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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. I am shocked that more posters are not acknowledging this point. It's not the loss; it's his inability to give his team the best chance to win situationally that is so concerning. Losing this game is not that big a deal, but losing your player's confidence as a head coach could be. and he has proven time and again, he is a mental midget in crunch time in a close game, and when pressure is high. Playoff game are rarely blowouts
  2. Could be. My gut it was not a deliberate attempt to defraud people, but the mom posted what she posted to get clicks, Glaser reposted, AB ran with it, and they had no idea how to stop the train. Saying if they came out now and said that, it would be the real poop show and this way it just goes away. To bad it sullies an entire fan base which sucks , as I am in that stadium pretty damn well close to every game and I don’t see this kind of behavior.
  3. I think you do, and why so many people thing this whole thing makes zero sense.
  4. And here in lies the problem. Because Glaser reposted the story with nary any confirmation, and doubled down on it with not one single person corroborating the next day. My guess is her friends in the news media not trying to confirm with Bills security or ask anyone to come forward with information is in an effort not to embarrass her. And make no mistake, that woman does nothing without the whole world aware of what she has done. Does not happen if it’s not on socials or the TV. And the go fund me has gone from like $4k to $25k. What is the family gunna do now? Say “ ya know what, we prolly exaggerated the story, but thanks for all you folks giving us $21k anyway. Got lost on the way back to RVA.
  5. And not one person, not a single one has corroborated any of this.
  6. In the Moms first post, she described how she was leaving early after having spoken to police. ( I assume she meant Bills security) if any of these new organizations had a shred of integrity, they would reach to the Bills and their security head for comment. Shocking they have not, as it involves a a sacred “ good person” ( re attention go) In Kate Glaser. Really is a simple thing to do.
  7. Maybe that never happened…show one quote, statement etc of someone in 312 who witnessed this event, just one person who verifies this story with nothing to gain from it being true.
  8. shocking the go fund me now has $22K in it...prolly 99% of which would not be there except for this story. And attention ho's in Buffalo that just need the attention of "getting this out". I mean damn, I feel awful for any kid that has had to battle cancer, but this whole thing just smells like a setup to generate $$$$. I have not seen one single person who witnessed this in person beside the family....and trust me, if this happened someone would be on the internet or on the phone to the TV stations to get their 15 minutes as well. Trust your instincts on this one, its a made-up story, or at the very least HIGHLY exaggerated accounting of an accidental bump on a snowy as hell day in a stadium to generate clicks and $$$. Someone said dad was a marine...dude hits your 8 year old and you ain't shouting back and making fuss at the least? Most likely swinging? And their first post said they were dealing with the police and leaving early...have any "journalists" reached out to Bills security to get get a comment?
  9. NFTA is now running regularly scheduled buses to the stadium on game days, and they leave 30 minutes after the games ends. Great way to go for people who usually uber to the games....getting an Uber after a night game is just about impossible. And this is $10 round trip...it like a sore man part...ya just cant beat it https://metro.nfta.com/schedules/game-day-express
  10. i am with you. Now i am in the lower bowl on the 25, but I have not seen fight inside or outside of the stadium in at least 5 years. Completely different world than drought era games tell me you have never been to a game after a major snow event without telling me. in 135, as I am sure in every section..aisle was somewhat clear when we got in, but there was zero down to clear either the seats or rows. There was no sitting at the game, it was impossible
  11. I have volunteered myself and my son. Good way to get ready for the tailgate.
  12. More than welcome to join us in Hammers.
  13. You, my friend are an idiot! Doesn’t only work in TV shows, works everywhere
  14. Friend looking for 3 for this week. So my two are no good!
  15. That’s prolly smart. Just took a stroll around Pioneer square. Looked like some decent places to tailgate, and for us about halfway between hotel and stadium. Stadium is just about a mile from us.
  16. That’s what we doing. We are staying at the Fairmont, will post here where we going in Sunday. to each their own, but those big tailgate things are just not my gig. Nor are the fans gathering things. Going to a cool concert tonight at the Showbox, tomorrow prolly Kraken game.
  17. 135, row 22. Seat 21-22. Next to aisle as I have the two Aisle seats. PM for details.
  18. Nah, we tailgate close to them and never smell a thing.
  19. Hey all, there are a few spots left at Hammers. Let me know if you would like a reserved one Lot opens at 7:30, will hold spots till 8:30!
  20. Section 334, row 17. Almost smack on the 50. Pm for details.
  21. Hopefully they not serving the Champagne
  22. if they are not serving Blues and Blue Lights, 1000% its Bud and Bud Light! Crap-tastic beer all around!
  23. one thing they could not tell me today and they were touting is the areas in the lower bowl with rails/standing areas etc. They tried to sell that as an asset, but I asked rep if that area was restricted to only 100-level tickets. He said no, and my immediate thought was people would buy the lowest price ticket in the 400s, and just get in when the gates open and stand at 50 yd line for the entire game. The ticket will prolly be close to $200 cheaper. Go with a group of dudes and the area is your for the duration. My concern is they were selling the concourse as heated and being able to see the game from these area's, but I don't think that's gunna be the case. Jerry world, if you don't have a 100 level ticket, you don't get into the 100 level..period. I would like to see that in this stadium. And our rep said no clubs are available outside a 3 ticket tranch in field clubs, and we need 4.
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