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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. I am...I'm so torn up about it. It literally eats away at me everyday. I've deleted anyone named "Jason" or "Peter" from my phone and email. And April is now 30 days of hell. Can you help me?
  2. I didn't call you a bigot. I asked you three questions You've advanced two separate arguments in this thread: 1. It's the "liberals" fault that gay marriage rights aren't picking up traction because they structured the fight in a very bad way. 2. That disallowing states from preventing churches from marrying gay people is the same as forcing the churches to marry gay people. I'm addressing #2 (as others have in this thread). Where are you getting this from?
  3. I'd like to learn more about good cheeses too. I made friends with this french kid growing up and I was lucky enough to be invited to go visit him and his family in France a few times when I was younger. After every dinner at a restaurant, the waiter would come around with this giant plate of different cheeses and each person would select a few slices. At the time, I thought it was ridiculous excuse for 'dessert' and just wanted some fuggin ice cream or something. I go to VT every summer and always pick up some Cabot Seriously Sharp Cheddar. I recommend that 3lb block. Nice brick of cheese! Give me some of that, a few slices of sopressata and some baguette or crackers....I'm chillin. Of course when I buy it at home from the supermarket, it doesn't taste as good. Probably all in my head.
  4. Baby, we're so not money and we don't even know it.
  5. No no...I agree with all that. I have a slight problem with power conference schools only scheduling these powder puff games at home, but overall, I agree that the lesser school wants it badly so who am I to stop that. What I was talking about is when these matchups occur at bizarre neutral sites. There was no reason whatsoever for ND to play a WASHINGTON ST. school in SAN ANTONIO. It was a shameless money-grab. I don't like big schools scheduling these inequitable 7-4-1 models. I mean, ND is playing only THREE true away games this year. We are doing and 8-3-2!! Sickening. Now the Navy at Giants stadium is kind of a standard deal for us and the Army at Yankees stadium is okay with me as a traditional throwback (as long as it doesn't happen again for 10 years). But I don't like how we strong-armed WSU last year and I don't like how we scheduled UConn to a 10-year home-and-home when all five UConn "home" games will be outside of Storrs. This was all the work of Kevin White and his lunacy. Now with adding Texas, Miami and OU back to our schedules in the next 5-10 years, we will be getting back to normal.
  6. I meant to post this last week when the thread started. There was a very cool article about the creation of the Madden franchise...from it's inception to the juggernaut it is now. It's a bit long, but I thought it was a very cool read. It was cool seeing all the covers back to back. I remember playing '92 on SNES and Thurman being so nasty you could run all the way back to your own endzone and still outrun everyone back for a TD '95 on Genesis...the first I remember being able to high-step to the endzone. Deion was a monster. Plus the badass FOX theme song. '96 might have been my favorite because of the cool skill-based Create-a-player. I liked that you actually had to complete drills to make your guy good at his position Anyway... The Franchise
  7. Gee, shocker...it's a fugging cat!! Although, what does "wasteful" mean? Did the cat not clip coupons? Leave the light on when leaving a room? What?
  8. Just finished watching the Phillies ass whipping and caught some Eagles training camp coverage. I know they aren't Bills anymore, but just some notes: Peters - described his own play last year (Probowl) as a "6.5/7 out of 10" - looked in great shape. took part in his first ever voluntary conditioning program this offseason. Loved this quote "coming in [to training camp] in shape really helps." April - was running all around like a madman yelling and blowing his whistle - was wearing a referees uniform. he said he does it to help keep the players attention while they practice plays. he said he's been doing this for 8-9 years. I have no memory of that. I do miss that guy. Truly the one bright coaching spot of the past decade. Nothing groundbreaking...I was just watching and thought I'd pass it along.
  9. While I'd say !@#$ Jerry Jones on principle as well, I'm not totally against these neutral site games as long as they are part of a home-and-home. What I can't stand is the kind of barnstorming, revenue whoring games that many teams schedule to take advantage of weaker opponents. ND's last AD (Kevin White) engaged in this disgrace and we ended up getting games like Washington St. in San Antonio.
  10. I'll be there. Couldn't agree more. And after last year's mess, a good Wolverine beat-down is what I need in my life. To your first paragraph, you obviously know the team better than I do. I just have always held the opinion that Tebow was a lights-out grand slam for Meyer. Obviously you are right about them winning with a square peg QB in Leak, but that team was loaded as well (from both Zook and Meyer's first full class). I'm excited to see if Meyer can reload in 1-2 years or if the Tebow Era will forever be his pinnacle. And for you last point, I completely agree. I mock these polls in principle, but they get me excited when I realize how close we are to kickoff. And I did a double-take looking for Southern Cal. With all the mess they are in, I had forgotten about the Coaches Poll ban. Love it. Interesting take on Bama...pretty cautious. You think they are the favorites? Leaving their ranking alone, would you give a different team better odds to win the NC? Boise?
