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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Just got back from the flick....that was the hardest I've laughed in a long time. I knew Cohen was crazy, but I didn't think he was that crazy. I could see that movie (definitely parts of it) over and over and over....
  2. True, which is why I defend him a lot. But blaming it on a medical condition? He deserves what he gets for that one. That is something a 7th grade smartass would say when a teacher caught him sleeping in Algebra.
  3. That's what I like to hear.
  4. Hey easy, they might be suffering from this disease as well!
  5. Going out on a limb here, but I'd venture that maybe the reason Tom Brady wins so many games is because he isn't like TO.
  6. Damn, $1,200 for a Big East football game? Wow. I heard of ND-Nebraska going for a grand, but I only even got 600 for a Fiesta Bowl ticket last year. I guess though if I was a Rutgers fan, and I had a chance to witness their first memorable victory since 1869...I'd probably shell out too.
  7. I have been (and will remain) a TO fan and defender for most of his stuff. I think he takes a lot of heat unecessarily, but he brings most of it on himself anyway. But this new one is just too much. TO has been sleeping in team meetings Ok so big deal, he's lazy. But no, he and Jerry Jones (why am I not surprised) believe it is a health issue. These have to be the best two sentences I've ever read in a sports article: Owens added that once he processes the game plan, the meetings and film work become redundant. And in a dimly lit room, Owens can doze off in a hurry. No!! You mean he gets....bored?? Someone better call the 200,000,000+ lazy people in this country and alert them to get medical attention before their condition worsens.
  8. In their what? fckin michigan fan...
  9. Just re-watched season 2 on DVD...it's crazy the lengths he goes to make people believe it's real. With Borat, he said he wears the same suit and hasn't washed it for years so it reeks of BO. Also the pad he carries around, he actually writes on it but he writes in hebrew (I believe) to make it look legit to the average person. Plus, he said that his filming schedule (at least for the TV show) depended on the growth of his hair. Once he did Bruno, he would have to wait for his hair and mustache to grow back in before he would do Borat and Ali G. He's a genius, but like I mentioned in another thread, this movie will be bittersweet because it will probably be the end of Borat. He won't be able to get his schtick over on just anyone anymore. So hopefully it is a great movie, which I can't believe it won't be.
  10. Great game...I thought before the season that UL would take care of WVU, but after they lost Michael Bush, I didn't see it happening. I agree with a lot of the sentiments in this thread though, UL would struggle more against many of the 1-loss teams in the nation. I wouldn't mind seeing ND play them and match our offenses together. And Jesus, Ed....you are becoming more and more like BF everyday. If you want to provoke people by saying stupid sh--, then do it on one of the other boards. Thankfully, this forum seems to have avoided most of the mouthbreathers that grace us on the main wall. I think it might be our "No Drooling" sign that keeps them away. Now if you aren't trying to provoke, and you actually believe that RU would beat the likes of Texas, then I can't help you...
  11. Good to see you back buddy...I was starting to think you didn't like us anymore..
  12. My girl used to work at a Hallmark store. They started the X-mas music in June. Not really much of a holiday if it lasts more than half the year...
  13. A thread where daquixers is instructing someone else on how to post...now I've seen it all.
  14. I think Bruno is the weakest of the characters...I like the Ali G part the best. I almost pissed myself when he asked a Catholic priest if he had ever gotten anyone pregnant...and when he said no, he asked if it was because he wore a rubber or shot blanks.
  15. I wish it had been this warm on Saturday night when I went out. Wilmington (DE) has a Halloween Loop every year that includes like 18 bars. Great times, but it's been sickening cold the last two years.
  16. I kind of agree with your sentiment...it will suck if a bunch of retard kids act stupid in the theater. I think soon I will yearn for the days that Sacha Baron Cohen was relatively unknown to the mass of this country. For starters, it's pretty much a guarantee that he won't be able to pull his schtick over on just anyone anymore. I mean he used to dupe to the likes of Newt Gingrich, Boutros Boutros-Ghali and others. Plus he could get over on countless people who hadn't ever seen his face. It just won't be possible anymore. Second, I fear that if this movie is a success, he could go the way of Chapelle and the nauseating stream of people quoting Borat like Rick James will be unbearable.
  17. Jesus Ed...way to butcher a classic movie line.
  18. She is rated number 1 sex in mouth in all of Kazakhstan. IT'S NIIIIICE! Can't wait till Friday...you gonna go see that sht?
  19. He made a generalization, but I'd say it's pretty fair. There are far more dumbass young people than dumbass old people.
  20. Pretty intense...I like his flow. In the version I downloaded, there was a gap after the last verse and then a new song started...both pretty good. I also downloaded their "Lean Back remix"....uh not so good.
  21. When I was 12, I went to the Bills-Steelers Playoff game in Three Rivers ('96). As I got up to leave sometime late in the 4th quarter, I had the distinct pleasure of having a 40-something member of the Steelers finest point in my face and tell me "That's right motherfcker, get the fck out of here!" There are @ssholes everywhere...too bad there was no "good" Steelers fan to whip his ass like in your story. Then I could have at least taken something good away from that disaster of a game.
  22. I'm puzzled as to why people generally seem to believe that what Irvin said was either: a. Without any factual basis b. Wrong ...and yet some still criticize Tiki. He had no problem with Irvin's "right" to say anything. He had a problem with the truth and accuracy of a statement made by a person who had little or no understanding of what the reality is. It's also continually comical how most everyone here doesn't miss a single opportuinity to trash ESPN and "experts" about their unfounded (and usually wrong) opinions, but yet when someone finally calls one of them out for it, he is castigated. Irvin said something stupid. Tiki fired back. End of story.
  23. Yeah that's fking hilarious... I'm sure this guy is still laughing his ass off
  24. Oh okay...good. Because I remember you saying awhile back that Peyton was "possibly your favorite QB of all time." Got me worried...
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