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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. to play your game..show me a source on ANY of that
  2. again, the very reason for this thread....and this proves what the OP was saying show me one source that confirmed Sicknick was killed by blunt force trauma after being struck in the head with a fire extinguisher...just one...ya cant...and that reporting was introduced as EVIDENCE in an impeachment trial of the POTUS...think about that for a minute...but because it came from a MSM outlet, it had to be true! Just like Russia Gate, just like the coco was ABSOLUTELY not escaped from a lab...just like everything listed in original post. At what point , and after how many falsehoods, do people stand up and say...holy hell, the whole of the media is just a propaganda arm for their selected party..WAPO/CNN/NYT etc for the Dems....Fox/ WSJ/ etc for the Rebublicans. And people wonder why the the "big Lie" gets believed? Its cause of all the falsehoods pushed for advocacy reasons by the media. And some people say fool me once,sure... but ya aint fooling me 20 times.
  3. and the big flip was if she died of those causes two days after getting vaxed...she died of the other causes...as it should have been. Couple days ago was watching GMA, and the scoll at the bottom said a California county was revising its death count down by as much as 30% to somewhat address the with/from debate...but i cannot find anything online to substantiate that.
  4. just did..the CNN report and another https://www.businessinsider.com/daily-mail-authenticated-hunter-biden-laptop-images-2021-4
  5. k< so are we saying CNN is fake news? as long as we agree ... kinda the point of this whole thread no? The media cannot be trusted..pretty much any of it you said there was no laptop..i can quote 100 sources, left, right, center, above, below, that says there is...
  6. Look at many studies, across the board , in not mandated settings, heathcare vax rates well below 70%. Posted the USA today article...quick qoogle search will lend many more. That usa today article is behind a firewall (not sure how i read the first time..who pays for USA Today?)...but there was a quote in there like only 40% of the Covid team at one hospital is vaxed...
  7. Hmm, strange claim...here is an article from your teller of all truth..fake news is it? https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/02/politics/hunter-biden-laptop/index.html and from Hunter Biden himself
  8. You forgot Ga election law is designed to suppress the votes of minorities( with no reading or listing of the actual language. ) good people on both sides “ Challenge “ at the border .. no crisis Kids in cages like animals… to kids are detained in prison like facilities Xenophobic Trump restricts travel from China Trump labeled a liar for saying “ I wanted to keep a positive attitude to help keep folks from panicking and doing foolish things”. Fauci applauded for saying “ I was always for masks, no flip flop , I just did not want the public to panic and buy all the N95 masks” Just off the top of my head.
  9. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/press-release/kff-post-survey-of-frontline-health-care-workers-finds-nearly-half-remain-unvaccinated/amp/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/7432058002 it’s a lot more than you think. My point being there is no one blanket statement to cover thoughts on the vaccine in a subset of people. and remember, those 178 believed so much in not getting the shot they are losing their paycheck, and most likely job. That was my point the whole time… people who have had Covid and choose not to get the shot seem to be doing so informed, and with good reason. as I mentioned, I am fully vaxed and was first in line whenever they called, but acknowledge and understand hesitation in other groups.
  10. As I said, I am not anti vax, I was first in line to be jabbed , been fully vaxed since first week in April. But to suggest that anyone who does not get the jab is a flake, or that ALL people in a given subset.. be they healthcare workers , or males, or females , or liberals, or African Americans have one view on the vaccine is short sighted and leads to distrust across the board. BTW, I guess this sentence escaped your attention.
  11. damn, some of you people on here make it to easy. I point out again you suggested only one course of action and people who did not follow that course of action were not quite bright… which 100% contradicted the Cleveland Clinic study with some 40k plus participants. you then allege I only challenge cause “ the internet” I refute your claim, say it is not cause “ the internet” , But due to science. And I put my name on every post. You double down on your “ casue the internet” claim, and still lack the stones to claim your post. Man up dude, claim your posts. Here and everywhere. It’s how a certain generation of us grew up, not afraid to speak and defend our positions.
