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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. you an old fart too and may remember all the screens we used to run with Bramer in the early 80's. I mentioned the Rams conga game in a pre-game thread...and in that game Bramer had a TE screen very similar to this for a 60 yard gain, and man i was wistful for the days we used the TE screen more. And then this unfolded...I agree, Clay very likely could score on this play if he catches it. Loved IT!!!!
  2. 1) I don't agree with that one..thought the needed pace was there. One more play maybe ideal..but overall we scored and left them zero time. Time management i think was spot on. 2) The pass was awful, no doubt. I actually thought he should run and get OOB there..less risk than throwing...also if Woods catches the easy ball he dropped , maybe we have another 10 seconds or so.. 3) If not open, i am okay with this...first responsibility is no turnover. All 22 can show if anyone was open....maybe someone can post? (my gamepass not working) 4) His accuracy is off no doubt...but i thought the gist of the thread was time mangement. The Woods pass and this pass were not accurate, but that has nothing to do with time management. 5) Don't remember
  3. That is correct...lets meet at the bar in December!
  4. i will stand up as one who still wants to fire Rex. Don't like the guy, never will. I am not counting these wins as quality wins, and the toughest part of Bills schedule is still ahead. The schedule BTW, that the Jets have just endured. I don't think Rex is up to the challenge against Tomlin, Carroll, Hoodie,Del Rio.. heck even Lewis and Bradely I think will out coach him. But we shall see. I am more than a bit scared he may get outcoached by Kelly this weekend...he sure as chit did last year in Philly. All that being said...i will root like crazy for them even with Rex as the coach.
  5. Miami has an out the end of this season, and supposedly the decision will be 100% Gases' . Big reason why he is going to play him all year, no matter the results.
  6. total crickets from Badol on this one...and if its"he should have thrown the ball away instead of run"..i aint buying it. That's one of his major strengths, why would he not use it. Smart man right here! so funny, i had no idea he was the D coordinator there...
  7. he woukd break in Miami just like he breaks in Dallas...what would be the point? And the dude is almost as old as me..and i was born in 63
  8. that mall is so dead...they must have really received a great deal from the landlord. I am still in amazement they are pumping $50M in to renovations...
  9. So looks like Anchor is following Wegmans to Richmond. Any one been to one of these places? Any good? http://www.richmond.com/food-drink/restaurant-news/article_90fbf0f4-a45e-5475-8894-9533b41c4738.html
  10. but he is the only one I care about LOL
  11. I thought it was perfect, and could not understand Gannon's criticism. In that instance, the very first thing one cannot do is give the ball back to the other team with time to score. We did that in the 2nd Pats game last year and essentiallt Pats score 14 in a row and it was game over. This a little different in that we were getting the ball to start the 2nd half, but i was happy with the prospect of 10 straight...course if i knew they were going 3 and out may change my mind BTW, i think getting the ball to start 2nd is such a huge advantage...i think to even it out each home team should just get to choose what they want to do...hate the flip of a coin actually matters in an NFL game
  12. Have you all looked at the jets schedule to date and what it looks like coming up? 5 of last 7 at home, winnable games every week from here except maybe the two Pats games... not saying will happen, but i can see them getting on a good run in the middle of the season...very similar feel to the Chiefs season last year...and no i am not saying they are winning out
  13. always wondered about that...how far back does it go, and if they have a moving pocket does that count as "in the pocket"?
  14. i think they sadi he was in the pocket..no horse collar by rule if the QB
  15. Not sure if horse collar or not...but always remember it is a legal play on the QB if still within the tackle-box. Sounds weird, but true. BTW, thought it a great play by Autin on that one punt..how more returners dont understand that rule has always baffled me.
  16. So...when do I panic on Risto??? Or should i say when do I stop panicking...cause i have been panicking since 07/01.
  17. positive or negative, these guys are jokers and i will not click.
  18. So..yes nd no is the answer. Fitz throws a lot of 50/50 balls, and into a ton of tight windows, figuring his guys will make the play more often than not. Last year they did, and the DB's dropped a lot of would be picks, and it worked. This year, outside of the Bills game, his guys are not winning the majority of those 50/50 balls....so is it his fault he is playing like he always has?
  19. Thank you sir. Watched the 1980 film in honor of our game today...the conga line game at Rich against the Rams is still on my list of Top 5 games i have attended.
  20. cmon dude, get this off this site please
  21. this is WRONG ...crowd not younger, you/we are older. Less "messed up" than any other time in Bills history in my opinion. Display much better than in the 90's or 80's or 70's, just bad stuff caught on cell phones now. WNY millennials are the same as millennials anywhere...but at least a lot of them got the stones to stay home and work on making Buffalo great, unlike me and my generation I generally tailgate now with kids between 18-27 for the most part..have a great time. A few get a bit tipsy every now and again...as i did at that age...but they fun drunks and listen to reason when you say time to switch to water for a long spell.
  22. Really is...can just imagine that as of now, running through others teams warm-ups/ drills is now perfectly acceptable. Game on...lets just make sure we are running right next to Bradys throwing arm on 10/30
  23. YEP, this is the way to go!!!! maybe even make the top ten rows of every section...
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