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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. Dont know what you guys bitching bout the Baltimore fans are talking about. Had a great walk to the stadium from Sliders, thought the intro's were a tad quiet, but at least in the lower bowl the place was quite loud on 3rd and 4th downs. Fans around us were great, had some good back and forth , all good natured...think thats my 5th Bills game there, and to me it is one of the better road venues i have been too. Think the people that always B word are the same people who would travel to Bmore and get wings instead of crab cakes. BTW RRich, that crab tosat was great...even if all i did was scrape the crab off and eat it
  2. wish i was a gear dude and had stuff to sell today
  3. Thank you for the chuckle today...needed that
  4. This was on Maroons watch BTW, and to B word about it 3 years later is pointless
  5. The Death Of the 2016 Season....if you need a laugh, this is hi-larious!!! https://twitter.com/Lou_Muscato/status/775345283345571840
  6. AJ Green was 10 for 10 for 152 on targets when up against Revis. Cant wait for Sammy to eat him u....oh wait,..what????
  7. Don't know why the tank thread was closed, but if there is any question on Sammy they will shut him down. Rex and Whaley get a pass, and another year. All the more reason we need to tank, and start dealing guys right now. Kyle, Richie, Gilmore...all gone for picks next year if they are gettable. Would throw Marcell and Glenn in the mix, but think their bonuses would prevent that from happening.
  8. Thank you..will do i agree with 100% of this
  9. You are right, i never figured they would win the division, but i thought there might be hope for a wild card. That left me yesterday. I just cannot get this team to 10 wins. And a true tank is about accumulating assets and ditching LTCs that make no sense for when the turnaround should happen. We have seen the Sabres and Bills stuck in mediocrity so long...just feels like this team is squarely there.
  10. i was at game, but on opposite side of field and have not watched replay yet.. but.it sure as chit looked like that pass hit him right in the hands.. this dude has now dropped/tipped some big time catches in the 4th quarter that are really starting to get me worried. I know we dont throw to him enough...but he gots to make da catch there
  11. but they dont have NE team in their divisions. That team went on the road, without its two best players, and beat one of the supposed 3 best teams in the NFC.
  12. For the record, i am all for the tank. I just do not see a path to the playoffs with NE in the division, which means wild card at best. Throw in we play the AFC North and NFC west, arguably the two best divisions in football...just do not see a path there. But, tanking is not about just getting the top pick, but accumulating several picks and having assets. Look at what the Browns are doing, and i am jealous of the Browns. Why i said i was nervous about locking up Gilmore...we have seen a commitment to failed core in this town before, just on the ice instead the field. Fear we may be there with this team Having said i want the tank..it amazing to me how everyone was gushing over Wentz as he played quite possibly the worst team , personnel wise, in the NFL in the last 30 years. Lets see him play a team trying to win before we proclaim him great. That's me..this game was disturbing on many levels. Maybe just me, but i think Rex was actually okay with the result..after all he told everyone his D would respond. not sure we are there yet..but lets hope.
  13. It is 5:30AM Gameday, and no game day thread!!!!! cmon 26...i need ya brother Us old guys get up early!!! Beers on me if you do a Bills game day thread like you do a Sabres...enjoy the hell out of those posts.
  14. know a ton of people that went...and the latest anyone arrived was Friday at noon. This was all about the party, the game was extremely secondary. Having said that,I get the feeling it is like that crazy rollercoaster you get the courage to ride, you do, enjoy the hell out it, but you will never do it again. At least for the old farts like me that were beat up even at 6 PM yesterday.
  15. But this is the alternative http://www.cbsnews.com/news/cpsc-warning-samsung-note-7-phones-fire-explosions/
  16. 3-minute call, $40 off bill for 12 months.
  17. well, that sure put the kibosh on this thread!!!
  18. good points as well. Think they were both cut for non-money reasons, but sure didn't hurt to get the cap savings
  19. Doc, not trying to argumentative...but i am pretty sure you can hit a a "runner" in the head. That includes receivers after they have established position and are no longer defenseless. I don't think you can target and launch a runner( they changed that cause of the Pitt/Cinci playoff game.... or did i miss a massive rule change and all hits to the head are now illegal?
  20. Interesting ...i did not think of the Gilmore angle first thing ...but that makes sense. I get the draft em and keep em...just a gun shy Buffalo fan that watched another GM commit to a failed core...will watch while peeking between my fingers
  21. Jaguars vs. Packers Packers win
  22. Huh? is that a new rule? No penalty for hitting a runner in the head is there? Now, i agree in the pocket..and the gray area outside where is he a runner or not. Have a feeling after the whole day of this discussion, any thing thats close to the head is getting called on Sunday
  23. OKay...we still got no Risto contract....WTF????
  24. Don't know many after Myron Kope kicked. Love Sonny on the Skins
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