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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. your logic really is quite brilliant...there are other bad guys in the world, why care when we let one go? Why keep any? Why have law enforcement at all? You and your ilk ...immoral pond scum #winning
  2. an arms salesman who was selling arms to terrorists to kill Americans...we just caught him before it could be accomplished. This guy just happened to be successful, and kill 190 Americans, and 279 overall. In your eyes, same thing. Use as a chip to get a celebrity back so Joe can have a ceremony and glad hand himself...damn the loved ones of the people who died on that plane. As your boy @BillStime would say #winning.. Yall are sick and twisted people.
  3. they LOVE snow games at night near Christmas, ratings through the roof!
  4. Thank goodness we have someone else to trade now! i am sure @StHustle @BillStime and @Tiberius love the fact we have this chip in our back pocket for Uncle Joe to use, damn all the folks who lost loved ones on that plane. Joe needs votes!!!!!!
  5. i wonder aout this. I thnk, and stress think, the visiting team gets the same equipment as the home team. So i think because Miami does use misters etc in their shaded half of the field, vistors cannot as well in full out sun. If that is the case, and its a big if, i wonder if that would be an advantage to the Bills to forgo heaters and just use those big ass full length jackets. I mean the Dolphins had heaters going last night and it was 55, imagine what they would do with no heaters in 25? One would figure Bills a bit more acclimated to it at this point
  6. i would "power rank" them #1 right now, no doubt.
  7. I am on my phone , but posted last week a map with the both private and Bills lots. It was from 2019, so can’t confirm all lots are still open, or new ones have not popped up. I can remember what thread it was, but Do a search. It was a Reddit post, so Reddit might be best word to search. I can’t speak for lots over on California, but you may want to park in one of the small private lots South of 20a on Abnot on the Danny’s side of the street. Right out of lot, head down about 3 miles and cut over to 219. Waze you tell ya best road to go. Tell the dude you taking a right after games, pay him an extra $10-$15 to put ya up front. Bonus is a short walk to RV lot.
  8. Y’all know the drill. Hammers Lot, opening time depending on weather. Sign up here. Will have details on Friday. Plenz-3 spots!
  9. Who TF cares, it’s ten years from now. You want ten more years of this guy being free? damn, some y’all will go to great lengths to rationalize an asinine decision “ hey , this due a pedophile, but there are thousands of others. Yes he has a twenty year sentence , but damn cost money to keep him locked up , let him go now, I mean in 10 years he prolly gunna do the same thing so why should we pay for his 3 hots and a cot? are you really advocating because there are other arm dealers and he does not have a death sentence we should let him free? you came on her claiming people who opposed this trade were racists, I am calling you an anti American terrorist who is just fine with Americans being put at risk because you hate America and truly are a a Russian nationalist.
  10. Yes wouls you have traded Bin laden for her if Russia said only deal available?
  11. you are such an dolt..i have never voted for Trump , i am thrilled Griner came home, i am horrified we traded someone who wanted to kill thousands of Americans to make it happen. You are fine putting other American at risks so your guy can look good to his base. I actually care about people and actually care about my country, unlike soulless , immoral people like you and your ilk
  12. Can you freaking read???? Honestly..read my statements. Trump made huge mistakes, Biden is making huge mistakes...and you and your ilk only care about Trump for some reason, low iQ folks make low IQ arguments
  13. so by that logic, just let every murderer go as well? Do you guys really listen to your arguments? We let go a guy who was selling arms to kill Americans, and yall are good we let him go...thats amazing to me
  14. OKay, so buy your two dolts argument, their are other bad guys in the world, so why does this guy matter? and Trump was a idiot..so Joe being a idiot is all good!
  15. you dont think this guy is capable of securing and selling biological weapons? explain dude..you saying does not make it so. Tell me how a Trump mistake makes this a non mistake. what does that have to do with this?
  16. WTF does that have to do with this?
  17. She is no less valuable, but her freedom sure as hell ain't worth putting thousands, maybe millions of American lives at risk...you do understand this guy was convicted of selling arms to terrorists for the express purpose of killing Americans. Ya think he may have a bit of a grudge against the good ole USA right now. Let me ask you a questions, do you think she is more valuable than all the agents who put their lives at risk apprehending this guy?
  18. The Oversight Committee is in place to watch over fraud and abuse and ethical violations of CONGRESS. WTH this had to do with Congress is baffling. As far as I can tell, had nothing to do with anti trust exceptions etc.
  19. O can’t find any reason why Congress is invoked in this. Can someone explain it to me?
  20. I agree, i would go back to the 6 if they could. Damn, even go back to my formative years and 3 division winners, 2 wild cards if i remember correctly. Back then, believe home field was pre determined and division winner could not play a wild card team from own division. I think those were the rules home field has been greatly diminished for some reason...many theories. Much better travel, headsets in the helmets, better prep, better visiting locker rooms etc..but the 3 point for home bump i think is now closer to a point/point and a half . And in terms of fairness, at least all AFC teams had 9 away games this year. Just think about this, Bills are 9-3. Have played 4 games in Orchard Park
  21. Often times, most times there is no deal to had ya dolt, and when you make one to just make it it is a colossal mistake... Jets GM--Hey Brandon, we want Josh Allen, we will give ya Sauce for him. Brandon--No Deal, he is not tradeable" Billstime--Beane does not know how to make a trade".
  22. The guy who did not trade "The Merchant Of Death" for anyone just to garner support from a certain voting block. Merchant of death mind you...
  23. Cmon, that was his nickname!!!!
  24. This is why there will always be incentive .. makes every regular season game SOOO important, which drives excitement, which drives ratings not only on games days, but to all the NFL related shows. Which all equals more money. Man, that 16 of 21 stuff ended like 30 years ago and still the myth persists. NHL and NFL playoffs percentage been pretty damn close for a while now, NBA same as the NHL, actually a little easier now with the play in series.
  25. Just sos I can be “ that guy” this game was at 3 Rivers. My then fiancé, now wife, had won a trip to Cancun for that weekend. She knew I was gunna watch the game and decided to come with me to the bar to watch. Bills got way behind , I think Kelly got hurt and Dough Boy came in , she wanted to leave just as Alex started to make some plays. long story, I stayed , she left in a fit, we had our first massive fight back in the room… morale of the story she learned early nothing gets between me and a Bills game, and we have been blissfully married for 25 years! I have no earthly clue the difference.
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