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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. I read the list...some good stuff. About the hot matchups, I totally agree...there are some sick saturdays lined up. I made the comment last year that it was nice to see a bunch of marquee matchups in the FIRST few weeks of the season as opposed to scattering in around week 5. It really adds to the excitement when week 2 could be a do or die for a NATL title contender. Last year's Texas-OSU (and the repeat this year) was incredible for week 2 action. I like what the NCAA is doing and I hope this is a trend that continues.
  2. Be that as it may, if you actually believe Troy Smith is the #1 Heisman favorite, I think you will find yourself in scarce company. Furthermore, if you are basing this delusion in any way on that Fiesta Bowl performance, I urge you not to put much weight on Quinn's performace vs. the best defense in the nation when comparing it to Smith's performance vs. a pass defense that could get torched in the Special Olympics.
  3. You spelled his name wrong. It's B-R-A-D-Y Q-U-I-N-N
  4. Thats so gay...as much as I hate the U, there were few things more badass looking than Sean Taylor patrolling the middle of the secondary with his sick oakley tint. Why don't they just ban black players all together?...It seems it would be an easier approach than systematically banning every type of uniform accessory and attitude a lot of them bring to the game..
  5. Somehow, Ed Hochuli will still manage to look like a bad motherf-cker though... BAD ASS ED 1 BAD ASS ED 2
  6. Just maybe the most beautiful description I've ever read here.
  7. The way I usually handle tipping for abnormal situations (i.e. not waiters, valets, curb checkers, etc.) is if they do something that makes you feel like you got a better than normal experience, then why not reward that? If you feel that the job they did exceeded your expectations, then go right ahead. For example, if they were very polite and professional, helpful if you had any questions or problems, etc. It's up to you to decide if you think the job they did deserves further compensation beyond what they are already making. There are no cookie-cutter rules for tipping...you wanna throw a guy a few extra bucks? Go for it...it will probably make his day.
  8. Good for them...they would be my #1. I still think it is absolutely ridiculous to have an official ranking on August 4th. No one knows how anything will shake out....look at OU. Most of the coaches mailed in their votes and then OOOPS!....Starting QB gone. Waste of time....and it can have ramifications down the line.
  9. I was just thinking about how much ICE must be loving this right now. Tough break, man....5 year plan aint working out so well...
  10. Interesting...and I don't refute that. However, a LOT of money is being made off of these athletes...even if its not necessarily that college thats making it.
  11. I'm kind of with you....i think the system is f'd up. The schools, NCAA, networks, clothing lines, etc...make TONS of jack off of the players. And the thing is, while the money is being made off of a large pool of athletes, only a very choice few of them will ever see any of that money cycled back to them by way of playing professionally. Yeah they get a free education, and that is not to be taken lightly. But the amount of money they are making for their 'employers' is vastly disproportionate to their compensation, IMO. That being said, Rhett Bomar garners little sympathy from me. Working FIVE hours per week and making $18,000 is not "making enough money to buy food" Some people use the system, some people abuse the system....the latter usually get caught.
  12. how you know he won't be a gamechanger?
  13. nice....would have been a bit ironic if you'd be killed by a life-saver.
  14. or (especially for LABillzFan): LT: I guess you won't be calling any more press conferences to anounce to the world, unprovoked, that you are the best back in the leauge. You best keep your mouth shut if you want Buffalo to resign you for some serious dough.
  15. Nice! Rich's first shot at ND this season! I'm ready for college ball now.
  16. Oh, Notre Dame? I liked how he teased me for years filling my head with stories of legendary football greatness and National Championships only to send me to South Bend to enjoy the fine talents of Bob Davie, George O'Leary and Ty Willingham. Thanks again, Dad. i kid....pop's alright in my book.
  17. My dad is from Buffalo and when I was four he decided I was enjoying life far too much and figured he would brainwash me and subject me to a life of torturous, bitter disappointment. Thanks, dad.
  18. I think NFL Sunday Ticket should have a channel where the view is exclusively a camera following Lord Tedy around. Think of all the FB and pulling Guard blocks we are missing. I also feel robbed when I miss one of his patented "not fast enough to chase down the ball carrier" moves because the camera man was selfishly focusing on the ball.
  19. How does your ass feel after that 48-10 train we just ran on you?
  20. My boy Justin was drafted by the Giants last year and I went up to Albany last August to check him out and chill some. So I'm standing by the fence waiting for him to come out (he was a CHAMP...signed more than any other player that I saw) and finally get his attention. He comes over and starts taking his tape off and these 3 kids run in front of me and BEG him for his tape. He was like "Uh I dont think you want it, its pretty nasty." But they were all about it...they kept hounding him. So he looked at me and undid all his nasty, sweaty wrist and ankle tape and gave it to these kids. You would have thought they won the lottery...running away with a wad of nasty ass tape. the things people want sometimes man....i dont get it.
  21. The same car dealership that "allegedly" hooked up AP with a ride last year. OOPS Well nice to see that Texas has another gift-wrapped trip the title game. They beat OSU at home and we can all enjoy the Tostitos Cake-Walk Bowl between UT and WVU. i kid i kid
  22. eh? that looked like the same group of average girls that cycled in and out while i was there. it was always 1 or 2 hot chicks and a whole lot of nothing. there are a lot of great things about that school....the cheerleaders don't make the list. and calling in the FSU babes is cruel to our girls. that being said, let's see em Ramius....and make it good.
  23. that's right....no JV warm-up game before we feel ready to play a real school.
  24. not everyone else
  25. I guess I kind of saw it the other way around. I would give a service academy a better shot knock off a BCS team than a school like Appalachian St. (or a bottom feeding big conference cupcake). But you are kind of changing my mind. This: ....is an excellent point. Exposure to and "practice" against other big time schools in a tough conference does better prepare a low grade team for a big time showdown. I guess I'm only wary because both Navy and Air Force have enjoyed a considerable about of success the last few years and both employ a very unique style of play (goofy ass triple option and such) that are hard to prepare for. It can give them an edge. I'd rather play a team with C- talent, that plays the game straight up and predictable, than team with D talent that switches everything up.
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