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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. as I said in the PC thread...think Pegula said to McD "my hate for Marrone is thorough, he wants Crossman, he aint getting him" and if you want the job, yu keep crossman
  2. Hmmm..ceratinly no hard questions asked...and certainly nothing new will be learned...and Terry not exactly the most engaging interviewee in the world.
  3. Okay, so looks like you are penalty box side where Sabres shoot twice...what row? You wearing any gear? Will try to see you on TV!!!!
  4. I will periscope it for $1.00????
  5. Enjoyed the game last night. Senators beat the Pens...god i hate all things Pitstburgh! Bruins lose. For are Tar Hell fans, rock that joint tonight. Can't make due to a swim meet, but have fun fellas, and make sure to roastvthe baby to well done!
  6. Been do some work with game in background...did Duffer just say Risto had another 10 minutes period? Dude is Drago...cant kill him!
  7. If you bought the Bills...think you would sit back and not do anything?
  8. kids aint dumb...middle income suburban kids are extremely well educated, urban upper middle class to rich extremely well educated...lower income kids everywhere get a horrible education..
  9. In their defence, not much time for a job anymore during the school year. If you want to get into a good school without being a genius, you best have a sport, a passion, do your two hours a night of homework/study, and put in 3 hours each day on the weekend on school work...does not leave a lot of time for a job
  10. That's interesting...i need to look into that more. This is like the Guhle thing...not even cap experts could figure it out and changed views 100 times
  11. If you trade before the option kicks in on the 11th, no hit to salary cap( there may be some minor stuff from last year)...new team would pay the option money. Small window to get this done , between 4.00pm on the 9th and i believe noon on ht 11th, but that could be 11:59 PM on the 10th. Just to clear this up once and for all. Tyrods Contract Structure 2017 Option: $15.5M Option Bonus & $12M base salary & $3.25M of his 2018 salary fully guarantee on 3/11/2017 So, this Bills option 1) Cut Tyrod Prior to the 11th. No hit to the Bills cap, no comp picks if Tyrod signs elsewhere. 2) Bills trade Tyrod between the 9th and 11th. New team picks up all payments, Bills zero impact on cap. No comp picks. 3) Bills trade Tyrod after March 11. Bills on hook for the $15.5M bonus, new team pays guaranteed salary. Bills get hit with $15.5M cap hit. No Comp picks Only thing that is not clear to me is if the injury thing comes into play. As i understand it, there is Injury Offsets if the contract, but I am not clear how that impacts the cap if the Bills reach an Injury Setllemnet with Tyrod , he signs elsewhere, and the Offset gets kicked in. Beyond my comprehension of the CBA. Contrast that with the decision Bills would have faced without the extension. 1) Tag Tyrod for $20M for 2017 2) Work out a long-term deal prior to July 15th deadline 3) Let him walk...get comp pick .
  12. Again, only get comp picks for FA losses.FA being guys who's contracts have run out. Tyrod would be cut , no comp pick..... or traded. No comp pick. In other words ,no comp pick either way. This was the only downside to the extension last summer.
  13. watched this..albeit did 30 second skip quite a few times. will give it a another time or two.
  14. I agree with a couple of those responces; 1) The participation trophy answer was great...and it was my generation who created them! 2) old people bitching about phones and kids..my MIL is NEVER off her IPAD when she comes to visit...cause she is just keeping up with friends and that is important.And that is not a phone after all, its a tablet and its different Damnit!!! But she is the one who lets her life and feelings be influenced by Facebook. Kids get only the greatness gets posted, MIL thinks everyone else's family is just perfect and why can't we have Norman Rockwell life?
  15. I have been discussing the idea of trading Tyrod since at least week 13. Trading period begins 4.00PM March 9 His Option Bonus fully guaranteed on March 11. So there is a window to try and sign a FA before having to make the decision. They must trade him before option kicks in or else they are on the hook for the $27M. So no sign and trade. I have been saying all along I think they sign Glennon to similar dollars and then try to trade Tyrod, but ultimately find no takers and release Tyrod, That being said, this coach should have the best read of all Glennon so should be interesting
  16. I don't get it...i think just about anywhere now wins over the Bay area
  17. I dont know how to recopy tweets, but this one was funny I don't like the Bills new coach because he's the Bills new coach. My column coming up on @TBNSports:
  18. How in the world will the Sabres make up for his scoring?
  19. It did! Did two separate ones..but even with your warning and halving the salt, still too salty LOL. So need to cut way back! But now when chuck goes on sale, easy to but, vacuum, freeze, and a great dinner. BTW, mine was in the water for about 24 hrs.
  20. Stop being elitist and join us mongrels in the upper deck!
  21. My daughter all kinds of fired up..she is in private, and the last 3 years now public has missed finals due to weather, not to be made up! Most her best friends from swimming go to public, and surprisingly they keep reminding her of that fact! (especially when they were not studying this weekend)
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