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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. Hey all, just booked a couple places on airbnb that can be cancelled in case the Thanksgiving rumors are correct. One of the nicer places is on Hamilton street in Pigtown. Now, i am an urban guy and don't mind a little grtittyness, but will have MIL with us and some folks who think Larkinville are the mean streets of WNY. Anybody weigh in on the location? Only couple blocks from the stadium so would be perfect for game . Have a place few blocks away in Fed Hill too,,just not as nice.
  2. May now. They moved it to after the draft...so they get PR all of April leading to the draft, and then half of May leading up to the schedule release. June they get OTAS and minicamps...July TC....NFL doings every month now!!!!
  3. POst June 1 designation allows team to spread dead cap over two years, instead of just the one coming up. Just depends if Beane want more room this year or next. However, for teams like the Giants who know they prolly gunna suck this year, you want to take all the dead cpl this year so you can start your rebuild and have proper cap room in year 2
  4. Yes, in DC. III. OUTDOOR AND TRANSIT-RELATED WEARING OF MASKS Except as specified in Section IV of this Order: 1. Persons leaving their residences shall wear a mask when they are likely to come into contact with another person https://coronavirus.dc.gov/maskorder
  5. Not to mention by Monday you are eating week old food. No Thanks
  6. was wondering what i was missing! I was like damn..are there heaters i dont know about????
  7. Hmm, what comfort is that?
  8. wow..this is amazing.
  9. I do have good news to report today, and not being facetious. Watching the local TV news for RVA this morning , they reported positivity rate at 34%, and over 15k new cases. And they reported it matter of factly, followed it up with about a minute on new testing sites.. and then moved on after reporting all local school districts are staying open. in September, it was end of days with 8% positivity and 4K cases. good to see common sense coming back, we are finally, finally , at the point we should have been in May 2020. and, I think we are finally at a place the vast majority of people understand the vaccine at best was a help in symptoms, not even close to providing ANY immunity.
  10. No, you don’t say. Where is @Sundancerand @The Frankish Reich when ya really need them to defend the vaccines. I mean why would the CEOs of both Moderna and Pfizer say ya need a fourth go round? They have ZERO to gain of their LTIPS based on revenue targets and EBITIDA AND Share price. They ONLY care about public health. My lord, when do the Stockholm syndrome folks break free?
  11. Hmmm, this was interesting to me. In a WAPO story about vaccine mandates in France, was this little tidbit. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/01/05/macron-unvaccinated-france-covid/ Maybe I missed something, has the CDC completely backed off the claim these “vaccines” are in fact vaccines?
  12. Jesus, you are denser than I thought. You argued the whole reason the vaccines were granted EAU was because they reduced severity of symptoms, they were never meant to confer immunity, that was just a by product. I asked you to find me one example of a vaccine that was not meant to confer immunity, and you post this . You do understand if I have immunity I ain’t transmitting the virus correct? And you prove my point. Thank you. This thing is not a vaccine. And again, you either did not read or do not understand the article I reported. Yes, Pfizer vaccine was approved, but it is a separate product from the vaccine that gained EAU and only the EAU vaccine is being used. Just do yourself a favor and READ!!!! If they use that product now without the approval for children, that are not shielded from liability laws. They are once approved for children. Why do you think Pfizer is so desperately testing a 3 shot regimen in kids under 5 that are statically zero risk? And btw Dippoop, Moderna has nut been authorized yet, it is still only being used under EAU. https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/moderna-covid-19-vaccine-frequently-asked-questions https://www.cbs17.com/news/why-isnt-the-moderna-vaccine-fda-approved-but-pfizers-is/ Until about late August I was a massive believer in getting vaxed , but as data change and circumstances change, I allow my opinions to change. so go back to saying the vaccine was always designed to only limit symptoms to make ya feel better, as it seems believing everything the gov/ pharma tells you appears to give you the warm and snugglies
  13. Knew a ton of people with Covid pre vaccine , they were all kept out of the ICU too! I am a believer they help with the severity of the symptoms, I believe the data conclusively shows that. what they are not is a vaccine that confers any kind of immunity, and think the data and evidence clearly shows that as well.
