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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. I think it's cool to love Peyton Manning and think he is great and all (he is), but I find it a little disturbing that a BILLS fan could have an all-time favorite QB who is either a). Not a Bill B). Not named Kelly C). Both Do you really like Peyton Manning more than Jimbo??
  2. the other bcs first a few notes on that one: - ND trails USC by .001 pts. for the 9th spot I'd love to see the same division between the #2 and #3 teams in the final rankings. - Computer has WVU at 13th (3rd) and Cal 3rd (10th)...interesting REAL BCS 1. OSU (--) 2. Michigan (--) 3. Florida (+1) 4. WVU (+1) 5. Tenn (+1) 6. Louisville (+2) 7. ND (+4) 8. Texas (+2) 9. USC (-6) 10. Auburn (-3) Honorable mention (in order): Cal, Ark This week was difficult: - Top 4 are pretty set in my mind - I want to make UL lower, but until they lose....? - I gave ND the jump because they played the best game of any top 10 team not named Ohio St. (albeit v. Navy) - I might have USC a little low, but I think we could beat them on a neutral field. - Auburn doesn't impress me anymore. I think LSU got jobbed in their game, Arkansas dominated them at home and they scraped by this week vs. an SEC bottom feeder. I like their win vs. Florida, but I think they are regressing. Plus, I'm not a fan of their 8 home games v. 4 away with Florida and LSU both at home.
  3. DW is very similar to thurman...that is a great analogy. His big knock in the draft (IF he decides to declare this year which is not set in stone) will be his lack of speed. Even in the college level, he can't really separate in the open field. But his vision is uncanny. I haven't closely watched a RB who knew exactly how to maximize his runs like DW since Thurman. He always knows what angle to take to get the most amount of yards per play. His screen running is superior and his blocking is adequate. All that being said, I wonder if he can make it at the next level where the defensive speed is becoming more devestating every year. At worst though, I can see him as a Kevin Faulk type. He would probably be a 3rd round pick if he came out this year. I'd be all for grabbing him up.
  4. I think people are arguing two separate issues. I don't think anyone questions that he is paid to give an opinion or that he has the "right" to say what he wants. Both of those things are fine in my opinion. The issue was that (as usual) he said something stupid. He has the right to say that, just as Tiki has a right to respond. I criticzed him just as I criticize Joe Theisman when he opens his mouth and mumbles something idiotic. He can give his opinion, but his opinion sucks.
  5. Well for all the heat ND takes for having close games, today was a hell of a scare for pretty much the entire top 10. Of course, every team ahead of us ends up dodging the bullet, except for the one team that we DIDN'T want to lose!! (sorry SnJ...had to happen eventually I guess). Great weekend of football...I was at the ND/Navy game...excellent show.
  6. AJ...this is the bed I currently rock (make my gf sleep on the floor). I'd pick one up if I were you... Bank on it
  7. I missed the best post? Figures...
  8. Jesus, how did I know this was coming?
  9. You're arguing right to say it? Well no sht, he could also say that Tiki was the worst running back the Giants have ever had or Oakland has a good shot of winning the AFC. You're original post was: I have to side with Jackson on this one. STFU Tiki To me, that has nothing to do with his right to say it, you were agreeing with him. And it was an ignorant and irresponsible thing to say. And, as we all know, it was wrong.
  10. What? It sounds like you are agreeing with me. Correct, Jackson was WRONG. The Giants were supposed to be distracted and instead they came out and dominated. If they had sucked, maybe I'd believe they were distracted. Plus the players dispute Jackson's claim. I just talked to one a minute ago: drShanahan: Tuck...whattup son? drShanahan: yo is that Tiki sh-- really a distraction or are those fools at ESPN talking sh--? drShanahan: be real JLT*******44: Talking sh-- JLT*******44: Did it look like a distraction monday nite?
  11. Your link wouldn't open for me...but how can you agree with Jackson? He claims Tiki has caused a big distraction for the team. Results: Giants' players say the exact opposite and the first game they play after the "great distracting news" is a MNF blowout of a division rival away from home. Yup, sure looks like they can't keep their heads in the game.
  12. No doubt, it's just my opinion. It just puzzles me that you rarely hear Tiki mentioned (until maybe just recently) among the league's elite backs. Edge, LT, Priest, Alexander and now LJ are all thrown out there. He deserves better.
  13. nope....sorry.
  14. You nailed it there, man. We need a whole shtload... But I wouldn't overlook Nebraska...I'm sure they would love another shot at you after last week.
  15. Cross off a the first road-block to ND's 2006-07 Championship season. OSU Michigan USC WVU UL UF Tejas Auburn Tenn Clemson
  16. It's obviously not clear cut...but the statement YOU responded to was "tiki barber has been the best rb in football for the past 3 years." You can't take Priest Holmes and his "REAL" three years...it's not relevant. And your argument about the TDs is decent, except that neither Alexander nor LT has a short yardage back like Brandon Jacobs who absorbs a lot of TDs. LT is certainly dynamic and Alexander is a great workhorse runner. But I'd take Tiki over both of them right now and his numbers for the past three years back that up.
