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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Thanks for saying the same thing twice. I guess being surprised is unrealistic.
  2. I'd say that USC is the only real threat to Michigan's shot at the Bucks again...but just for fun. Michigan Rundown: They are in the drivers seat...but there is nothing they can do but sit and wait. Pretty clearly the 2nd best team in the nation, but not everyone thinks they should get another shot. What needs to happen: USC loss or close win, Florida loss or close win, ND not beating USC by more than 40, Mike Hart not breaking an ankle in the shower. Chance of Success: 60% USC Rundown: They actually have their destiny ALMOST completely in their hands. All it will take is two very convincing wins to get them into the big game. Beat ND by 14+ and UCLA by the same and I think we have a weiner. They have the fact that a rematch is unpopular going for them too. What needs to happen: Two convincing wins, Florida not torching FSU and SEC winner and a little luck from the polls. Chance of Success: 25% Florida Rundown: In decent shape, and they can make their case with a big win over Arkansas in SEC title game. But they will most likely need USC to lose or at least stumble. What needs to happen: Convincing wins over FSU and Arkansas (and I mean more convincing than USC), USC loss and a lot of luck from the polls Chance of Success: 10% Notre Dame Rundown: Michigan blowout will be their undoing...making that game closer could end up being the difference maker. Would be in decent shape, but even if stars align, it would take a minor miracle to jump the Wolverines in any poll. What needs to happen: Huge win over USC, Florida loss and/or Arkansas loss (probably both) and some serious luck of the Irish. Chance of Success: 4% Arkansas Rundown: Basically elminated, but the USC blowout was ages ago. The stars need to align big time. What needs to happen: USC over ND, UCLA over USC, Florida over FSU then two HUGE wins over LSU and Florida. Chance of Success: 1% Bart says: Michigan I don't like it, but I don't see any other way. I don't see USC beating ND and even if they do, I can't see it being by more than 10. The rest have too much ground to make up...a little too late.
  3. Nice! I posted that in the Favorite South Park Moments thread awhile back. I really thought Jimmy would get annoying after his debut (CRIPPLE FIGHT!) but they have done an excellent job of keeping him on point.
  4. Easy, Chef...obviously I don't think every actor is just like their character in real life. But I certainly don't expect the opposite either. It threw me for a loop because it was unexpected. If tomorrow I saw a clip of Bea Arthur doing the same thing, I'd probably be just as surprised. Guess I don't live in reality. But thanks for the life lesson...
  5. No, no...just because my only exposure to him has obviously been viewing him as fun loving Cosmo Kramer. The racist thing was surprising obviously, but just seeing him explode threw me for a loop. It would be like seeing daquixers put together a rational thought...
  6. Easy, Cosmo...dude just lost his mind. Crazy how you can build an impression about somone for years and then have it wiped away in 1:47.
  7. It's already moving...you still like it at 2.5? Detroit burned me this week...but I could definitely see a victory.
  8. Yeah, and like Smokin said above, I guess the compassionate, student-first NCAA forgets that there are classes on Friday when they schedule a Thursday night game every week.
  9. Bingo. The simplest way I could see having a playoff (and possibly even generating more TV revenue) would be to keep everyting the way it is except make the 5 BCS bowls the playoff games. Rotate which bowl got the National Title game (just like now). Check it, it is too easy: 2006 NCAA Division IA Playoffs Jan 1. 5pm - Rose Bowl - Seed #3 v. #6 Jan 1. 8pm - Fiesta Bowl - Seed #4 v. #5 Jan 2. 8pm - Orange Bowl - Seed #2 v. winner of 3/6 Jan 3. 8pm - Sugar Bowl - Seed #1 v. winner of 4/5 Jan 8. 8pm - BCS Champ - Winner of Orange v. Sugar Then in 2007, rotate it so that every Bowl (and more imporantly, every SPONSOR) gets to be the title game. The only hitch is that we move the first round back to Christmas Day so that there is a week in between each game. 5 Bowls 6 Teams No lost sponsorship money 1 undisputed National Champion
  10. I was thinking the same thing, but I doubt it will happen.
  11. wow...100% correct. I whiffed big time on that one. mea culpa.....dunta
  12. 6-6 55 yds, 1:35, 1 timeout, 6 points, winning score. Doesn't get much better.
  13. I agree with everything you just said, and I don't think there was anything factually wrong about what Dunta said. It was just a typical, classless, punk excuse made by someone who just had the worst game of his career.
  14. No doubt ND gets good treatment, but I'd love to see someone point out when that has happened once this year. We have not really gotten the benefit of the polls at any point this season. Hell we dropped two spots after our first game for beating G-Tech at their place! However, beyond the National Title Game, we will always get an unfair advantage for bowl selection because of the $$$. But that's the way it goes...
  15. They hate him? I wonder how he fell out of favor so fast. I mean, it's not like he was the one dud among a group of winners.
  16. I wish you the same experience I had at the USC-ND game last year...with the exact same ending. For real, have fun man...if I had some more ends, I would make the trip too.
  17. Yeah I would actually give him credit for that fumble more than Ko. It seemed to be Takeo's hit that popped it out.
  18. Actually, in all seriousness, that is what I call him.
  19. Sadly, I think it is supposed to be pronounced like "Dante." I think his mom knows Antowain Smith's mom.
  20. Classy response... I think that pain in your foot is from the burn when Evans scorched you on those TDs. I also enjoyed how he gave Lee a good 10 yd. cushion after that. I was impressed that he was able to keep from pissing himself on passing plays. Peyton Manning or not, that doesn't change the fact that the WR you were supposed to be covering flat our ran by you with hardly any move en route to 166 yds on two catches....and then added 9 more for 100 after that.
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