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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. how did they let someone that big play JV football? And i mean that seriously. I mean in my sons school league, you have some kids still right around 110-125 playing JV...biggest kid goes 200 max
  2. I can certainly understand that...why not move back up top?
  3. I dont remember standing for the playoff games. Certainly first series or 2, but after that dont remember standing whole game. And we were lower bowl back then.
  4. Cause no one else does...and not doing so will not get your fired. Lose a game by a point after failing to convert..coaches fault. Winning by 1 cause a two pointer worked???Players good...see raiders week one
  5. I do really like the suggestion of certain sections being deemed standing and others being deemed sitting. They have family sections, why not these designations as well.
  6. He did.Now that you mention it, i remember being excited as i thought the ball was dead there based on the Givens play mentioned above, then was incredulous when they moved it out to the 40 ( i think was the 40 then, but could be wrong)...and that was when i learned of this idiotic rule. Most likely in the rule book to encourage kicks toward the middle of the field and encourage more returns...cause back in da day the NFL loved the kickoff return
  7. can someone explain why this is not illegal touching? I am assuming it is because he stays out of bounds? That was the call on the dead patriot in the OT game in Brady's first year.
  8. would love that and buy seasons there in a heartbeat..put a little rail about chest high to lean on with a cup holder...and that is pure money
  9. No, right time would be not to pick up a guy who seems to have a drinking problem when you got 3 guys on your team suspended for weed as it is, one guy getting sued for a bar fight, and another of your employees..albeit on a different team, accused of assaulting women at a bar at 3 in the AM...presumably drinking. Have to be pretty tone deaf to bring that guy at this time.
  10. Yes you need center ice and the local sports package to watch the game on MSG...but youwill also get the pre and post game shows that way and the enhanced content from PSE. Alternatively, you can just get Center Ice and watch on the 700's, sometimes you get Sabres telecast,, sometimes not, some post games, sometimesnot not For the $13 or whatever it is, ilike knwing i will always have the Sabres feed
  11. Risto did not report to camp....just saying. Need Yolo's chicken little avatar...this is getting scary to me!
  12. He had his favorite Son Buddy, and another kid!!
  13. I got $100 on em at 40-1 to win the AFC...anyone wanna buy the ticket for $25?
  14. Thursday night, the 19-year-old drunks directly in front of us thought it their job to turn around every play, standup, wave their arms in the stand-up motion, and scream fo everyone to stand . I will give them credit though...after a few very encouraging words from my seatmate and I, they started to sit down and were actually really good dudes. Just a little liquored up, but in a good, fun way. But the constant turning around was worse than the standing. And to be clear, i would rather stand all game, every game. But i know the ST holders behind us hate to stand...so i sit as much as i can. Which brings me to my next point....my favorite seat in the house would be a numbered standing room place at the rail at the top of the upper deck. I constantly bring this up to the Bills, and have never heard a good reason why they do not sell standing room up there.
  15. Fitz has consistently thrown into tight windows and jump ball situations the last 19 games...and mostly his receivers made plays for him. Both his receivers were a bit slowed by injuries yesterday...those same throws were picked off instead of caught.
  16. BTW, if i recall right dude caught the ball on like the 3, and they moved it out to the 8? Was i imagining that? And yes, my son and friend both thought i was nuts when i clapped and cheered when he caught the ball..but then they figured it out.
  17. I have been going to that stadium since they started playing games there, and i have never been brave enough to have a constitutional at the stadium, not had i known anyone that had. But my buddy did last year...and was quite surprised by the cleanliness of the head. So make sure you have plenty of cabbage and Genny the night before games now. Question is what is the equivalent for an away game???? Next Sunday at 12.15, i say you head to local park or beach and hit one the public heads there!
  18. like i said in the prediction thread..cause i drank Genny instead of Brooklyn Summer and watched at 3 .
  19. we got them after TNF last year...albeit on a Monday night. Rex was still outcoached...in what was arguably his performance as Bills HQ
  20. Well, we need to reopen the " how i caused the Bills to lose" thread from last year. Mea Culpa, i have abandoned my trusty Bills game day Genny's and have been strictly drinking Brooklyn Summer last two weeks. Going back to my winning routine of last year...yard work till 3 , then DVR'd Bills game with loads of Gennys. Then a nice pork Pernil for dinner. Bills 11 Cards 54 Back to Brooklyn Summer's next week
  21. whether there was intent or not, it was a dirty play that should be heavily fined..i don't care whether he INTENDED to injure ...the fact is it was a dirty play that deserves a higher fine than Decker and Richardson talking some chit
  22. So Decker and Richardson are fined the same amount for taunting as Gilmore is for that dirty, nasty, injury causing facemask. Atta boy Roger, player safety is always your #1 priority! http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2016/09/23/decker-richardson-fined-for-taunting-penalties/
  23. cant listen to him..just unbearable for me. People say they hate Shoop, Murph has that same reaction fro me these two go together no? I was texting a bunch of my Pats fans buddies last night...asking them if we see a letdown when Tommy and Nickovich come backb I do think the whole "wait till you see what Brady does when pissed" we have already seen in these first three games...and it was the whole team having Brady's back. I think there will be a natural letdown after the Cleveland game for them...
  24. when can we petition for a new division set up?
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