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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Yes. This is the guy I thought JP could become. Crazy how he started off with that accuracy and went on to be maybe the most accurate QB of all-time.
  2. No doubt, I wasn't criticizing you...just using your example to make a point.
  3. I think those two are guys you need to contain. You will never stop them (at least not LT), but limiting the damage that those two would give us a good chance to win. I'd be a little more concerned with Antonio Gates. He's not having his typical year, but TEs have a way of destroying this team with middle routes. Especially if they have a QB who looks for them often (see Brady, Tom and Watson, Ben). We can still win this game if LT runs for 100+ and gets 2 TDs. We can also win this game if Merriman gets 2 sacks. But if in addition to that, a guy like Gates catches 7-8 balls and a TD or two, then it's lights out.
  4. I think we need to work on some of the adults first.
  5. I'd love the Bills to start wearing an away throwback. Those old whites are real nice.
  6. I don't know if he's good or not because of I've never heard of him. But your reason doesn't make sense. Stanton is going pro THIS year and therefore this guy would have gotten a chance next year, which is the same as sitting out a year for a transfer. Unless he thought that with Stanton gone he STILL wouldn't have won the job then... Or maybe he was tired of John L. Smith and shitting the bed in the second half of the season.
  7. I can't believe I'm about to agree with daquixers, but this is such a non-story. He flipped some people off....not 70,000. He didn't walk around the bleachers and give everyone the finger. Fans in the stands seem to think that they have a privilege to act like pieces of sht because they paid $42.00 for a ticket. But if a "role model" athlete wants to play back, they act all offended and whine about how they have been "betrayed" by their hero. A bunch of hypocritical pussies who think they are entitled to something more than another human being who happens to put on a uniform (and who they happen to worship on a daily basis). Some dude called Dikembe Mutombo a monkey this year at a game and Dik said that if happened again he was going into the stands. Stadium banned the guy for the whole season. I have no love for Michael Vick, but if like Boondock said, a fan should come onto the field to "see how mobile he is", I would take great joy in watching Vick beat the sht out of him.
  8. I think more like Gloria Allred hired them...
  9. Who is defending child molesters? Way to generalize. GAY=Sexual Predator, therefore it is safe to stamp out all homosexuality because it inevitably leads to sexual abuse. I can't believe how "illogical" I was being before. 80%? You have some information or are you just guessing? Regardless, start introducing alterGIRLS and watch that number drop like a pass from Michael Vick. But in accordance with Catholicism's disdain for inferior forms of life (women, gays, worshipers of another God), I'm guessing that will never happen. EDIT: woah, when did we get new smileys? Now I won't have to use the 'Darin' anymore... :lol:
  10. Agreed. I like Spikes and plays like that show me that he still knows how to make things happen. It is just a physical impossibility to expect a high level of play from someone just over one year removed from one of the worst injuries in sports. If the date is November 27, 2007 and I'm still seeing Spikes pull his Jeff Posey disappearing act, then yes, it may be time to part ways. Until then, impatience is not going to chance reality.
  11. You see them more than I do, so you have way more info. It's just the impression I get. I try to rank the teams as if they were playing tomorrow and I try to figure out who would win. Florida has gotten dogged a bit this year (they have the most "impressive loss" outside of Michigan) and if they take out Arkansas in SEC championship, then they will win me over. I just don't see that happening which is why I ranked them 3rd in the conference.
  12. I said I was surprised, but that they deserved it. I was surprisd because it is rare for the polls to give such a boost whether that boost has merit or not. Yes I think LSU is better than both Arkansas and Florida. They beat a very good Arkansas team in their house. They got jobbed in the Auburn game and should have come away with a victory (terrible PI call at the end). If not for that, we might be talking about them getting a title shot. Their only other loss was at Florida, and I think since then, they have been the better team. If that game is played on a neutral field, LSU takes the W. If I ranked the SEC top 5 it would go: LSU Arkansas Florida Auburn Tennessee
