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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. I will be there,but i usually do not do the "official Bills meet up" ...bars get too crowded for me and everything becomes a giant pain in da ass! This outfit I think does a decent job of game day tailgates. I have never purchased it, but have seen them everytime I go to an away game and people seem to be having a great. They were next door to the bar I was at in BMORE, and looked like a decent setup https://www.tixr.com/groups/gamedayhospitality/events/buffalo-red-zone-on-the-road-at-seattle-110301
  2. #1) thank you for the post, and you have the right to do what you want to do..absolutely. And feel how you feel #2) Pegulas have the right to do what they want to do as you stated The local and state govt gave him the money as they did not want to lose what they consider a civic asset. He is charging the PSL as he thinks he can, we shall see if they sell them all out #3) I understand their sales process, as many lower bowl seat holders would have said just give me the upper deck in the lower rows...but then those folks in those seats currently get the hammer put to them... it's a rock and a hard place I think #4) Bills tickets lower bowl between the 30's was probably the best value in sports for decades. They are no longer, they are market rate for an NFL game. Sucks we are eating the increase, but thankful we had years of below-market pricing. My gut tells me those tickets are eating the biggest percentage increases as they were below market to start. Have a feeling the 400s will not see that much of an increase and there will be plenty of $1-2K options on the PSL. #5) I am with you, I am perfectly happy in the old stadium, but that style of stadium has gone the way of the dodo bird. It was inevitable we get a new one, if nothing else for safety's sake . That upper deck ain't making it another decade. #6) Everyone needs to make their choices, but I hope folks going through the process are nice to the salespeople. They are not setting the pricing or policies, just doing their job and trying to do the best for themselves and their families.
  3. Damn, pricing for my seats is going up almost 100% 8K PSL, 3K per year per seat...on the 30 Knew the real fallout was going to be the folks between the 30's in the lower bowl. We have had an unbelievable bargain since Josh came on board in terms of NFL pricing. They making up for it now
  4. we do virtually on Monday. I am in Richmond, guy I split seats with is in Denver..single, no kids. He gonna be a tough sell, I am probably buying to give to my kids. I did not see it posted here and apologies if it was and I missed, for 135 equivalent, any clue on the PSL?
  5. game day that will work
  6. Ride share a complete poop show after night games. I can tell 1000% i would be taking the NFTA Express Bus services before ride share...especially after the game. I would then take a ride share from the stop you get off https://metro.nfta.com/schedules/game-day-express
  7. Dude balled like a mofo today. Player of the game ya ask me.
  8. For all yall that reserved a spot and did not show… dead to me and dead to TBD tailgates.
  9. Truly a get in ticket. If you have a single and want to get rid of it, especially up top in the corners, give your boy a holler!
  10. Consider yourself lucky😂
  11. Was not a myth at all when it was instituted 20+ years ago, but with new technology and watch anywhere, prolly not near as big an impact now as way back then. Having said that, I don't think they will be going back to opening day unless somehow it gets woven into an 18-game schedule with 2 byes. I loved opening day openers before married and kids, loved non Labor Day openers when kids were growing up so no conflicts with the beach and in-laws. Would welcome them again now that kiddies are off and on their own! It was especially great for away game trips...we saw Ryan Leafs debut game vs the Bills in San Diego on Labor Day weekend and could travel back on the Monday and not have to take a vacation day. A
  12. There is one HUGE reason, and one reason only. Networks said you want our money, you WILL NOT have games on Labor Day weekend. .... Ratings tank, ad $$$ goes way down and effects their numbers for the whole season on what they can charge advertisers. As it always has been and always will be ...no matter the subject Follow the money.
  13. Yea, I have trained for several Tri’s , and had many close calls, especially on more rural roads. Have no idea what type of road this happened on, but I swore off bike training by myself about a decade ago. Only in larger groups now out where we do not affect traffic. May peace find his family at some point.
  14. Look here for where to line up , if you have a reserved space and arrive by allotted time you will have a space, guaranteed. btw the @SDS, I need 6 prime which include the two for Paul and Lisa.
  15. So updated for me I need 3 Paul and Lisa 2 so total 5
  16. 3 prime, may go to 4
  17. I am out. The spine is a design flaw from God.
  18. They are yours at triple! Or if you feel generous make it quadruple! 😂 did they ever do schoolhouse rock on math? if ya want em, shoot me an email address
  19. Hmm, not even close to being true. The clubs had always been tax paying entities, only the NFL league office had been designated as a 501 (c) 3 , but they dropped that in 2015 as well. But the teams had ALWAYS been designated as for profit entities.
  20. Now think of how much they cost, and that’s what I am asking for them.
  21. Just shot me a PM. Same price as what I paid for them.
  22. my sense would be that will change once they get to the rifraf not in the clubs... prolly got fired, aint closing enough. why they still doing clubs after 5 months.
  23. Don’t listen to the high flutin guys like mrags, @Just Jack and @Kirby Jackson, they all in the tea and crumpets clubs and ain’t seen a beer in ages. 😂 For us real fans in the bowl, think a domestic 24 oz Bud or one of the Seltzers is $16 and a 20 oz Hayburner is $17. So for me $20 , which I think is reasonable in a stadium setting. I am seltzer guy in September, Hayburner test is season. no twelve oz or 16 oz options, ( I am guessing there as I would never inquire about them. Just give the largest one ya have so less trips)
  24. I’ve not said I am out. Will prolly get them so my kids have em when I am in the ground. Something had to have changed for this process to be going so slow. Reps quit, close numbers not high enough so they changed their pitch….something happened. If it did not, must be once they get through the lower bowl in the middle of 2025 upper decks just go in groups or something. Cause they won’t get through the whole stadium at the pace they are at now.
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