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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. He is the Stephan Marbury of the management side. You think he is talented but every team he leaves gets better and every team he joins gets worse. I loved when Bird fired him.
  2. Nice try guys...we all know this is just members of the original 8 repeating themselves.
  3. Agree 100%. I would go as far as to say that he is an equally horrid coach. He coaches/manages like he played...a lot of arrogance. Unfortunately, his brain can't compensate in the business side of the game like his body did in the physical part.
  4. It's so strange how people who claim to have no interest in the NBA just can't resist the urge to reply to every NBA thread with a cute comment. As for the draft, good for the Raptors. They could rebuild very quickly. Unfortunately this draft isn't worth a damn.
  5. I think you have too high an opinion of the average voter/poster here
  6. Wow, she almost fell. How earthshattering. What a terrible mother. I'm glad my mom never almost did anyting bad to me...I can't imagine the damage it would have done. My senior year at ND I took this Sunday night Theology class that was 3 hours long. Ridiculously boring and some girls I knew used to bring in "US Weekly" magazine to pass the time. One night I was pulling my hair out so I finally decided to give it a look. I read one article about how Sandra Bullock was seen at a grocery store. The article listed the foods she bought and it's photo caption was "Look! Sandra checks for the good fruits just like the rest of us!!" That was enough for me. It's disturbing what constitutes 'news' in this country.
  7. Kelly I think you should start printing up some T-Shirts with that on it....I'd buy one. What happened? I missed that one...
  8. Much ado about nothing. I'll quote a fellow Cane Edgerrin James. "I only went to college for 2 and a half years, but I know what voluntary means." People want to make a big deal about Willis' lack of attendance. Add that to his recent interview answers, heap on a huge helping of offseason boredom and you get this ridiculous panic fest. I'll make a guarantee. IF Willis runs for 1500 and 15 TDs this year, the complaints will all stop. His behavior won't change. He will still be the same "baby momma" talkin, all night partying, dim witted thug that many here are calling him. But suddenly it won't matter. Or people will make up excuses like "he must have rededicated himself" or "he must finally be maturing." Success hides warts in the eyes of a what have you done for me lately fan....just as failure amplifies them.
  9. I entertained the possibility, but I just looked at some of his other posts and I can't imagine Hogboy wasting time talking about golf clubs and baseball.
  10. Sadly, I don't believe its him.
  11. I hope he is....I miss the old spearman.
  12. This is crossing over into the Not Real/Fake Post category. About two more comments and I am not going to believe that someone this dumb survived childhood. Pull back the reigns cap'n.
  13. Aha, but even before that quantum leap was made, we had these gems: Original Premise: MEN shouldn't drive VWs. They are for WOMEN. Logical Conclusion 1: He hates VWs. Logical Conclusion 2: He loves SUVs. then on to GW.....
  14. You must know Fan in San Diego... I wonder sometimes how some of the people here react when real bad things happen to them in their lives....
  15. I'd take the Eclipse off your list if you are taking about the new ones...they're pretty sick. I think the old body (up until 05) was pretty gay though. Only people I ever knew who owned one were chicks.
  16. Nicely done...
  17. thats pretty sick...i wonder if they are going to add any more current players to the throwback lineup. I wouldn't mind snagging a Youboty or Whitner. I mean you can customize them and get it anyway but that is way too much coin.
  18. I agree with what many people have said....LEAVE HIM at KR. I have never agreed with the mentality that you take your "important players" off of special teams for risk of injury. First of all, its like 5-6 plays per game...some of which he won't even get to do anything but take a knee. It is not a big risk. If he gets hurt, then that is very unlucky, but so be it. He got hurt HELPING the team. If we are so concerned about our stars' health, why not throw em all on the bench.
  19. Now you are just making stuff up. Kobe's reaction to the suspension: "Very surprised. Shocked, actually. Very, very surprised," Bryant said after practice Friday. "Angry and frustrated. I've been hit with a couple of flagrant fouls already this year. I've been hit with a clothesline and no suspensions come of that. And I get two games for this?" That is complaining. But this is a sidetrack anyway.
  20. I respect that you fight for him...I really do. Which is why I have refrained from calling him a rapist or making stuff up that isn't relevant. But you are defending him to the point of madness. He has done his share of wrong, and he is not "the bigger man" or classy by any means in many situations. Through my posts, I was trying to illustrate that Kobe has been in the EXACT same situation as the one between him and Bell (with roles reversed) and he reacted in a similar and worse fashion. You can go on defending him, trying to make him the victim but the blood is on his hands too.
  21. Again... How am I possibly taking the quotes out of context, when those are Kobe's direct responses to the elbow he threw at Millers face!!! There is no other context. He is taking about that foul! He is saying that he thinks it is ok to do what he did. It isn't. It was retaliation. Something Bryant later claimed to be above. (see first post quote). Hard fouls yes. Flagrant fouls no. Hard fouls, Pistons. Flagrant foul, Kobe on Miller Raja on Kobe.
  22. Really, John the discussion should end right here if you are honestly trying to the make the case the Miller RAN INTO KOBE'S ELBOW Wow. The league went by the rules? What rules? Are you saying that there is a league rule in place that requires a TWO game suspension? Incorrect. It is a judgement call for David Stern. And speaking of that, what do you think helped David Stern come to that decision? Couldn't have been Kobe GLOATING about it after the fact could it be? Let's ask Phil Jackson: Lakers coach Phil Jackson said he thought Bryant's postgame comments were a factor in the suspension. "I think that contributed to it somewhat," Jackson said. "So we live with that decision." One...like he deserved. Bodyslam? Cmon. The prosecution rests....
  23. I never said he apologized...I said he admitted he was WRONG. He obviously was not sorry, but he stated that what he did was not the right thing. But THIS is not gloating: "It's been a pretty physical series, and at that point in time I had caught another elbow in the jaw and I lost my head and overreacted to it," Bell said. "It could have cost my team and for that I'm sorry." "When I get hit in the face multiple times, you've stepped across the line with me," he said. "It's not basketball anymore. It was basketball for four games, then when he hit me in the face, that was the last straw last night. It still doesn't excuse me, but that's just the way I felt about it." THIS is gloating: "This being our home court, people come here and think it's Hollywood and all sorts of stuff, so they think they'll come down [the lane] and look pretty and shoot jump shots and dunk the ball and finger-roll the ball and do all sorts of cute stuff. And we've got to stop that." - Kobe Bryant "Somebody comes down the lane, you've got to hit him," he said Friday. "You can't let them come down the lane and just finger roll and get easy baskets. Nothing to hurt anybody like that. That's just basic NBA basketball."
  24. I'll start this post with a quote: "I'm not trying to go out there and elbow somebody, that's not the way I play," Bryant said. "If you get elbowed, you still have to keep your cool. I get elbowed all the time." I agree...intentionally fouling a player driving hard to the lane with malicious intent is plain wrong. Who cares if it is in retaliation? Great players keep their heads about them. Shame on you Raja! You proved why you will never be in Kobe's league of class. Oh wait...hang on one second....what is this here? OOPS In fact there is a difference between this and the Raja closeline. One of the players admitted he was wrong after the fact and the other one was proud of what he did. Can you guess which one it was? Kobe or Raja
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