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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. I'm with you Fez...it's like the kids in school who didn't read sh-- but still wanted to run their mouths in class to hammer home the point that they didn't know what they were talking about. If you don't take the time to gain the relevant information first hand, then you instantly lose credibility when you attempt to discuss it...regardless of your opinion on it.
  2. I'm with The Senator...it's gonna be nice when we hang more than the 29 points they've allowed all season on them.
  3. Link I guess not as harsh as I remembered it...
  4. Jimmy Singing the 12 days of Xmas it's funnier when you see it in the whole episode though...
  5. Well after how Willingham ended, I think ND will be afraid to touch another minority coach for awhile....so sadly your ultimate dream job in South Bend may be far away. Honestly, I do feel that the backlash ND received when we fired Ty and then again when we gave Weis his extension really set back some of the progress that was being made in this area. I made a post here about this when Jason Shitlock wrote his article about the Weis extension. ND sets the tone for a lot of the college football world and hiring a black coach was a great step forward. Unfortunately, ND will never be remembered as the big-time program that hired a black coach, but as the big-time program that unjustly fired him. It's a real shame because I think many other big programs look at that situation and fear the potential backlash they will receive if they have to fire a black coach. The way Jason Whitlock and dozens of other talking heads and media outlets ran with their attack on ND has sadly sabotaged the very mission they (and many others) hope to accomplish. here is my post on the Whitlock article: Link
  6. Everyone gets a four-year shot at that job...although sadly, at ND, the dome wasn't always so golden.
  7. I think suspending him the rest of the year would have done it. Lifetime ban? I don't know about all that. I do know though that the picketing to get our very own Brad Butler banned for life for diving at the back of Kiwi's injured knee surprisingly died off when we made him our 5th round pick....nothing like a little consistency here.
  8. Did you read his 2nd post?
  9. Seriously, wtf does it matter WHY he showed up when he did? If you have a ticket to an event that is still in progress, you should have a right to use that ticket.
  10. If you haven't already, pick up that T.I. cd, King. In fact, any T.I. album is pretty straight in my mind. About five years ago a few of my boys at school who lived down the hall used to bump this one T.I. song, Dope Boyz, all the time. When I found out who he was, I started paying attention to him, and he has yet to disappoint. Urban Legend was one of the better albums to come out in the last few years, and King is pretty straight as well. I know what you are saying about newer rap (and in my opinion, specifically newer southern rap), but I always felt T.I. was way beyond most of the ground-level, Swisha House/Ca$h Money type sh-- that cycles in and out. He has an Eminem-like quality to his flow that puts him on par with the Ludacris and far from the Lil Jon area. And while his album isn't new, nothing has come out since that can touch it in my opinion. ~And with regards to freestyles, see if you can find old Eminem flows. Some of his stuff is incredible, to the point that you don't believe it's a freestyle.
  11. Gotta love Diesel. C'mon man, tell us how you really feel... Terrible *the video clip is on ESPN Motion*
  12. So my girlfriend's dad is in a league and I've helped him out the past couple years drafting and managing...we seem to be heading in the right direction. We are 3-0, but likely going to lose this week.... So here's my beef...the way FA pickups work in this league is that everyone submits waiver claims starting Tuesday and the league commish sorts everything out on Saturday (this was unknown to us, we didn't realize he waited so long to get his sh-- together). The worst record team gets precedent if multiple teams want the same player. So anyway, we have Eli and Trent Green so we were without a QB this week. I put in a claim for Favre on Tuesday, and I don't hear anything until Friday. Girl's dad makes a call to see what is going on. Comish explains that he doesn't do anything until Saturday but that someone else already put in a claim for Favre so we should pick another QB. So I want Charlie Frye and we also rank our top 5 choices just in case something happens (tragically, Alex Smith was #2 ). Anyway, Sunday morning I check the team and we didn't get Frye, we got Alex '90 fking yds and 2 picks' Smith. But here is the kicker, the league comish who we spoke to the previous day takes Frye (he gets him b/c he has a worse record). AND we play him this week. The reason this doesn't sit will with me is that, as comish, he can see all of the waiver claims that everyone has put in. He can see who everyone is trying to get and act accordingly. Plus, in addition to taking Frye, he didn't even play him...he started Culpepper!! It was almost as if he took him just so we couldn't. So long story short, we lose 21 pts. by having Smith instead of Frye and we are losing by 9 pts right now with only Donald Driver to save us. So yeah Smith fked us and it was ultimately our fault for picking him, but I feel like we got hosed. If karma exists, Driver will score a long TD to win this game for us!!
  13. Yeah, I don't see any photos of the scoreboard reading 0:00....I take it you left early like the rest of the losers.... Nice pics Rock!
  14. That has to be the ballsiest way to go ever....
  15. I'll second some of the thoughts in this thread... Complaining about ANY announcer (not named Randy Cross) who is sitting RIGHT NEXT TO Joe Theisman is like looking at this picture and complaing about how big a slut the brunette is... Link
  16. That pro-football-reference site is legit. One strange note about the Bills four Super Bowl seasons....each of those four years we got our asses kicked in at least one game. I mean we only lost 15 regular season games, but we had SEVEN pretty significant thrashings laid on us. That doesn't seem to be a common occurance among Super Bowl teams. 1990: L 7-30 at MIA 1991: L 6-33 at KC 1992: L 10-37 MIA, 3-20 at LA, 3-27 at HOU 1993: 0-23 at PIT, 7-23 at KC
  17. Frye....I would start myself if I was playing QB vs. the Raiders
  18. Roll with the Dogfish 60 man....it's pretty straight.
  19. THAT was fking funny!!
  20. I swear...throw in a "Jerky Jerk" or a beer dumping threat and wyORbilzfan is NJSue
  21. Yeah no sh--. Because if we finish with one loss it will mean that we beat the #2 team in country in their stadium. If you finish with one loss, your big win will be against.....?
  22. I don't know why, but that got me...
  23. It's a damn good thing they got Drew Brees, Reggie Bush and are winning some games. I'd love to see the city's residents' reactions if they were told "Hey your city is still pretty much a shitshow, but come out to the Dome on Sundays and see Aaron Brooks and AJ Hawk! You'll feel much better....we promise."
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