For the record, i am all for the tank. I just do not see a path to the playoffs with NE in the division, which means wild card at best. Throw in we play the AFC North and NFC west, arguably the two best divisions in football...just do not see a path there.
But, tanking is not about just getting the top pick, but accumulating several picks and having assets. Look at what the Browns are doing, and i am jealous of the Browns. Why i said i was nervous about locking up Gilmore...we have seen a commitment to failed core in this town before, just on the ice instead the field. Fear we may be there with this team
Having said i want the amazing to me how everyone was gushing over Wentz as he played quite possibly the worst team , personnel wise, in the NFL in the last 30 years. Lets see him play a team trying to win before we proclaim him great.
That's me..this game was disturbing on many levels. Maybe just me, but i think Rex was actually okay with the result..after all he told everyone his D would respond.
not sure we are there yet..but lets hope.