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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. NIH Collins was on Bret Baier last night. His response to this question was along the lines “ we know they work for 6 months, still not sure past that”. Again , paraphrasing.
  2. yea, i dont know about that either..i assume via some kind tactile test...like i said i have my questions about the study
  3. Hmm, not so sure of this study, but it is scary if proven true. Guess what I dont understand is if people are working from home, are they making the conscious decision to not employ childcare to save money? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/12/children-born-during-pandemic-have-lower-iqs-us-study-finds
  4. forgot to add she went with me to sports bar in VA while we lived in DC to watch Sabre-Devil 4ot game that spring....the prospect of THAT never happening again made the sales pitch a little easier as well!
  5. Tell ya pal, point out the portion of the Bill passed in Georgia that does any one of the things you state as fact above, and i will buy you a 3 stadium beers or equivalent($45) for every point that is corroborated by the actual language of the bill.. For every one you cant, you owe me 1 stadium beer. And again, proof is not someone screaming voter repression, proof is actual language for the bill.
  6. Sure about that 91 thing? I know we all getting old LOL, but they started in 94. Remember clear as day as that is year I moved in with them girlfriend, now wife. I remember my pitch clearly. $1200 for the Dish $ 300 Installation $38 for cable( illegal for DTV to carry locals then) Worked out to $62 bucks a game for two years. We spend that on lunch and beers/ drinks at least every game we went to watch at bar, and she had to get up and out of jammies and shower ! up went the dish! Last year gave up DTV for YouTube TV and streaming Sunday ticket via college email address. Saves me over $1500 a year. Cost of one of my Bills Seasons. Well worth it. I pay less now for YouTube TV for 3 households than I paid strictly in hardware fees and insurance to DTV for 1 house. Dead business model.
  7. hmm, ya know its tough when even the Fact Checker for the WAPO agree with Stefanik and McCarthy https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/08/12/gops-attack-cdcs-mask-reversal-study-india/
  8. well, they may not want to get vaccinated cause the information keeps changing, and we cannot trust the very government mandating vaccines to supply us with accurate data sets. Can explain to me why a non vaccinated person is counted as Covid positive with just a positive test, possibly asymptomatic, but a vaccinated person is only counted as a breakthrough positive if they test positive, and have symptoms, and get hospitalized... If they will shift the way count things like that, does it not make sense people would think they may have fudged the data in the vaccine trials ? I dont believe that, but i can see how some people would. its like in sports..i don't care what the officiating is as long as its consistent...
  9. What is the mortality of rates of kids in car crashes vs Covid? What does either of those have to do with Covid? Prove to me you care about people more than politics, you can’t do it.
  10. Brilliant response. Guns are responsible for pediatric deaths due to influenza? Politics matter more than people to you and your ilk. why do we not ban kids riding in cars if 600 die in them every year and 97k are injured. If you can answer that simple question with a logical response I will be impressed.
  11. Show me your posts about kids and death from pediatric influenza. Ylu care not about the deaths, you and your ilk only care about party and politics. If same amount of kids die every year in car crashes , why should we not ban kids riding in cars? is it because there are no political points to win he se you don’t care about those kids?
  12. hmm, cant answer or respond to my post? Politics and party over people it is! Thanks for the confirmation , you sick twisted individual.
  13. okay l used the search function for you and pediatric influenza death...found zero. Proves my point, you do not care who dies, only what political win it gets for you and your ilk.You dont care about these 600 kids any more than you care about the 200 who died before them of flu. Prove me wrong. Well documented here and anywhere you want to look i never voted for or liked Trump, he was awful for this country. (edit) never owned a gun in my life either, live in the Fan district of Richmond..a urban enclave of progressives..and my second home is a condo in Kalorama Triangle in DC..you know the bastion of Trump loving gun owners...man you are simple.
  14. Covid death appears to be..cause that all about politics to you, has nothing to do with the actual people getting sick or dying..those just numbers to you and ilk.You cheer when an unvaxed person dies...that shows how much you care. Sick and twisted is what it is. Show me one post since you joined this board where you railed against pediatric influenza deaths..or people not getting a flu shot. resulting in kids deaths...or calling for any administration to do something about the 200 pediatric influenza deaths in kids every year. I will wait...
  15. what is your tipping point for deaths ? Again, please show any post of yours pre covid that was seething about adults and or kids not getting flu shots and kids dying from getting the flu... schools being open, masks not be worn etc for the pediatric influenza deaths prior to Covid. Do those deaths not matter to you? Do the only pediatric deaths that matter to you are from Covid ?
  16. i asked what is your tipping point...if 1000 kids die next year in cars..should be ban kids riding in cars? Again, i don't remember you seething or even mentioning anything over kid flu deaths pre Covid...so i am guessing those kids lives just did not matter to you as all you care about are politics..you and the rest of left i
  17. again, what number of kids have to die before you start to have outrage over? Must be somewhere between 200 and 600...so 450 maybe is your tipping point?
  18. Okay, over 600 kids does in 2018 in car crashes. Should we ban kids riding in cars? 97k injured. I mean how in the holy hell do those scumbag MAGA people allow kids in cars. Freaking insensitive ####### https://www.cdc.gov/transportationsafety/child_passenger_safety/cps-factsheet.html . 2019-2020 flu season, 199 kids does of influenza. Where was your passionate outrage then ? Show me a post where you mention pediatric deaths from flu in any post pre covid https://www.cdc.gov/flu/spotlights/2020-2021/pediatric-flu-deaths-reach-new-high.htm What is the number when we care? 200 okay, but 600 demands all schools shut down, masks be worn everywhere ? Where does your outrage begin.
  19. 3 since 03/20 In Va… so almost 17 months. Average pediatric deaths due to seasonal influenza is 6 in VA. So, I am guessing all schools and teachers seem even 1 as too many, so logic dictates education should be 100% online and all youth sports cancelled forever.
  20. Found two things interesting g in this article. 1) CDC does not consider it a positive breakthrough case if no symptoms. Wonder if the states are doing the same thing with non vaccinated cases ? Wonder what number of the case surge is asymptotic and would not be counted if they were vaccinated. And people wonder why folks who don’t want the vax question the numbers. BTW, in vaccine trials 2 symptoms plus a positive test were needed to be considered as a positive. 2) 21% of people who died while Covid positive died of other causes , not Covid. Wish we broke out all Covid deaths that way.
  21. do you remember the pictures of supposedly dead Chinese Citizens being picked up in the streets as if they had fallen dead on the spot with no warning? This sounds very similar...Covid does not strike out of no where...when it takes a life, it takes time...its why death rates generally lag case rates by a couple of weeks. Any critical thinker would question a sudden in home death being reported as a death from Covid...it does not make sense. well, the Delta scourge is So Deadly and so urgent fully 75%% of states don't report any case, hospitalizations, or death numbers on the weekend.
  22. Why do people think of anything besides Josh Allen in the shower?
  23. I just found a racist institution. The DC Traffic and Parking enforcement is indeed racist according to the WAPO. The AUTOMATED cameras DC uses for traffic enforcement spits out tickets to black drivers more than white drivers. I mean, the new AI in cameras that programmed them to be racist is really something. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2021/08/06/dc-traffic-parking-tickets-black-neighborhoods/
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