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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Well when you think about when the schedule was actually devised (at least 5 years ago), it actually makes a lot more sense. Late 90s - early 2000s, ND was not having a very easy time. I think they tried to make a less brutal schedule, while still keeping some big time opponents and rivalvries on the roster. A NATL title run, while hoped for, was not expected. We may catch sh-- for the service academy tri-fecta, but our schedule is straight. This very thread supports that. Everyone pretty much seems to be in agreement that ND is a top 5 team, and pretty much everyone would not bet on ND running the table.
  2. I'll tell you people here love to bash the NBA, but the way they handle contracts with their experience based salary tiers is on point. I mean rookies can only sign for 3 yrs. 12 mill...and this is in a sport where the AVERAGE salary is around 5 million! I mean Lebron was making just 4 mill/year the last three years. I know football players have a shorter "life span," but there has to be a cap. Otherwise the league will end up lacking in quality because no one will be able to afford mid-level veterans and their rosters will be comprised of 90% filler.
  3. I see it says that you joined TSW in Feb of this year, so I'll give you a pass hoping that you weren't here for last years camp. There were well over 100 threads last year and thats when it was 100% decided that Losman would start. Set your bar at about 250...
  4. I'll always be excited for a new edition of Buffalo Bills football. Even with our recent stretch of suckassness, the masochist in me can't get enough. The key is to find at least one thing that gets you excited. Usually it was the prospect of getting to the playoffs and winning a Super Bowl. That ain't happening this year. So I am excited about the new regime, potentially bright young stars and the re-emergence of some veterans that got kicked in the nuts by 2005. GO BILLS
  5. Damn, that home opener was sick..... Get em boys Unfortunately a 16 week long bed wetting ensued....
  6. I'm not a Gator fan so I'm no expert, but my take on the situation was that Leak didn't really mesh well with Urban's spread offense last year. It was thought that he wasn't the best fit and he did struggle at times last year. Florida recruited one of the best QBs in the country this spring, Tim Tebow. I had heard word that he may even push Leak for the starting job (I can't possibly see that happening though). There is also another school of thought that says Leak will be vastly improved after a year learning the new offense and this could be a breakout year for him. I think he is a very good QB and I don't see why this wouldn't happen. However, as a ND fan (and one who was at school when the Urban Meyer debacle took place), it makes me happy that Meyer couldn't get Leak to grasp his offense. And I hope everytime Leak (or any other QB he gets) screws something up, that he thinks about Brady Quinn and the job he passed up because it was too hard.
  7. I've seen that video I think....The song is called Tip Drill. Wild video if its the same one I saw...
  8. hy·per·bo·le (n.) 1. A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton Be easy bro
  9. wow a sweet tasting liquor that is 35% alcohol is your drink of choice....what a badass you are.
  10. I guess this isn't too much of a shock....a few problems that didnt seem to be clearing up too quickly. He was pretty sweet though...and its not like Texas needed to lose another playmaker. Taylor BTW- BlueFire or someone else who cares about Texas, the article says Selvin Young is coming back. Did he get an injury red shirt?...because I know I watched him play in 2002.
  11. never thought i'd say it, but thats a cool looking short bus
  12. pretty dirty bro.... whoever did it, did a nice job i think
  13. fuc ker btw - i put in for tickets to 4 ND games through the alumni lottery (including USC). got shut out of all 4. people are amped for this season bro. and while we're at it, you're gonna have to explain to me one day how you went to school in Southern Cal and then went BACK to Buffalo?
  14. so whats the deal H20?? you have been hyping it for 2 weeks.... whats the verdict?
  15. Stuffing is excellent. I don't even like Cranberry sauce, but for some reason it is amazing on the sub. I'll take the B+ though...if you ever try one, we can talk again. Capriottis
  16. The Bobbie Sub from Capriottis. Turkey, Stuffing, Cranberry Sauce and some mayo. Basically Thanksgiving Dinner on a roll. Pretty much the greatest sub ever made...I'll accept nothing less than an A. Edit: and when I say turkey, I obviously mean real pieces of turkey breast. not deli slices.
  17. The responsibility ultimately lies with the owner. Pets can be molded and shaped into a variety of personality types (just like children). Whenever one of these dog mauling stories comes out, you never find out that the dog's owner was a responsible, reputable human being. Most people don't know how to raise and control other forms of life in their care (pets and humans). However, I do believe that breeds like pit bulls and dobermans, etc. have a much higher "disaster potential" due strictly to their physical prowess. A rotweiler in the hands of a bad owner is a much more serious threat to society than a cocker spaniel. I think the process of buying one these more potentially dangerous breeds should be different. It's not very easy to enforce obviously, but in a perfect world I think buying a pit bull would require serious background checks and personal interviews, etc. Most people can't be trusted with the responsibility. It's not the dog's fault, but there should be steps taken to prevent potentially very dangerous animals coming under the control of very irresponsible people.
  18. I don't know what is funnier, the fact that there is actually a professional (sort of) sports team named after an energy drink or the picture of Arena posing like a ballerina. Red Bull gives you wings
  19. Got it. But lets be real, if there weren't any stupid people around here, you wouldn't have any fun... We would actually have to....talk about sports.
  20. Woah. Just blew up my mental image. AD....truth?
  21. MJ should sue him for $400 mill for emotional distress after learning that he shares a likeness with such a chach. If I found out that someone that worthless was walking around looking like me....one of us would have to go.
  22. Well said. Unfortunately that was the Hallmark of the Donahoe era...Looks good on paper, sh------- on turf.
  23. Damn....I forgot that one too. People posting in a thread that they don't like or are bored by the topic. It's not like that's totally ass backwards or anything....
  24. Disagree about Wonderlic...this place has a very strange fascination with that test. Before ESPN ran the sample this year after Vince Young scored lower than a sandbox, I'd never heard anyone outside TBD give a sh-- about it. Yeah well "I must say something, so since I can't say something original, I'll say something someone else has said. It worked for them" seemed like too long of a choice.
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