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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. here is my point. The restaurant almost certainly orders their food and all supplies over the internet. The suppliers accept the orders and schedule delivery using a program delivered over the internet. The farmers where the food comes from uses the internet to order all of their supplies and schedule delivery, get payment etc. They always either do their books on some SaaS program like Quick Books, or their accountant does their books using a SaaS program like Quick Books. They input their employees time for paychecks over the internet. Their employees may get paid with a pay card funded over the internet. The internet is so much more than phones and personal use. Prolly 80% of commercial activity is now connected to the internet in one form or another, and will soon be 100%. Neglect at your peril....
  2. @T master, you see the internet and high speed connections only for home use...and individuals playing games and reading message boards I see it as the electric grid in the 1900's. Nothing we have today works without electricity....nothing in society will work in 10 years without the internet...nothing. Tell ya what, name me one thing that works without the internet today Countries that invest in that asset will have a competitive advantage both economically and strategically...
  3. I thought the majority of this bill was funded by unused Rescue act funds? I could be wrong on that, but think that is why 19 GOP Senators agreed to it?
  4. could not disagree more. It is more important to our national prosperity and security than roads and bridges. Only next to the chip production issue
  5. i am not conversing with you, why i dont post here often. Useless drivel from you and C3...at least @Sundanceruses logic and defends his positions and welcomes good debate, i have respect for him. And see you did not address the illegal votes being counted in a Blue dominated county. I did not know this. I walked up to entrance to polling place and was told to put a mask on, so i did. Reported location in reply to the tweet for GOP VA. Thank you for posting
  6. Fairfax already acknowledges they accepted illegal absentee votes...hmm, who dominates in that county? https://wtop.com/fairfax-county/2021/10/judge-dismisses-lawsuit-claiming-fairfax-county-broke-absentee-ballot-rules/ And yes,t he suit was dismissed as the organization that brought it was not deemed directly harmed..i know that in advance. Does not change the fact Konopacek admitted his office has counted illegal votes. As a side note, i have not seen you rail against the voter repression in Virginia law by requiring a social security number, guess that only matters in red states.
  7. Are you serious with this? That would be like someone in 1920 ask why we should invest in the electric grid. All of modern society depends on the internet, prolly 80% of the fortune 2000 runs it's business almost completely on the internet, research of all kinds from medical, to genetic, to industrial..all of it, financial transactions of all kinds...literally just about everything in the developed world depends on reliable high speed connections to the internet. The only thing i would ask for in this nill, that may be in there and i just do not know it..is money to bring chip manufacturing onshore. We are SO dependent on the internet and chips of all kinds, Taiwan has 65% of global chip production...that is the biggest threat out there right now to our way of life, much more so than climate.
  8. Section 335. Very last row is stadium. Stand the whole game if ya like, get to bathroom quick, nice area next to TV stand to hangout as well. Unique seats actually. Be with my nephew as well! make me an offer.
  9. Looks like WAPO has turned off comments on this story.
  10. Hmm, in blue Virginia where I live to register to vote you need either a VA drivers license or a state ID card, PLUS a social security number. Are you outraged at that ?
  11. if there are no issues , why worry about the new regs in some states..also, why no whining about blue states with old regulations that are more restrictive then say Georgia?
  12. If you are a US citizen can meet the state's eligibility requirements and are at least 18 years of age. you issue with affirmatively proving those conditions is what exactly? https://www.usa.gov/who-can-vote
  13. I would bet dollars to donuts you do not have an American flag outside your door.
  14. It is amazing to anyone paying attention. You have this and the Couric thing in the same day, and people still want to trust the MSM , they believe these are isolated incidents.
  15. Does it bother you that your network lied? “ they shouldn’t have done that”
  16. yep, those vaccines just working exactly as advertised.
