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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. As I mentioned, wont work with the new system...but they damn well worked up a good chunk of years....and a good number of people got scammed with both screen shots and printed at home bar codes
  2. Number one reason is no one goes to the game anymore with extra tickets. so there is just zero supply..they have all been sold on the secondary, so from a scalpers perspective the service fees are what he used to make...scalper would need to go to secondary first , buy tickets in hopes it goes up enough to cover services fees. Then there is fraud. People were selling 30 screen shots of bar coded tickets....not so much an issue with new system, but it was a reason people stop buying mobile tickets at the stadium 5 years ago. Then Ticketmaster and Stub get squirrely when you start to do multiple transfers ...
  3. the mobile ticket only has just crushed scalping outside..Damn, i mean that was a job for some folks pre mobile ticket. The two dudes that were always on Lower Terrace before every Sabre game at the Aud prolly put their kids through college working the scalping market...but what a great service they provided, and ya trusted them as valued vendors!
  4. The game of scalping/resale has changed dramatically in the last 15 years. I have been scalping tickets to games since 76, and man what a difference. Day of game tickets were always cheaper, especially around 11;30 on a Sunday home game . Used to be the price of a single was always dramatically lower on a per ticket basis , that is no more and i cant explain it. But to your question, resale tickets for Bills game the Saturday before will be a good 25-30% less than they are today. Will they be cheap? No. Will they drop dramatically at 12:30 for a 1PM game? Answer still no, at least in Buffalo. Cant explain that one either. I think the sheer number of folks who go to the tailgate with no tickets is well known, and especially before December...folks get liquored up in the lot and spend to get in even when they said they were just there for the tailgate unles they got cheap seats. In the end, waiting to the Saturday before the game will result in the cheaper tickets than today 9 out of 10 times. I am gunna be selling mine for those games as well, for out of towners like me those are just brutal times. Makes sense they are the lowest. If someone wants them, hit me up. Section 135, row 22, on the aisle.
  5. I do not say this facetiously, outside of my kids being grown, I am still the same idiot I was 20-some years ago. Lots of new friends, lots of people passing...but overall i am the same basic dude
  6. I would love to see it with a hard cap. With shared revenue and hard cap, the best run teams would win, as it should be. Key is a HARD CAP.
  7. Restructure mens they converted salary to bonus...how is that team friendly? Josh getting same cash this year, Bills just spread it out.
  8. Bills kinda reached out, he was already committed to Tamp
  9. holy hell, i spend $30 in he first quarter! Dem IPAs aint cheap in DC bars!
  10. Fubu has MSG, but I don’t believe the interface and pricing is near YouTube’s. MSG not as important for me as I am not in Buffalo, but would be a tough choice living there.
  11. Not even close, and never will be. I currently have 5 TVs in my house, and have 3 at a 2nd house. O don’t need a dish at each place and pay for two locations. I don’t need a box at each TV and pay $5 a month for each of those. I don’t pay for “ whole house” networking, I don’t pay for insurance on the whole damn thing. I pay one monthly fee of now gunna be $76, for all of thise TVs and in two locations.
  12. wow, don't come round here much anymore, but damn i remember discussing with you the benefits of DTV DVR vs the TIVO we were coming off, and for me the Replay TV DVR i first started with. How to incorporate the damn box we needed for local HDs on the antenna.... I started DTV in 94, paid $1200 for the dish and $300 to get it installed...and no locals! gave it up 3 years ago, they a blacksmith in a car world
  13. Pilut called up...sounds like either 61 or 23 not ready to play tonight...plus hopefully they sittin Bryson
  14. would love to do it, but you being an old codger with nothin but time , you should drive The Lincoln Highway (rt-30) to Illinois and then catch RT 66 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincoln_Highway
  15. Do not download, just a site. I was not advocating any position with that post. Just amazing how well it works.
  16. I agree, i did not understand the fascination with this guy. I know he has two years left, but all hockey players really only get one chance at a big payday...do ya think an offensive-minded Dman was gunna be happy not playing on the PP? And sure as chit aint taking 25 or 26 off one of those units. Seen many on Twitter saying well, if Sens can't sign him they can trade him and recoup the first, problem there is I am pretty sure he has a NMC kicks in after this year. He was an offensive minded, injury-challenged left shot DMan when the Sabres need to shore up their D presence with preferably a Right shot.. I think this was a good no get I really hate the ESPN tech. NHL.TV was SOOOO much better. Not only that, but htey carried both the pre and post game shows. ESPN cuts off as soon as game is over. When I saw this I was excited, but not at $30 a month. Will live with ESPN + and no Duffer and Marty. And i am guessing they have to keep it high or the carriers that include it in their package would get cranky. I have been a youtube TV guy for just about 4 years now, hate FUBO..but alas no MSG on the sports pack.
  17. interesting, plugged this into CharGPT which I am just starting to use more extensively in my work life, and here is what i get Thank you for sharing your perspective on this issue. While it's true that the coincidence of a new virus strain emerging in close proximity to a lab that is working on similar viruses can be seen as suspicious, it is important to consider all possible explanations and avoid jumping to conclusions without sufficient evidence. It is possible that the virus was transmitted to humans from an animal source, such as through the wet market that was initially identified as a possible origin. However, it is also possible that the virus accidentally escaped from the lab due to inadequate safety protocols or other factors. Without a thorough investigation and conclusive evidence, it is difficult to say for certain what caused the emergence of the virus. Regardless of the source of the virus, it is important to focus on finding solutions to mitigate its impact and prevent future pandemics. This includes improving public health infrastructure, investing in research on emerging infectious diseases, and promoting global cooperation and collaboration in pandemic response efforts.
  18. Leafs tanked, Tampa Tanked, Penguins Tanked, Capitals tanked....sabres just sucked so bad they sucked at tanking too
  19. when i lived in the District from 89-02, loved every minute i received the "City" edition of the WAPO. Always had the West Coast scores in there, and especially pre-internet that was a big deal!
  20. I will trust the fancy numbers guys that are telling KA and Donnie that in his system Stillman will flourish. With all that has been done in the East so far, anything the Sabres do has to be focused on next year. Sure playoffs this year would be fun for a week, contending for a cup for years will be way more funner
  21. not sure if the was $1B pound sterling on 1B$$$$. Back then, the pound sterling was prolly at least $1.5=£1.00. edit ( it was pound sterling, but only $1.30=£1.00..so almost exact same as this cost, post covid..so Bills stadium actually quite a bit less to build) And yes, even if in dollars construction prices have gone through the roof. I Cant imagine NYS is more restrictive and expensive to build than London UK, but it certainly would not be any less.
  22. i just hope their is energy in the building, Sabres seem to feed of that on the road and sold out games at at home...i dont care if it is vast majority of Leafs fans, just need energy! I agree, and if they get 4 of the next 8 possible points, and with the 4 being vs the Panthers and Caps, i will be perfectly happy with this week!
  23. wait, you went to college?
  24. was at the costco yesterday, and they had the Chilean Sea Bass in the refrigerated section near the salmon in vacuum sealed package, think about $20/lb which is still quite good for that.
  25. 5 points with 3 point games is a hard nut to crack. Not sure if still tru, but there was a stat definitely pre covid if you were out by 5 points at Thanksgiving, like a 12% chance of making the payoffs. Its harder than it seems. But should be fun as hell with all these teams chasing and in the mix. Does Chychrun(sp) put one of those teams over the top? Wings and Sabes got the money , think the Sabres have more player ammo
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