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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. And in this little paragraph, you're mixing apples and cranberries. Be precise. Are we talking about VAERS or immunity? Instead of people being their immunologists and doctors, maybe they should just listen to their doctors. On the second topic, natural immunity works well, not as well as immunity +vax it would seem, but why get and spread covid to get it. Just get the nearly zero-risk vaccine. Don't believe me. Ask your doctor what you should do. The CDC is trying to get this data from the states. Here is one page that lists it through July with all the states that track it to that point. https://www.kff.org/policy-watch/covid-19-vaccine-breakthrough-cases-data-from-the-states/ And though you harp on wanting CDC data, you can get the data from various states and countries. You know what it shows? Being vaccinated gives a massive advantage to getting infected over unvaccinated. And if you look at hospitalizations and deaths, the difference is even starker. I doubt you're completely ignorant on this point but you want one specific data point from the CDC like that is your only answer. It's not. And guess what, see the primary rule: Ask your doctor what you should do on getting vaccinated. The virus lingers. PCR is the overly cautious approach to case detection. I am not demonizing you. But you're trying to undermine the vaccine effectiveness, wich is clearly established vs cases, transmission, and serious consequences. Don't believe me, ask your doctor. It's not garbage. The CDC mostly uses good data. They are better at it than you or me. The P-town study got blown up because people like you want to conflate it with vaccine failure, which it did not show. What's your doctor say? What's your doctor say vis-a-vis the CDC recommendation? What does an anti-vax person's doc say? We are living in a post-science world where PPP and Twitter are given more weight than scientists. And you were saying you aren't a conspiracist. Tell me: Why is the CDC lying to everyone? To many points to quite directly, so here i will answer in compact form. The CDC has used bad data, bad studies, and bad tracking on both case counts, breakthough vaccine cases, side affects due to vaccine, PCR Cucle Thresholds amd mask effectiveness, and yet you do not see a connection on why choose not to believe them on vaccine effectiveness or potential side effects. Clear distinction here again...I did not say i do not believe in the vaccine..I have been fully vaxed since April and own enough Moderna stock to make my financial guy nervous i own too much. And the CDC is lying cause they have become politicized under Biden. You yourself admit the data they use on both VAERS and breakthrough cases is garbage. Why do they not clearly state what a PCR test is and what a Cycle Threshold is and why it is so high it detects dead virus... if it is "overly" cautious, why are schools and governments using to make decisions that affect our children and our economy? Why did Biden come out and declare everyone was gunna get a booster in August, the FDAs and CDC advisory panels said no, not needed...and yet Wallensky overrode both them to declare "essential workers" get them as well. Why did the CDCissue a rent moratorium when the Supreme Court has already rules that was unconstitutional? Again, my whole point is been when you make it political and are not turthful with people, they will question EVERYTHING ...as people are doingt with the CDC
  2. Ang again, you prove my point. You say the study the CDC relied upon to form guidance has been debunked, and yet the CDC used it to form guidance and make critical decisions. You claim the very source the CDC uses to track side affects of vaccines is garbage, and yet you cannot understand why people say with natural immunity say “ nah, ya know what, I got stronger immunity than any shot, why risk a side effect that no one has clue about, even the CDC”. Yep, big conspiracy theory there. You have not answered the question of how many cases in the case counts everyday are amongst the vaccinated. Again, point me to the CDC study’s or data that tracks that number. I appreciate it. And you have not explained why the CDC wants you to use a PCR to establish infection, but not to establish the absence of the virus. All you want to do is demonize people who question the vaccines or the “government” , I have just given you 5 pretty big reasons why they might do that. and while you seem to agree with me that the info they use is garbage , you accuse me of saying I know science “better”. Never said that. What I am is a guy who questions a politicized agency that makes decisions based on feels, not on science, and because of that they contribute mightily to the anti vax crowd. I know you don’t read well, but I have read extensively on mRNA technology before the vaxes came out , believe in the vax 100% , took mine as soon as I could, and bought a ton of Moderna last August. I like to take dives and understand why people who have different views than mine would have those views, and have settled on one of the reasons we have strident anti vax people is the nonsense that comes out of the CDC. if they were honest, people would trust them. They are not honest, especially this group on charge now.
