one thing they could not tell me today and they were touting is the areas in the lower bowl with rails/standing areas etc. They tried to sell that as an asset, but I asked rep if that area was restricted to only 100-level tickets. He said no, and my immediate thought was people would buy the lowest price ticket in the 400s, and just get in when the gates open and stand at 50 yd line for the entire game. The ticket will prolly be close to $200 cheaper. Go with a group of dudes and the area is your for the duration.
My concern is they were selling the concourse as heated and being able to see the game from these area's, but I don't think that's gunna be the case. Jerry world, if you don't have a 100 level ticket, you don't get into the 100 level..period.
I would like to see that in this stadium.
And our rep said no clubs are available outside a 3 ticket tranch in field clubs, and we need 4.