  12. Yea, can’t see that happening. My guess is 35% or more of attendance is from non NYS residents. I live in VA , and ain’t worried about it at all
  13. Hmm, seems some first responders may disagree. Shocking https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/06/08/houston-hospital-workers-suspended-vaccine/%3FoutputType%3Damp
  14. Again, I guess you can’t read. I challenged you because you did not read the content , but you do as you do and act like tough guy as you say cause “ internet” by the way tough guy, my name is on every post I make on the internet, I don’t hide behind avatars or nicknames. my name is Paul Lenz, as you can see. I stand behind everything I post on the internet. Visit my Twitter at , you guessed it, plenzmd1, see my pretty face , where I reside etc. Doubt you will do the same internet tough guy.
  15. No, I chose to challenge people who do not read the posted content. this study from Penn says one shot, Cleveland Clinic, in a much broader study in terms or participants, says has no benefit. I was vaxed as soon as was possible. Son who had Covid and is painting houses this summer did not want to miss work, told him not to get vaxed. I believe in science, and the science says he is protected.
  16. Jesus, I hated Trump, and still do. Having said that, this tweet says all ya need to know about the press and the dumbing down of America. “ a narrative we thought we knew is not the reality” People wonder why Trump supporters believe the election is stolen? This is why. case after case of the press lying to advocate a position.
  17. guess you dont like to read. The study done by the Cleveland Clinic posited getting a shot provided no additional protection over natural anti bodies formed by those that have had Covid. So, if it adds no additional benefit, why would someone take the shot that potentially can make them sick. Just answer that question in the context of this study. And BTW, i know plenty of people that was not a " headache and a fever" but were in bed for 2 or 3 days feeling like a truck had run them over.
  18. The study said “ no need for those who have had Covid to get vaccine” , followed by “ those who have had Covid are 2x more likely to adverse reactions “ According to those two statements, someone who has previously had Covid would have to be a complete idiot to get a shot that provides zero additional benefit but has a high chance of making you sick.
  19. does he dress like Pops?
  20. hey, who asked you? That looks like a fine vehicle! You are gunna come to tailgate no? My bride is coming!!!
  21. Agreed! And when the ball hits my $250K vehicle, someone really gunna pay!
  22. Hammers lot sucks for kids...fun as hell for adults, sucks for kids. Cars are jammed in pretty tight, no real room to throw ball, run around etc..even for the opener with our configuration...if Hammer wants to do that again. Not sure how many less cars he gets with that configuration, but after going a year with no cash flow, sure he is gunna need to maximize revenue this year. The opener this year is gunna be nucking futs I think at Hammers...tough environment for an 8 year old. This coming from someone who has always brought kids to games...since they were 7 and 5. Might want to think of parking somewhere else and walking over...stay if you like the envirnoment, but have somewhere to go if just not a great scene for an 8 year old. I used to recommend the back lot of ECC for people with kids..huge fields to play, the craziness not so bad..where I always went when kids were with us. However, they have converted part of that lot to the UBER lot since last time i was there...so i really cant offer an opinion. Anyone been back there last 3 years?
  23. Now, defend your position against the Wade article?
  24. I did nothing of the sort. Show me where I pasted anything from him. Damn, can you not defend a single position you take? Can you only sling lies ?
  25. WTF, can you not read or do you just choose to be obtuse. Please point to one area, just one, where I use Woods as a source or agree or disagree with his summation. Ya can’t, cause I have not. My position on this particular thread topic has always, always, been I care not what Woods take was, but the underlying analysis by a respected scientific author employed by the NYT merits serious consideration. you however, choose to make the discussion about James Woods and his opinions.. why I don’t know. So, read the article, form an opinion, and dispute or agree with Wades take. Or, don’t , and don’t hang around here cause you can’t defend your takes and you are intellectually dishonest. Honest folks can defend their positions with logic, not ad hominem attacks. but you are not honest, or smart, or intellectually curious, you are just interested in toting a party line.
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