  17. Show me one post, just one, where I am anti vax. I have said repeatedly people should take the vaccine, except if they have natural immunity. I am fully based for Christ sake and own Moderna stock. For the umpteenth time what I continue to point out to the vaccine cutlers like you is that the information our government provides is garbage , as you admit , the whole process has been politicized, and I can understand in the face of all the conflicting and quite frankly misleading information put out by our government why people are hesitant to take the vaccine. it is an absolute travesty how the CDC has performed during this pandemic, but especially under Walensky. They are much more to blame for vaccine hesitancy and resistance than trump, or Tucker et al. You chose to bury your head in the sand and say “ just get the vaccine and this all goes away cause that’s what the government says” But you can’t even tell me the number of cases that are breakthough cases. as I have mention before , 7 of 8 people with me at a game tested positive for Covid, we were all fully vaxed. 5 of 6 at a friends house for Covid, all vaxxed except the one dude who did not catch Covid. and this is not a crazy coincidence, it’s happening all over. But cause the CDC has decided unless hospitalized, it’s not a breakthrough we have no true numbers that indicate vaccine efficacy in the USA in real time. And that’s a damn shame. Leads a whole lot of folks to ask why in light of the Delta variant, they continue that policy. What are they afraid of?
  18. i have no clue whats on Facebook, as i saw someone refer to it the other day.." the virtual nursing home of the internet" LOL. But for Sundancer to claim all doctors are infallible and that the internet is not a treasure trove of info that should be used to research your options when it concerns the heath of you and your family is just wrong,. Even worse , to me it's just plain lazy to not do research, especially when it comes to the health of your children.
  19. again, my discussion argument is not against the vaccines, (except if you have natural immunity) My argument in this thread has always been trying to explain why people would have aversions to taking the jab. People who blindly claim the science is settled when we have garbage information from our government, and we have differing opinions emanating from different governments...certainly points to the science not be settled. Would you blame a young person who has had Covid , not yet jabbed, saying " look, this Moderna thing been out there 11 months, they just finding out now it may pose a risk..whos to say in a few months Pfizer et al will not have side effects discovered too"
  20. So, let me get this straight. You just blindly do everything that any doctor recommends you do? Do you understand the litigious society we live in? Do you think any doctor is going to expose themselves in regards to this vaccine? Let me tell you from experience, Docs always default to meds or surgery, its easy and it insulates them from litigation. I know from years of experience with my son...you do understand with the ADHD meds, they have no clue why they work and what the long term affects will be of sustained. prolonged use of stimulants...and yet its the first and most often only solution pediatricians will recommend for ADHD. About May of 2020, i had an ortho tell me the damage to my shoulder could only be fixed with an expensive surgery with several months of post surgery rehab. I researched the injury, exercises and equipment i could use to rehab...and what do ya know my shoulder is just fine today. I have also had docs tell me my SI joint dysfunction needed surgery as only option...and what do you know, strength exercises i researched online and the occasional chiro visit and i manage just fine And yes, i am thankful the internet exists and it affords us layman the ability to dig in and find out what may be best for ourselves and families, and not blindly follow a doctor. But god bless you think they are infallible.
  21. So, you believe the Chief Medial officer of Sweden is a conspiracy theorist and does not trust science?
  22. Classic case of missing the point. @Sundancer et all make the case all the time”’take the jab, there are no side effects, the government tells me so” and ridicules people who question the info we are fed. Again, I am jabbed and believed in it for most people. But that does not mean I stick my head in the sand and blindly follow what a for profit company and a politicized CDC telll me. I am sure you saw where BioNtech ceo came out today and said “ anew vaccine will be needed next year”. Shocking. A company with one product and one profit center says we need to keep taking their “ new and improved “shot that supplies that profit.. and y’all will just slurp it up and say “ yep”.. no questions asked.
  23. Doing your own research , with all the options available to you today, and making decisions in conjunction with your doctor sounds like the path to take to me. Do you not believe in 2nd opinions? Do you blindly follow every doctor you have ever seen? do you know what they call the guy who was last in their class at med school?
  24. My doctor recommends some things I dismiss, including taking statins and one ortho who insisted I needed shoulder surgery which I nixed and rehabbed instead with exercises I found online. Doctors are not omniscient , and several have differing opinions on several subjects. People should certainly weigh what their doctors say carefully, but also do their own research and make their own health decisions.
  25. Hmm. Everyone just comply and shut up and take the Vax. The CDC says so, and so does @Sundancer, Who thinks only conspiracy theorists like Berenson believe there is any issue with side effects. Guess the Swedes read Berenson on substack eh? this is exactly why young people . Especially those who have had Covid, should just so no to the vax.
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