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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Got completely screwed. Won last week's game on the final play of the Monday night game (37 yd TD to Steve Smith). Miracle finish, took the win by 8 points. McNabb was credited with 9 today. Someone hates me...
  2. Actually, her videos transform from unwatchable to pretty tight once the mute button is located.
  3. I disagree...I am fairly harsh when grading out ND, but we have been playing some good football lately and Arkansas struggled to put away a bottom feeder yesterday. If anything, they should have dropped a spot, not moved up one.
  4. Best and most entertaining game of the year. The reason I watch football.
  5. Yup. And probably not the first, or the last...but that won't stop you from telling others not to do it.
  6. BS there is no way he was peeing standing up...
  7. I don't think your god likes that. But at least you're not hypocritical about throwing around insults...
  8. I'm happy it worked out, but that doesn't really change much. The guy is so overly conservative and it is going to cost us games. There is no excuse for running the clock out with over a minute left before halftime, 3 TOs and the best offensive performance of the season.
  9. No way to overturn...that's six.
  10. 1:00+ left in the first half coming off of the hottest offensive performance of the year and he runs out the clock 2:15 left and he punts.... One day he is going to have to learn to pee standing up if this team is going to try to WIN games instead of trying NOT to lose them.
  11. Nope Sorry Smokin, but I'm about to rail on your boys. USC at #2?? You have to be out of your fargin mind. They lost to and UNRANKED team!!! I'm no fan of rematches, but you can't possibly tell me that if USC beats ND next week by less than 26 that they deserve the title game more than Michigan. Conversely, what if ND beats USC? I guaran-fckin-tee you that we won't be #2. And futhermore, why is it every team besides ND gets a pass for unconvincing wins against sh------- teams?? Arkansas 21-19 v. 4-8 Vanderbilt, 28-14 v. 3-8 Miss AND 50-14 LOSS v. USC but they are ranked ahead of us? Yeah ND sure has been sucked off in the polls this year... EDIT : AP Poll is out and we dropped a spot to Arkansas?? We won 41-9 vs. Army and Arkansas wins 28-14 vs. Miss and they jump us? ND sure gets preferential treatment.
  12. The only thing I disagree with is that I thought the game didn't live up to the hype. It was a close final score, but after midway though the 1st quarter, I felt like Ohio St. was in the driver seat. Michigan was playing catchup the entire game. This wasn't like the game last year (which I thought was much more exciting). But nonetheless, still a great game between two great teams. And quite possibly the best game of the year. But I wouldn't call it a "game of the century" like many seem to dub a big game every year.
  13. No, that's impossible. Ed told me he looks like Larry the Cable Guy soooo...let's be real.
  14. Way it goes Ed...Reminds me a lot of the 2002 ND squad. We were all calling for a matchup with Miami saying that our defense could shut anyone down. Then we got beaten by a solid, but lesser team (BC) and then were exposed by a much better USC team (which could happen to Rutgers too with WVU). It's easy to get lost in the hype, but it apparent now (just as it was for ND in 2002) that teams don't really make quantum leaps in one season. The 2002 version was much improved over the 2001, but we weren't contenders. But Rutgers is on the rise and hopefully they won't regress after one peak season like ND did.
  15. I think it is fair to say that these two teams are the best in the country. Both fought hard. Pretty much the worst scenario for ND though, a close loss by Michigan, but hey we'll see what happens. Herbstreit saying that he thought the players played well despite the loss of Bo was a bit of a stretch though. I don't really think that the 18-22 year old Michigan players are very emotionally attached to a coach the left Michigan when they were toddlers. I think the Michigan players played very well going into a crazy environment in maybe the biggest game the school has ever played. They made some mistakes, but I can't really say that the outcome would be the same if they played again (especially on a neutral field or in Ann Arbor). Great game for College Football.
  16. Eh...those letters do suck and the people who you are close with would already know about major events in your life (like the birth your daugher). If you go for it, I'd follow mead's advice and just send it to more distant friends and family. But I do think that is kind of a catch-22. Your close friends already know about everything and the distant ones probably don't care. I think maybe I will do one someday but I will make it overly obnoxious to the point that maybe someone thinks it is funny.
  17. bull sh--
  18. Believe me, I'd layed off ND all year long before last week (-11.5 to Air Force was WAAAAY too good to pass up). I made this bet as an objective observer of college football. Army has gotten off to terrible starts in so many of their games and ND has had a great first half offense this year.
  19. So I took ND giving 17.5 for a first half bet. I figured a 21-3 score was very probable. So we miss the XP on the second TD....20-3. Someone hates me...
  20. We're are probably not going to come to agreement. You said "what if they took it easy and he killed someone?" I already said that PRIOR to being cuffed, if he was threatening and they couldn't subdue him, then go ahead and taser him. I see no way for him to be a threat to anyone when he has handcuffs on and is grossly outnumbered. I don't really see what the problem would be with dragging him physically when he refused to walk. You are right about not getting a good look on the video, but I saw/heard no indication that this option was even being attempted. But who knows? But I am rehashing and so are you...we aren't getting anywhere. I actually feel silly about arguing about something with such little information to go on. Especially while these green jerseys are holding us back...
  21. WTF? They are reviewing that catch??? The game is four hours long as it is and they want to take time for THAT?
  22. Bro, all I'm saying is that I think it was well within the capacity of the 5+ cops there to remove him from the library without tasering him and without him causing injury. If he was freaking out while they were trying to cuff him and he was a threat, then yes, go ahead and taser him. I just don't find it acceptable to use a taser on someone who is outnumbered and without the use of his arms. And additionally, it's not like he was kicking around and trying to injure the cops when they tasered him. His crime was not getting up and then dragging his feet. Not taser-worthy.
  23. For only two sentences, there are so many things wrong with your post. 1. The post wasn't about SOS. 2. Never said UF deserved #3 because of this. 3. Howard... 4. This thread had nothing to do with Rutgers. 5. Comparing Rutgers' schedule to UF. 6. Excessive smileys
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