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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Well agree to disagree I guess. I agree with you about allowing his emotions to take control, that is on him. What I disagree about is taking the test different than the other kids. Maybe people differ here, but when I took tests in high school and college, I needed focus and concentration. If a teacher ever told me that I would be the only one taking a test on the floor while other kids threw sh-- at me, I would tell him to kiss my ass. If it is a regular class day lecture, then fine...I'll sit on the window sill if he wants. I can take that kind of joke. But I'm not going to allow a teacher to put me in a situation that might affect my performance because he thinks its funny. If that makes me a wuss, so be it.
  2. I'm with ya... that's a whole nother story. My 11 year old cousin (son of my dad's brother) is Patriots fan. That entire side of my dad's family is born and raised in Buffalo. Apparently my weak uncle allowed his wife's side of the family to get to him first. I can't even look at him anymore...
  3. For all of you calling him a kitty, let's see how you'd react if your child failed a test because he had to take it sitting on the floor while the rest of the class threw sh-- at him. It's one thing to joke on him and single him out (I'm fine with that), but you don't pull that nonsense when he is trying to take a test.
  4. 7 pt. teaser...now you got Pitt + 3.5 and under 54.5. Yeah I like that
  5. I feel you, but money talks. FAs will come if we show them the green. Not that there is any real indication that we will do that...
  6. Nah im in Southeastern Chester Co., right on the Delaware border. But I'm like 20 minutes from the Del Memorial Bridge so its not that far off. Guessing about a hour - hour and half south of you. I get less Steeler fans, but thankfully more Philly faithful
  7. It's a rough area. Surrounded by mindless obnoxious Eagles fans, with a wave of Steelers fans to the west. Then throw in the occasional Jets/Giants fan who has wandered to South Jersey. And top it off with the sprinkling of bandwagon Patriots fans who thankfully are quickly disappearing.
  8. Amen. Was it really necessary to add those extra stripes? It's not like their is a huge merchandising market for helmet sales....it was a completely random and utterly disgusting idea. If it ain't broke....
  9. Whethere he is right or wrong, he is an opportunistic piece of sh--. One million dollars??? People like this disgust me....
  10. Can't decide....why don't you flip a coin?
  11. People who react that way are far too emotionally invested in the team they follow. I think sports fanaticism should be classified as a mental disorder when the DSM-V comes out. Some folks are just off their rocker...
  12. Actually I think unless we get D'Brick, Gandy's job is quite safe. He wasn't all that impressive last year, but he was servicable. IMO, it is a very good possibility that both starting tackles (Gandy + Peters) will be back as starters. The interior of the line will entirely change, however.
  13. What I never understood is why players/teams/fans think that it is a credible defense to say that their team "gave it away" as opposed to the other team taking the victory. What is so admirable about screwing up so bad that your mistakes are the main reason you lost the game? I understand the mentality that saying you screwed up implies that at full strength, you are the superior party, but I never quite understood why people feel good about that knowledge. In my experience in sports, I always felt better about giving my best effort and losing than screwing up and "giving away" a victory to a lesser opponent.
  14. If the new regime (whenever it gets completed) allows that embarrassment to be our starting O-line for 06, then it will painfully clear how little this franchise will accomplish during their tenure. I honestly do not think it is possible that our management would not make at least one serious upgrade on the o-line.
  15. If you are being serious....Piece of sh--
  16. If McGahee (or any player for that matter) can't work with a coach who doesn't like one of his "buddies" then he has a few things to learn about being a professional.
  17. A few years ago Sapp absolutely CRUSHED a packers player on a INT or fumble return. He just blocked the sh-- out of him, and it was kind of a blindsided hit. It seriously injured the Packer I believe. When the teams were leaving the field for halftime, Sherman got all up in Sapp's face and started screaming at him. Sherman thinks it was a dirty hit and as far I know, thinks Sapp is a POS. Anyone else feel free to add/correct... Edit: Here is the link Sherman v. Sapp
  18. No worries my friend. I have been so busy defending my hatred for Jimmy Johnson that I didn't even know it was gone.
  19. Maybe good not great. Look up his stats for 96-98 before his final year when he was hurt. I'd take that "old man" play.
  20. I realize all this sh-- has already buried it but....
  21. I think he is a very good coach. I don't think he is great. I think he won the title(s)? at the U through his recruiting violations. A lot was dumped in his lap when he got to Dallas, but I will not take his two Super Bowls away. He earned them (and probably should get credit for the third as well). But to clear up the Miami Dolphins situation, he did not do a very good job IMO. He cleaned house, rebuilt and did not improve the team. Yes Marino was at the end of his career, but he was still playing great football until his last year when he was hurt. And finally, what is this about a crummy GM? HE WAS THE GM! JJ = GM Once again, I am against his hiring not because of his coaching abilities, although he has been out of the game for 7 years and his last stint was unimpressive, but because of his character. Plain and simple. I couldn't root for him.
  22. Agreed. On all counts. Plus we have ONE co-ordinator worth a damn on this team, Bobby April. Let's go ahead and fire probably the one coach that he can't get along with..
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