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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Voted....though I was a little disapointed in my district's (PA 16) voting method. No punches, no lights, no levers or buttons. Just a piece of paper and a fcking sharpie. Fill in the bubble next to the name. I was shocked they didn't hand out crayons and construction paper.
  2. Blue, I gotta say that I can understand not giving Louisville love (they are probably overrated), but last week you had them ranked at 7 and now after they beat WVU, you drop them lower?
  3. Actually, 911 is already funny, but only if we blame the jews for it. Borat told me so.
  4. I forgot that feminists part... Give me a smile, pussycat!
  5. No doubt...I understand all that. I'm talking about people who grunt excessively loud and specifically the ones who are grunting because they are trying to look like a badass by lifting 100 lbs. too much.
  6. ND is seemingly in a catch-22. Put aside that their chances for a Fiesta Bowl bid are extremely remote, it wouldn't really matter if they were ranked 4th right now. If Michigan loses to OSU, then it isn't really going to matter because Michigan won't drop below ND. If OSU loses to Michigan (unless it is a serious blowout), they won't drop below ND. This is price you pay for 26 point losses at home.
  7. other guys' poll Notes: - ND gets jumped by Cal for the crucial #8 spot and trails by 0.014...I hope this close trailing does not become a trend. - Top 3 teams are also top 3 in computer avg (albeit out of order). - Much love to UL all around...(I knew there was a reason they stayed in my top 10 ) Onto the big boys... Bart's College Standings 1. OSU (--) 2. Michigan (--) 3. Louisville (+3) 4. Florida (-1) 5. Texas (+3) 6. ND (+1) 7. USC (+2) 8. WVU (-4) 9. Auburn (+1) 10. Cal (+1) Honorable mention (in order): Ark, LSU, Wisc - I said I couldn't take UL down until they lost...and they still haven't. Have to give love to a great team with a great victory without their would-have-been top 5 draft pick, Michael Bush. - I would have loved to switch OSU and Michigan this week, but as both teams looked terrible, it was a wash. - Texas impresses me more as the season goes on and they get more dangerous as young Colt gets experience. I have to say I see Texas, ND and Florida all on about the same plane. - ND is grooving offensively and we are going to be tough to stop for anyone in the nation. Need to cut out the mistakes. - USC didn't mope too long. - Can't drop WVU that far...at #3 in the country, they were overrated...at #10, they might be underrated. - Tennessee had to go eventually....man the SEC is brutal
  8. Yes and since Rutgers has taken down those two juggernauts, you now believe: "the only teams that could beat RU are OSU and Michigan." Homer? nooooo...
  9. Good. Excessive grunters make me sick. I can't concentrate lifting when some guy (who is lifting waaay more weight than he should be) makes a sound like a bear is violating him. My next favorite is when after Bruno finishes his 12 grunts, he chucks the 95 lbs. dumbells he is using to the floor like he just scored a TD. Relax, Butch.
  10. I'm glad Sacha Baron Cohen will finally get the long awaited recognition he deserves. "She say you will never get this....but then one day he get it!!" NIICE!
  11. I agree with most of what you said, but I wasn't all that impressed with Peters in passing downs. I thought he did a very good job opening up holes for runs, but KGB absolutely abused him early on. He settled down later, but it was an up and down performance in my opinion. He will get better as he gets more comfortable.
  12. Ed, there is no point with you. You have become a BF-type homer. Which is a shame because pratically everyone else here likes to talk real college football.
  13. They could beat Texas...it is possible. Just incredibly unlikely. My opinion is based on the fact that they haven't beaten anyone worth a sht yet and I believe teams that Texas plays would have already beaten them (OU and Nebraska). You can't possibly believe that... Where do I start? Do you think this makes Rutgers better than ND? Try this on: -ND scored on their first six possessions and didnt punt the entire game...Rutgers? Punt, Punt, Fumble, FG, Punt, TD. If you can't score against Navy, try a team with a real defense. Look, I'd be excited too. 2002 ND started 7-0 and beat Michigan in that stretch. After that we lost 3 of our next 5 including two blowouts. Rutgers hasn't proved themselves yet...but they have plenty of upcoming chances.