  11. We do, and actually, it's because he likes it so much. We feel terrible about how he feels at our house. We have a townhouse, so there isn't a lot of backyard and something puts the fear of god into him when we walk him out in front of our house (suburb...dead end street...mostly quiet...nothing menacing). When he goes to the bathroom, he is visibly shook. He's constantly darting his head around. So he pretty much hates where we live it seems. But he loves our parents' homes. More land to run and he just comes out of his shell. Plus we take him to a nearby dog park very often and while he was a little wary at first, he is opening up more and more each time. If you came across us with him at the dog park, you would think he was a normal, friendly dog, just a bit shy of people. But the instance we get him back, the 15 foot walk from the car to our front door turns him into a wreck. It's just so counter-intuitive that the place he is most familiar with (front of house and grass area) is the place he is scared of the most. Yet brand new places with new people and dogs get him maybe 1/10th as frightened. But we love him and we're trying. When he comes out of his shell, he is a fun, playful, energetic little guy. I hope we get to see more of that side as time goes on.
  12. Thanks! You hit the nail on the head there with the discipline. We got him when he was 6-7 months so he was mostly housebroken. However, he has had several accidents since. One night I came upstairs to give him a tiny rawhide stick to chew on (size of a pencil). When I rounded the corner, I caught him peeing. Instinctively, I snapped the rawhide in my hand towards him and gave him a stern "NO." I didn't hit him with it, I just pointed it at him with a quick motion (kind of hard to describe with typing...I think you get the picture). Anyway, it set him off and he went flying under our bed. I was crushed. I felt so angry with myself but also discouraged because that was about a 2 outta 10 on the discipline scale. And I hate to admit this, but I feel so jealous that he likes my wife so much. He is almost completely normal around her. Like I said, he bonded with me first and then just changed. It's selfish, I know...and I feel guilty about it. But he is making small steps all the time and that is what I try to keep on my mind.
  13. Is that what Loving v. Virginia did? And the church would win. Find me legal precedent that makes you think otherwise. What is this pandora's box you are talking about? What law currently on the books requires any church to marry anyone?
  14. Yeah, I feel like we are in for a long ride. He's made incredible strides in some areas, yet absolutely none (even regression) in others. Now he is only 10 months old and we've had him for 3. What is strange is, the first day he came to our house, he bonded with me right away. He laid in my lap, came to me when I put my hand out and generally seemed ok. But within 72 hours, he was terrified of me. It probably took 5-6 weeks to get him back to that original comfort level. I think it's definitely a male thing as Steely said, but it is strange how his panic comes and goes. Did your brother and SIL do anything extraordinary to try to help their dog get over his fear? Or did they just have to kind of wait it out until he found it on his own? The vet we take him to has a animal psychologist who spent over and hour with my wife on her first trip there completely unsolicited. She gave lots of pointers and stuff, but nothing groundbreaking.
  15. http://espn.go.com/college-football/rankings/_/poll/2/week/1 I guess now is always a good time to rehash the argument that (a) preseason polls are nothing but destructive to fair ranking as they are completely arbitrary and only serve to either ensure that a top team will remain there or that an outsider will have an uphill battle all the way. Also that college coaches are the most unqualified people to be ranking OTHER teams. They work 70 hours a week on THEIR team and spend 1 week each on the team they are playing next. They don't have the time, inclination or means to watch other teams' games. If anything, they hand off their weekly homework to an assistant or team tech. Rant over. Interesting notes: - Bama at #1...fair enough. I don't see any other argument. - Flordia at #3...interesting. I would have thought losing God himself from your team would merit a drop of at least a couple of spots. And I say that mostly-seriously. Tebow ran that show. I'm curious as to how Meyer does without him. Big shoes for Brantley. - OU at #8...quite the leap back up. Who's their QB? Landry Jones? - Spots 18-23 taken by previously unranked teams. - ND at 33...can't argue that at all. I have no idea what is in store. Interesting point is that we are six spots BEHIND Cincinnati. Hmmmmm.... Thoughts?