  3. I have never posted one “ conspiracy theory”. I post actual studies and actual documents from the CDC. I ask you again these questions What is the actual rate of breakthrough infections in the vaccinated in the US? Why does the cDC recommend we use PCR tests to detect if you have Covid and need to isolate for 10 days and determine case rates , but not use if you have had an active infection to determine when isolation can end? I posted a study from P town that you said has been debunked, why then did the CDC use it to form guidance? what studies and data has the CDC itself conducted and collected. to form guidance and policies around Covid. Why did Biden declare everyone was gunna get a booster , then have both the CDC and the FDA advisory panels only approve for over 65s and the immune compromised? Why then did his CDC director overrule her own panel and expand the use of boosters? the September VAERS data shows over 700 K adverse reactions , and over 15k deaths. Do you dispute any of those numbers ? Study after study after study has shown natural immunity at least as effective as vax, why then do folks with natural immunity need a vax especially in light of the VAERS date supplied above? if you believe any of the above are conspiracy theories, please point out where and why.
  4. What I am saying is that the CDC gives fuel to the people who question anything the CDC says. Think of the CDC has your local weather guy , and for 5 storms in a row they have called it storm of the century and ya better evacuate and then ya get nothing but a big thunderstorm. When the 6th actually is storm of the century, and no one evacuates, can you really blame anyone? This regime of the CDC has proven to be an extension of the White House and do what is politically expedient. Whether is be mask guidance, how they count breakthrough infections , booster shots, and as this guidance proves the usefulness of a PCR test. so if they guided by politics and unscientific methods in all other areas, I can understand why there are people who say” sure,, they make decisions based on politics everywhere else, but not vaccine efficacy or side effects ? Yea, I gots me a bridge if your interested”.
  5. I find it very funny that the CDC itself acknowledges the PCR test is so very whacked. Being fully vaxed, and yet testing positive for Covid, i wanted to do the very safe thing and and get a PCR negative test before circulating again in the wild. Much to my surprise, the CDC does not recommend that as the PCR can pick up virus presence from as much as 3 months ago... WTF???? we are relying on this test to form CDC recommendations but they recognize the CT is making it essentially a useless test? And people wonder why there are folks who say the vaccine is bull crap...fool me once and all...what a joke this agency is. Blow it the fudge up and start over with non politically appointed leadership. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/duration-isolation.html
  6. can someone explain to me why in CA Newsom has said once approved , all children must be vaccinated in order to go to class. No exceptions But right now, with a fully approved vaccine, teachers have a choice to either get vaxxed or test weekly. Someone please explain how this is not 100% political, and why someone who has children is a California school should trust anything Newsom does on the pandemic. BTW, the other powerful union in the state, the correctional officers union...and guess what...in what is quite possibly the best breeding ground of Covid imaginable, Newsom was against mandated the officers to get vaxxed. HMMM..sure not political
  7. says the one who says" how did this get political"...casue people like you and statements like this. And, who made vaccines political...really..who did it https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/16/us/politics/biden-trump-coronavirus-vaccine.html n his speech, Mr. Biden thrust the issue of a coronavirus vaccine to center stage in the presidential race, expressing grave concern over the political pressure he said Mr. Trump was exerting over the government’s approval process and accusing him of trying to rush out a vaccine for electoral gain. And hmm,,,who made this political again..the vaccines that is? https://www.yahoo.com/now/kamala-harris-says-she-wont-take-covid-vaccine-just-on-trumps-sayso-020511962.html And what day did Pzizer announce its trials results? Hmm, few days after Biden was declared the winner...nah, nothing fishy there. Sure the data was just absolutley not ready on November 2nd. And hmmm, this doesnt seem political at all https://trialsitenews.com/booster-program-decision-cdcs-director-walensky-goes-against-her-own-acip-aligning-with-fda-potus-and-pfizer/ Sure it has nothing to do with her bosses declaration in August that booster would be rolling out no matter what the data suggests...nah , that wasn't political.