  14. Now this is some poop all the for all who idolize the vaccine and its makers/enablers. I don’t have the time to verify all this today, but will over the next couple of days.
  15. Meaning,,, that all viruses mutate? Who do you think does not understand that except the dopes who continue to say get more shots ?
  16. Yep, my triple shot , double mask wearing daughter going through a rough couple days of Covid right now. Triple jabbed nephew just texted me this will be first home game he missed since 2012 as he is in bed with Covid and feeling like poop for the last 48 hours. But guys like @The Frankish Reichwill continue to claim the vaccines are doing their job as intended and we would be out of this if just everyone got jabbed more. Data be damned! every single person I know who has tested positive for Covid since July has been fully vaxed. And I knows lots o folks who have tested positive, including me, my wife , and both kids who do not live with us.
  17. You do realize South Africa is a massive country with similar temperature disparities to the US? Your statement is like saying "you do realize its summer and August in the US, that's why people in Arizona and Florida and Texas are outside more, its the perfect time to be outside". Be good if you learned a bit of geography and climate ya dolt. Ya still saying the vaccines stop transmission ? Ya really believe that? And before ya say." they prevent hospitalization", answer the question, do they prevent transmission?
  18. If I am dense, you are just a complete idiot that denies evidence.First, if it was not intended to stop transmission why is it called a vaccine? Just answer that one question and cite another vaccine that was not intended to stop transmission only help with symptoms once contracted. I will stop all posting if you can simply prove what you assert , the vaccines initial goal was to curb symptoms, and it was never intended to stop transmission. I suppose you will deny this too directly from the FDA Website. https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine-frequently-asked-questions Jesus , i would rather be dence than as gullible as you Second, watch the video I posted, or the one @Big Blitz did, direct from Faucis mouth “ the are incredibly effective against variants”. Are you truly denying he said that? Do you deny the CEO of Pfizer claimed 100% effectiveness against transmission in South Africa ? Do you deny the hard of the CDC said vaccinated no longer transmit the virus? That Maddow said the “ virus stops at the vaccinated”. If you dumb enoughy to deny all those things even though they are all on the video I linked, you are just being obtuse. Oh that’s right, it hits when people go back inside, like it has two years in a row in the southeast without a vaccine and with a vaccine, just as it has in the north when we go back inside with or without a “vaccine. “ and when it goes down in February/March just like it Did last year, it will be credited to the vaccine.
  19. It’s almost as if a respiratory virus did what every other respiratory virus does and got worse in winter, declined over the spring and summer, and ramped up again in the fall and winter. Did it 2020, and now again in 2021. Hmm, who coulda thunk that would happen with all the vaccines and boosters!
  20. And yep, more for the “ deny the message was always we think they help transmission , but not sure “ crowd like @GaryPinC
  21. It’s amazing to me how folks are so invested in the vaccine story that they complete change the narrative of the vaccines. I mean it is truly, spectacularly amazing. Guys like @GaryPinC saying the powers that be NEVER suggested vaccines would stop transmission. I mean, if Fauci et al were my kid I would tell them listen, it’s okay to be wrong. Just admit it, take the mea culpa, admit the vaccines and the new pill a pre Covid and a post Covid therapeutic “ In addition , We are gunna start treating this like we should have from the start, stay at home when you are sick , test , and when you have no symptoms go back to living. what a freaking sham this all is.
  22. You are serious? Can’t be, no way. Honestly, from the start we were told vaccines would stop transmission, that only changed when the effectiveness went down. people who want to believe like you rehash facts to fit your narrative. How can you deny any of these things were said? They are all on record. a few breakthough cases is not the same as it was never intended to stop transmission. Call it a therapeutic if ya want, it sure as chit ain’t a vaccine. BTW, my double mask wearing , rule following, triple shot daughter at home with Covid right now. all a ***** sham, and you buying into it. Virus was always gunna virus. Change the tone on vaccines as they are not a solution out as we are seeing, and it’s a danger to society and public health to keep pushing something as a panacea to the Covid era when it so clearly does not work as intended.
  23. I was more suggesting where i think @Augie should go, but i know the boy and wont expect a response till after 11AM...he adheres to a very rigorous schedule
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