  13. What is with the kicker freezing TO? Can't we put an end to this waste of time?
  14. I think ignorance and simple thinking is the root of racial tension. There is way too large a population of people who are willing to allow either limited exposure or second hand information to shape how they think. Additionally, too many people choose to do the easy thing rather than the right thing. There are far too many black people who would rather complain about the way things are than take positive steps to change them. (Not saying change is easy or even possible, but I feel many don't even try). There are far too many white people who ignorantly think an entire race of people are inferior based on what they have been told. Then there is another group of people who have somehow convinced themselves that racism and/or racial tension no longer exists in this country. I guess now that everyone shares a drinking fountain, things are A-OK. All three schools of thought retard any real significant resolution. And the problem is, the first two are significant reasons for racial tension. People are often quick to point out what is wrong with the "other side." The problem is that this is where the conversation usually ends. It is counterproductive to making compromise because no one will admit that there is another side of the coin. A lot of black people would rather complain, because they feel it is hopeless to try to change things. Maybe they have seen others try and fail, maybe they are just going by what they hear, but it leads to the same result. And this is not an unfounded belief. A lot of white people would rather feel safe in their generalizations because it is easy and safe. I hear people quote me stats like "Black males are X times more likely to commit X crime." Yet sadly, these same people use these stats to predict the behavior of an entire race as if they were placing a bet. No thought about why what they just quoted is a reality (if it even is). People tend to trust what they have heard if it comes from a credible source (parents, friends) and often prejudices are formed on a first come, first serve basis. It is much harder to find proof that something you believe is wrong than it is to find proof that confirms it. I think it comes down to the idea that people from different races do not spend nearly enough time in each other's company. No one takes the time to learn about each other when it is easier to make a generalization based on a sound bite. I think the day people of different races begin to let their guard down and accept others into their lives is the day that racism begins to extinguish.
  15. While Jarrett is sick, I wouldn't use that game as a barometer for his value. NDs backfield has been weak all year and they lost their starting FS midway. I wouldn't mind having him though.
  16. I don't know the breakdown, but during the game they flashed a stat that said JP was the 5th highted rated QB in the AFC in the 4th quarter....something like 4 TDs, no picks and 100 rating. Always nice to have a closer... EDIT did a little research....JP Splits Looks like he has great starts and finishes, but loses it in between. One interesting stat, he absolutely SUCKS on 3rd down when it is between 8-10 yds. WOW. 7-21 57 yds. 33% 0 TDs 4 INTs Rating : 2.8 Which is strange because he crushes it on 3rd and 11+ as well as 2nd and 8+
  17. Keeping Takeo for his year of rehab, his year of recovery and then cutting him the following year would be like breaking your leg, paying for the surgery and then chopping it off 2 weeks after the cast was removed and you couldn't run fast. Achilles takes time and maybe he will never be the same. But the Bills management knew that he would be limited this year and I know they hope he will be vastly improved next year. If they didn't think that, they would have cut or traded him last offseason. It sucks seeing him not be an animal out there, but there was no chance of that happening.
  18. Yeah, will that penalty ever be called in a game of football at ANY level? What kind of textbook example are the refs waiting for? I'm guessing the day a QB stands on the hands of two RBs and they launch him over the pile that maybe a ref could reach for his pocket.
  19. Maybe I'm overstating here, but this guy is quickly becoming my favorite player. His production has been minimal to this point, but it seems he is improving quickly (nice sack today on a play where he never gave up). What I love about him is his emotion. Maybe he was absolutely miserable in his situation with the Rams, but it seems that he treats playing for the Bills each Sunday as though he has won the lottery. Celebrates like a madman, but in a fun, energizing way. Not a "My name is Reggie Williams, I am the definition of a first round bust but I am going to run my mouth like a dumbass after catching my 7th pass in the last FIVE games but then look like a tool because there was a holding penalty and my catch doesn't even count kind of like David Carr and his girly first down sign last week." Not like that. He seems to love playing football on this team and his emotion shows me that he really cares about what is going on. I hope he develops more and more and I hope we hold on to him.
  20. Dude, you knew what you were doing...
  21. What was your old screen name? I'm guessing people would remember you... Keep fighting the good fight! Because not only are those two things obviously related, fighting against them is probably a great use of time and resource for members of a "charitable" institution like the Catholic Church.
  22. Valid arguments. I'd say that the difference is that JS put up great numbers last year and has therefore shown far greater consistency. Furthermore, he is on a team that had 4 players catch 45+ passes. That might help take pressure off of him, or it might make it harder for him to amass numbers as the only target. Second, while 2005-6 ND has been far more prolific overall than 2001-2 NC, JS has caught 26 TDs in those two years vs. Aiken's 12. Again, apples to oranges in terms of team production, but I'd say that makes him a pretty serious redzone target. Finally, Sam Aiken 6'2" 210 v. JS 6'5" 220. And I know I dragged Aiken into this discussion, but I think there are reasons to show why JS will be a different player with better results. But none of this will make me right, you make good points. I just think that after watching JS for 40+ games, I think he has a shot to be a good producer at the next level.
  23. BCS Not bad...a few notes: -UL at 6 vs. Rutgers at 13. Now I think UL is the better team, but this is a little too much of a discrepancy for my liking. -While I think LSU deserves it, they got a hell of a jump (#10 to #5) for beating the #6 team. Here is how I see it: Bart's College Standings 1. Ohio State 2. USC 3. Michigan 4. LSU 5. Florida 6. Arkansas 7. Louisville 8. Oklahoma 9. Notre Dame 10. Wisconsin Honorable Mention: Rutgers, Boise State, Virginia Tech
  24. I'd cautiously pick JP right now, but really, what kind of results do you expect when you make this poll directly after JP's best two-game stretch as a pro v. Eli's possibly worst two-game stretch as a pro?
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