was always a no tip service, but a recent lawsuit regarding employment status of drivers..1099 or W-2, brought about a slight change. Uber now allows its drivers to post a sign encouraging tips, but those tips must be paid in cash and not through the app.Uber will not change the app to accommodate tips. Lyft has always had tips built into the app, the option appears once you get your invoice. I have always tipped, so find this also more attractive and why i prefer Lyft. Would be intersted if anyone had used the UberPool or Lyft Line service yet. I have not, but think i will next time by myself and not in a hurry to get anywhere.
  25. 4 prime please. 3 will be there when lot opens, 1 arriving around 3 PM i believe.
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