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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. Bills were 3-6 after 9 last time they had a real shot at the playoffs.
  2. I think the Patriot defeat was a result of a divided locker room after Hoddies support of Trump. BB has lost the room!!!
  3. Broncos 7-3 now...lets say they lose both to Chiefs,and they lose to the Pats and Raiders..9-7..10-6 if they split with Chiefs. Nor saying likely, but not saying we need them to lose to the Browns and Jets either
  4. I don't know about that..Chiefs and the Bronco's still have two against each other left. Denver also has Titans, Patriots and Raiders...5 tough games there. Chiefs outside of the 2 with Broncos have Falcons, Raiders, Titans, Chargers... Aint over yet guys..these are flawed teams that win only cause the other team makes awful mistakes. Not looking good for others teams for sure...but sure as hell aint done yet either
  5. Will do..thank you for the heads up! I mentioned how great the French Laundry was...this was one of the reasons. As we sat down and waiter asked what we would like to drink...i said something to the effect of"had a ton of wine today..maybe a beer would taste good". He said something to the effect of .."great choice, help your palate' etc...made me feel totally at home for ordering a beer in Napa Valley way before craft was big...just set the tone for the meal perfectly.
  6. Glad i watched another game in hyper speed mode this morning. Yuch!!!
  7. watched the first at home last night...good period by the boys. Then the snooze fest hit when i watched the rest this morning...glad I was in 2x speed. Give the PK some props though...and Nillson looked good as well Looks like Ennis out two months, ROR i think left game again last night. So bad even the Devils announcer(who sounded a lot like Joe Bennanatti) said "injury riddled Sabres" more than a few times.
  8. this is a pure DVR game..watch when I get home, slightly buzzed...3x speed...done in 20 minutes most likely can't cant see this home and home being interesting.
  9. Argh..read that wrong...thought lower case he COULD use
  10. No one like Arizona at home over SF?
  11. couple of years old but...but still good "I learn to like people i don't know on Twitter, and dislike people i do know on Facebook" I have stayed off Facebook for several reasons, but the overarching reason i just could not take how perfect everyone's kids, and lives were. Whats funny is the teenagers of today know its a made up, alternate reality and pay it no mind, it's the adults who can't separate fact and fiction and get all would up over it.
  12. Frank DeFord and the National were awesome. I moved away to college in 81..no sports bar, no satellites etc..Bills on TV rarely... Can remember the day someone told me about the USA Today...and i started going to the library everyday to get Buffalo nuggets. My best source of info was my awesome Dad. He was not a sports fan at all, but every Monday during football season from the time i went to school in 81 till the day he died in 2004...he would send me a loaf of DiCamillos bread wrapped in the Sunday and Monday editions of the Buffalo News. Loved George, especially before Primetime came on TV. Was shocked when i moved to DC and he was a local sports anchor. Had no idea!
  13. Gotta save up...have the double whammy of 20th coming up in a few months as well f
  14. Auberge is out...booked up forever seems like once i checked. That Madrana Manor looked cool, and they have availability when we are looking. Will look at Meadowood now too. If ya can't spend up for your wife's 50th, when can ya spend up? Thanks again for all the replies! Once we get booked, will be looking for wineries and restaurants that are not obvious!
  15. Eithe McKinley or Flutie. Take your pick.
  16. never ends for these Buffalo squads...
  17. Both Risto and Koulikov got schooled...happens to the best of them i know. But that is the pairing i wanted to see...
  18. I was going to question Carrier LOL...Wish he spelled his name like this..Carriere!!! Funny you say AHL team...when it was top pair D that gave up that silly goal!
  19. But at least they tried to score in the OT, which was refreshing! Said they got unlucky a lot last year on shots not going in...when is it the dreaded"can't finish" as opposed to unlucky?
  20. Why thank you...but the moment i use yelp for anything just put me in the home as i have obviously gone insane!
  21. Thank you Jim, much appreciated! May not have any money left after the markets open this morning, but still thank you! In terms of the French Laundry, i have actually been, although it is now close to 16 years ago. Was worth every penny back then. Think it was about $300 for two us back then, sure it is quite a bit more now. Still the best dining experience i have ever had, and i have eaten in a LOT of restuarants...and spent more too !! . We were lucky and knew a friend Mr. Keller, so maybe we did have some extra attention....
  22. may even get you two!
  23. either place is great...appreciate the help
  24. Need suggestions for best Napa hotels...not cheapest, not best deals...just where you should stay and why in NAPA if planning a special trip. Looking really for suggestions from anyone..but know Jim goes there quite a bit.
  25. I am all for legalization, and yep I function, have a job, have raised two good kids( well one) , and while always against impaired people driving, think our docs pumping out more and more opioids lends itself to more impaired drivers on the roads than legalizing weed would.
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