  8. Your post main thrust was the vaccine was made political, and implied it was people on one side of the aisle/argument that made it political. My point is it has been made political by both sides, and one side seems to have much less tolerance and empathy than does the other side.
  9. no, people are dying because people like you turned into a mantra of good vs evil...facts be damned. One side made it political when they said they would not trust the vaccines if they came out before the election...that side made it political. If one side did not focus on "dumb Trump supporters" and instead listened to black, hispanic, and evangelicals as to their reservations, maybe some of those resistant to the vax would not have dug in so hard. But when you only focus hatred on "dumb white Trump supporters" you make education efforts political. If one side , the side that seems themselves as tolerant and giving and just better people than the other side mind you, did not laugh with when someone from the other side dies, maybe the conversation would not be so politicized. Maybe if they did not suggest withholding medical care to sickl and dieing people the tone of the conversation would not be political, but more reasoned. One side says get a jab, no matter what, even if you have natural antibodies..why? Is the goal of the shot not to trigger antibodies ? This same loving . caring, group wants Americans to take a 3RD shot before most of the rest of the world gets even their first shot. If the damn thing prevents sickness and death, is it really that much to ask you to risk the freaking sniffles so someone else may not die? And BTW, middle finger emoji to you @LeviF, you can only hope you make it to my age cohort ya dumb as a stump youngin!
  10. so, if the P town study has been discredited, what does that say about our current CDC director who used it as basis for official guidance of the CDC. The same Director who just overode the advice of the FDA and her own agency to make booster decisions. And when i google "Biden administration investments in Covid Therapeutics" i got a total of $3.5 billion..that is all i am coming up with. Now, i fully admit i may not know of everything they are doing, and why i needed to google, but would welcome you pointing them out
  11. I have been saying that since March of 20, bu to be fair, many have been saying it since 09. I truly became aware of MMT prolly at the beginning of Trump era, and his escalation of the debt. Still don’t think I have a great grasp on it.
  12. I have no clue what you posted before , but I guess you agree with me it’s a crap shoot in the US as there is no federal leadership or guidance on what data to collect in order to study how many cases in fullly vaxed people. Shocking lack of direction from the leader who was gunna stop the virus, not the economy. His one and only way out are the vaccines( developed under his predecessor), and man if that horse don’t win we all guuna be broke. Talk about putting your eggs in one basket , wholly mackerel. So you don’t know the numbers, the CDC does not know the numbers , no one knows the numbers , but my numbers are anecdotal even though they are happening to me , my family, and close fiends. A okay! how bout the study from P town? Did ya link that one as it helped form CDC guidance. Seems to me they believe that one. 75% infection rate for the vaccinated? or how about this one https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/vaccinated-people-singapore-make-up-three-quarters-recent-covid-19-cases-2021-07-23/ Or this from Israel, half of cases in fully vaxed https://www.science.org/news/2021/08/grim-warning-israel-vaccination-blunts-does-not-defeat-delta Then vax ain’t working like they said it would , plain and simple. It’s helping keep people for getting real sick, great. They call that medicine , not vaccine. Maybe Biden should be putting some money into finding other therapeutics instead of betting our collective health on only 1.
  13. This is truly unbelievable , wonder how the national broadcasts covered it this evening.
  14. that is what people are protesting... in terms of guns you have this https://chicago.suntimes.com/politics/2021/8/2/22606411/illinois-gun-laws-universal-background-checks-seizure-revoked-firearm-licenses-pritzker And yet, I heard Obama on TV today claim the gun violence in Chicago due to gun laws...and nothing else. 100% gun laws. No policies outside of gun laws had any effect on escalating gun violence ,,,hmm interesting
  15. there is a family section, just google it up. General rule of thumb is more expensive the ticket, less rowdy section. Having said that, Bills games, to me at least, quite tame now. Drunks..yes, but 99% friendly. Language...certainly. Weed smell? most likely, but doubt kids that age will know the smell...and its pretty much legal now anyway. My advice is stay out of the endzones and very outer sections of the upper deck, and oyu should be fine
  16. sign up in the Houston TBD parking thread above Recommended be there by 7:30, no later than 8. There is always a B word of a line to get in, but worth it $40, CASH ONLY( opener price, @mead107 can confirm)
  17. prey tell, please expound on the number or % of Covid cases in the US in fully vaxed people right now. And, why is the CDC not tracking that data????