  14. Everyone in my theater was ROLLING the entire time. I did make two observations though. 1. It's funny to note the hypocrisy of some people. This older couple next to us laughed their ass off at every jew joke in the movie, but during the retard parts they were very quiet with the wife saying once "that's not funny." It's okay to laugh at potentially offensive jokes until they offend you... 2. I hope this isn't the case, but I have the sneaking suspicion that a lot of the laughter in our theater was misguided. 75% of the audience had to be high school age and I sadly think that they were laughing because they thought it was funny how racist Borat was acting. I doubt many of them know of Cohen's ethnic background or have heard him speak about the inspiration behind his characters. I fear the satire was lost on many and the reason people laughed is because they are racist or intolerant themselves. But who knows? It was funny as sht... Sorry to bring such a serious sentiment into a thread about the funniest two hours I have experienced in a long time. My experience was just partly ruined.... (pause) NOT!
  15. Yup, I mentioned that in the post.
  16. First, you can't say history doesn't agree with me and then cite one example. History does agree with me. Disruptive, big-ego athletes don't have a lot of championship rings...ESPECIALLY in a team dominated sport like football. The only person you can bring up is TO and he hasn't ever won anything!!! The example you mention is a weak one. The Eagles were a Super Bowl caliber team without T.O. They were one game away for three years and swept the NFC playoffs without him the year he was on the team. You are correct, he played a hell of a game and he wasn't the reason they lost. But they did. And then what happened the next year? He destroyed the team. So without TO: 3 NFC championships With TO: 1 NFC Championship + ruined season I fail to see how he left them in a better condition than when he arrived.
  17. Wow, exactly the same thoughts. Never seen an episode, always see the previews and it looks kind of weak...but that trailer had a lot of potential. For a second though my heart skipped as I thought it might be a Super Troopers 2.
  18. Okay so that sht was out of control. I've watched him for a long time now, but I was not expecting what I saw tonight. The only part I knew anything about was the rodeo as I read an article about it months ago where it said that he had to be escorted out by security because a riot was about to ensue. Highlights: - Funniest fcking scene...the jewish bed and breakfast. His face when he found out, and then the scene with the cross and the clutched money was too much. I died when he threw money at the "shape shifting" jew roaches!!! - The disturbing scene...this was a little much. That 69 sht was off the hinges. But when they ran in the elevator and they are stuck with the one guy and a rubber fist....jesus christ. Hilarious. - The "Running of the Jew." Great way to start it off. The whole Kazahkstan part was pretty good, especially the jealous neighbor he sht on. - The dinner scene...bringing the black prostitute, telling the dude his wife wasn't hot (she...uh not so much) and then shitting in the sack. WOW! I thought the Pamela thing was kinda weak, but I guess they needed a way to tie the whole story together. But I have to ask opinion here, do you think she was in on it? It SURE didn't look like she knew what was going on, but I can't imagine how he didn't get in trouble for that sht. The marriage sack? Too much... Let's hear it...
  19. good idea...
  20. Yo there are some good bets there...I'd take a flyer on the parlay if you want, but if you want to make some money, just pick your most confident game and drop the cash on that one. Parlays are fun, but there is reason they rarely hit. Denver is straight I think.
  21. *********SPOILER ALERT********* That sh-- was wild...the B&B scene almost made my piss myself though. When he threw money at the roaches I was crying....
  22. Look, I'll defend TO more than most, but until he until he proves otherwise, he will go down in my book as another great talent who didn't win the big one because he couldn't put the team ahead of him. Sports history is littered with ego-guys who never won big despite scary talent. The last athlete I know of who won consistenly and still was hated by a good portion of his teammates was Michael Jordan. But he was a once in a lifetime athlete and basketball is a sport where individuals can affect the game to a much higher degree than football. If this clears anything up....
  23. It's not a realistic question. If Tom Brady "split the locker room" he wouldn't have won 3 championships. If TO had three rings on his fingers, then yes, I would love to have him. Until then, I have no use for someone like him on my team.
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