  16. Whats more F'd up is the psychological damage the dog will likely endure for the rest of her life. I mean, the best part of this story is her surviving and someone stepping up to pay for her surgery. But whoever takes Daisy in will likely have to be very patient for a very long time. We adopted an awesome dog this spring (mixed breed...likely some Beagle and Australian Shepherd among others). We were told that he was "neglected" but it was pretty clear he was abused. He is scared to death of people and the slightest noise sets him off. He has totally bonded with my wife, but while he clearly likes me too, he is still very wary of me and becomes easily shaken. He's scared of his leash (I'm thinking maybe he was beaten with a leash, belt, etc.) and he is petrified of the area right outside our house (strange because he loves our parents' houses and other places). I'll be honest, it's been rough. I've never experienced having a dog who didn't always run up to me when I came home and wag his tail frantically. And I've never had a pet who is clearly scared of me. He is the sweetest dog and I can't imagine what someone did to him to make him so distrusting. It's sick, and like most forms of abuse, it's terrible that the damage is long-term. I think animal abuse laws should mirror child abuse laws. Take a baseball bat to a 4-year olds leg 10 times and see how many years you get. Sorry for the mini-LAMP....here he is BTW: Dewey
  17. PREVIOUS: They all contain a three-letter sequence of adjacent letters of the alphabet in reverse order. ENVIRONMENT BEDCOVERS RESPONSIBILITY OUTSOURCE CONFEDERACY SLUGFEST JIHAD NUNAVUT Apologies if you think that was kind of stupid...I don't always look at the answer before I post them. TODAY: A train that is 1 km long is moving along a straight track toward a tunnel that is 1 km long. The train travels at 30 km/h. How many minutes does it take the train to go completely though the tunnel?
  19. Stop undoing everything you taught me in childhood! Triceratops never really existed Well, I'm going to continue to believe in the Triceratops just like I believe Pluto is a planet and there are only 4 Food Groups. PS - No wonder they were so truculent...
  20. Something you've obviously never felt the urge to do around here.
  21. So we didn't get a complete right answer for #1 on Friday. I'll repost it to give everyone another crack. Good job to Links on #2 & #3 PREVIOUS: 2. Old Faithful 3. 58 TODAY: 1. Fill in the blanks to make common uncapitalized English words. The letters you put in the blanks, when read left to right, will spell out shorter words that all have something in common: What one word can precede each of them to create common two-word phrases? 1. FOO _ H _ R _ _ 2. I _ M _ _ UR _ 3. A _ _ _ IGI _ E 4. _ ISAV _ _ I _ G 5. P _ YCHO _ H _ RA _ Y 6. VE _ _ T _ _ IAN 2. Answer the clues to form a chain from CIRCLE to SQUARE. Each consecutive word pair creates a common phrase, name, or compound word. Clues for each word given in parentheses. CIRCLE (Do ballet) (Pupil) (Soul mate?) (Huff and puff) (Difficult) (x, as in 3x2=6) SQUARE
  22. Infringer! The people have spoken and they reject your puzzle! Kidding...I have been slacking. the puzzles have been kind of easy or stupid IMO so I've been trying to get good ones. Today's weren't too hot except for the 1st one I think. Anyway, I think I got yours: Zoe will date Chris...he is the only one who is Tall, Dark and Handsome. My thinking was this: Clues (d) and (e) are the starting points. One pair has to have the good quality and the other must have the bad, otherwise either no one can have either 0 or 3 good qualities. So Brian and Dan have to be FAIR and Alex and Chris TALL (if Brian and Dan are DARK, then Alex is SHORT which creates a problem because either Alex or Dan needs to be TALL and FAIR). Moving on, Brian has to be SHORT and HANDSOME because Chris is TALL. So Brian is SHORT, FAIR and HANDSOME (1 quality). Alex has to be FAIR because if Dan is TALL, then no one will have 0 qualities. Therefore, Dan has to be SHORT, FAIR and UGLY (0 qualities). This leaves Alex and Chris, and since Alex already has one bad quality (FAIR), Chris must be the winner. Alex = TALL, fair, HANDSOME Brian = short, fair, HANDSOME Chris = TALL, DARK, HANDSOME Dan = short, fair, ugly Winner?
  23. 7/27: 1. ONTARIO TABASCO MEMENTO VERTIGO PLACEBO SUBZERO INFERNO BRAVADO FIDELIO CHORIZO 2. 24 TODAY: 1. Fill in the blanks to make common uncapitalized English words. The letters you put in the blanks, when read left to right, will spell out shorter words that all have something in common: What one word can precede each of them to create common two-word phrases? 1. FOO _ H _ R _ _ 2. I _ M _ _ UR _ 3. A _ _ _ IGI _ E 4. _ ISAV _ _ I _ G 5. P _ YCHO _ H _ RA _ Y 6. VE _ _ T _ _ IAN 2 & 3. LINK
  24. I always hear different things about this. It seems people swear by both sides of the argument. According to this article, 62 of the 66 BCS schools (+ Notre Dame) turned a net profit. And 17 of the 51 non-BCS schools did as well. http://ncaafootball.fanhouse.com/2010/06/3...stead-of-trees/ Now I'm sure OVERALL, far fewer schools make money on their entire athletic program (how could they?) But the big dogs of the big sports are still turning in good numbers.
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