  18. Well, tell ya what. Show me the number of actual % cases of Covid that are in fully vaxed people. What’s that? Ya can’t cause the CDC only counts someone who gets hospitized and or dies as a breakthrough case? So we could be at 10% cases in fully vaxed, or 50%… wonder why we don’t freaking know. So if you quoting CDC about the effectiveness of the vaccine, rest assured that is “ anecdotally “ as well. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.propublica.org/article/the-cdc-only-tracks-a-fraction-of-breakthrough-covid-19-infections-even-as-cases-surge/amp man, critical thinking and questioning has left the building in this Covid crap.
  19. yea, i am becoming more and more convinced this vaccine thing not working the way it should. All anecdotally...but 7 of 8 people i was with at WVU game two weekends ago now have had the coco..all vaxed. My Bills seatmate lives in CO..early August had 5 houseguests in...5 of the 6 get coco..all vaxed, 6th was/is unvaxed and never tested positive. At my golf club...pre-vaccines...we had like 10 cases of Covid from March 2020-August 2021 And trust me, there was no social distancing or mask wearing etc at this good ole boys club in Richmond VA..ever...yes that is correct...i have yet to see one mask worn in my club since this thing started. Last two months seems like over 30 cases...as far as we can tell...all vaxed. Granted, in the CDC stats, only 2 of those cases count as breakthrough as only 2 people were hospitalized( 2 old guys at golf club) And i don't want to hear "well, it lessens the symptoms"...then call it something else...but what we putting in our arms right now is anything BUT a vaccine. Kinda glad i have the coc right now, will finally have some freaking protection that works moving forward.
  20. I am thanks...feel 95% now, just a slight tiredness to joints...any other Non Covid year would not be thinking twice about it.
  21. Hey All 135, row 21, Seat 18. Face value on this ticket directly from Bills was $311, looking for $150 OBO.
  22. Just tested positive for the coco...fully vaxed since April 24th. Cold like symptoms. These vaccines are not vaccines, they are therapeutics, and we should call them as such.
  23. And on cue in a few days we will see shock pieces of people being lined up in the ER cause of Covid..with no mention of staff shortage due to vaccine mandate. Hope all yall who are all for vaccine mandates enjoy making sick people wait for medical care. I mean these folks were hero's 6 months ago, been working the the hospital for 18 months helping sick people...lets fire em! Freaking idiots https://buffalonews.com/news/local/ecmc-to-restrict-new-patient-admissions-due-to-staff-vaccine-mandate/article_bd4abfee-1bbd-11ec-85ca-8f53cbf8af1f.html#tracking-source=home-top-story-1
  24. My argument is you can replace Goebels with Psaki , the Nazi party with the DNC, and the German Press/Media with the American main stream press of today. For good measure you can replace Leni Riefenstahl and Dorsey/Zuckerburg , and away ya go with the American media establishment of 2021. and lets not forget we had a President admit they are profiling people on social media that have opinions contrary to theirs and that information that runs counter to their propaganda is killing people. Kinda sounds like 1934 in Berlin to me. Whats the next step for people that disagree witht he state? Maybe we are already seeing a preview of it in Australia
  25. But that’s the problem no? The MSM is to Psaki and the DNC what the German press was to Goebels. Both puppets that only print and report on the agenda they want to push. reqd this thread for an example. I know you don’t care about the truth or democracy, and prefer a communistic state, but this is scary stuff.
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