  17. This was posted on ESPN earlier today, but I haven't heard any mention here. Tiki Barber fired back HARSHLY at specific members of the media who have criticized him for his recent retirement talk. Specifically named Gary Meyers (NY Daily News), Tom Jackson and our favorite coke-addled, word butchering, crack-pipe-in-my-car-but-it-wasn't-mine ESPN jackass, Michael Irvin. Barber made some great points and I look forward to him ripping the likes of Irvin to shreads if/when he decides to become a broadcaster or analyst. GET EM Tiki
  18. Who do you think has led the all RBs in Rushing yards, Receiving yards and total yards from 2003-present? Hell, I'll give you the answer... Tiki Barber 5241 rushing 4.8 avg. 201 catches 1791 receiving 7032 total yds. LT 4915 rushing 4.4 avg. 236 catches 1782 yds 6697 total yds. Shaun Alexander 5198 rushing 4.6 avg. 85 catches 565 receiving 5763 total yds. Priest Holmes has only played one full season since 2003. Pretty hard to argue against a guy who puts up the best numbers with the least amount of support.
  19. I see your point...
  20. He took a wicked shot to the neck returning a punt about 3 weeks ago. He was shaken up (tough to do to this mf) and didnt play the next week. Then last week he played defense but maybe he is done returning punts for awhile. He is a tough SOB though. He has never made a fair catch in his life! And I've seen him fck around like wrestling/fighting with some of our older players who were LBs and he pretty much kicked their asses. Probably the last person I know that I would ever mess with.
  21. I'm gonna toss out the idea that you aren't an Irish fan. And that Gallo article was ridiculous. But not that I'd expect any journalistic integrity from the sole writer of Sportspickle.com. Just another anti-ND talking head who feels the need to flex his muscles a little bit. Riveting...
  22. Ramius and LA, right on about the fking airlines. I'll add to that... 1.) People who put tiny bags or purses in the overhead bin on an airplane. Thanks for being so stunningly self-absorbed, dickwad. There are only 150 people on this goddamn plane and it’s not like we all have fking luggage too. I have a standard sized carry-on suitcase, which is just small enough to fit in the overhead. And oh how it makes my day when I have to walk all the way back to the front of the plane, against traffic, to give the stewardess my bag because there is no place to put it. All because some selfish B word decided they couldn’t be bothered to put his camera bag underneath the seat in front of them. Wouldn’t want to interfere with your foot-room would we? It’s not like you are sharing this plane with other people now. 2.)People who “accidentally” sit in your seat and then act all exasperated when you ask them to move. First of all, these people know what they are doing. They know they have the shtty middle seat and they want my window. I find it hard to believe that people could have such trouble deciphering the complex ‘A-B-C code’ airplanes have to determine which seat is what. I get a window seat for two reasons: I like to rest my head against the wall and sleep and I don’t want to sit in between two disgusting people. I don’t get the aisle because I don’t really need Mr. Overactive Bladder to shove his ass in my face while he squeezes by me every 3 minutes to go to the bathroom. So don’t act like I’m the @sshole because I want the seat I paid for. You are the stupid one for sitting in the wrong seat so pack up your laptop and your precious blackberry and move out of the way. 3.) People sitting in a row behind me who think they are so important that they can get off the plane before me. This applies to buses or any other type of transportation where people sit in rows. We all learned in kindergarten the dynamic of waiting your fking turn. Look, if you have a connecting flight to catch, no problem, I’ve been there. Say something and I’m happy to let you by me. But if that’s not the case, what makes you think you are so special that you don’t have to wait in line like the rest of us? When I see one of these princes standing in the aisle waiting to pounce, I try so hard to resist snatching his silly hands-free cell phone kit and tossing it 10 rows back. One day I’ll do it. I promise.
  23. Normally I would never think of using that title on anyone else, but Ed you're becoming a fking clone. You say something (stupid or not) and then follow it up with a barrage of comments just inviting an attack. Only one poster ever did that better than you....and his title may not be safe.
  24. I've only seen the one where he does the stupid obstacle course with the piece of toast sitting on a chair. But at least Geico has come to their senses and brought back the CAVEMEN!! The latest one with the TV interview is great. "First off, I'm not totally in love with your tone."
  25. Weis is pissed that we were jumped by a team who had a similar victory (Tennessee) and a team that didn't play (Florida). He got in a good quote about that; "One of the teams [Tennessee] that jumped us had the same game that we had. They're down, they're playing at home and they win by a field goal," Weis said Tuesday. "Another team [Florida] that jumped us wasn't even playing. They were home eating cheeseburgers and they end up jumping us. That befuddles me." Weis I gotta say that I disagree with Charlie on this one. I think that it wasn't so much just the UCLA close call that dropped us, but the notion that is gaining strength that these types of games are becoming routine for us. Everytime we squeek out a victory (whether to a weak opponent or a quality one) it brings down our image a little bit. UCLA was the third come from behind win this season in seven games. And those three teams are a combined 13-9. However, if USC remains unbeaten until our matchup and we take them down, I expect us to have a good as shot in getting into the title game as any other one loss team (except maybe Michigan).
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