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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. You serious, Clark? I'm going to assume you have already forgotten that you started a new thread about regression towards the mean about 18 hours ago instead of posting it in one of the two current trainwrecks...
  2. Don't be ashamed...that's the first intentionally funny thing he has ever done. And it is funny.
  3. Reminds me a little Ron White bit.. Yesterday I was sitting on a bean bag chair, naked, eating Cheetos and I was flipping through the televison and I saw Robert Tilton, he's a televangelist out of Dallas, and he was staring at me. He looked at me and said: "Are you lonely?" Yeah. "Have you spent half your life in bars, pursuing sins of the flesh?" This guy's good! "Are you sitting in a bean bag chair, naked, eating Cheetos?" Yes, sir! "Do you have the urge to get up and send me a thousand dollars?" Close! I thought he was talking about me there for a second! Apparently I'm not the only cat on the block that digs Cheetos.
  4. You seen the ones now where it is a giant inflatable snow globe with snow men inside it? It has an electric motor that blows little snow things around it in too like a snow globe. I could possibly see this if you live in a climate where it doesn't snow. But if you don't, I find it hilarious that people would buy something that replicates snowmen in a snowstorm when instead they could just build a snowman and look at is while it is snowing.
  5. I can't be much help specifically, but I can't imagine that he wouldn't sign certain types of footballs if someone approached at a game or practice or something. My boys at ND who were on the football team used to tell me about guys who would buy all kinds of merchandise and then show up after every practice and get multiple signatures so they could flip it for some profit. Could have happened like that.
  6. My first job as a busboy at this little breakfast/lunch diner when I was 15. Small joint, one chef (who was also the owner), two waitresses, a dishwasher and me. The owner, Wayne, was never happy. If it wasn't busy enough, he would curse and throw sht because he was losing money. If it was too busy, he would get all pissy because he was stressed out. Plus his crotchety old dad who would show up from time to time and tell me to do stupid sh--. Like once when we were finally enjoying a small lull in the traffic after a hectic morning, I went to sit down for a minute with the waitresses. Old man Don comes in with a bucket of water and a rag and tells me to start scrubbing the scuff marks off of the door. Place was a piece of sht! I mean, not bad as far as first jobs go, but I shed no tears when I left. The one good thing was the guy was a helluva diner chef and he made the meanest sausage gravy ever. The kind where you can feel your blood pressure going up as you spoon it in.
  7. More and More Scroll down and check out the whole collection. These were good: Snowjob Oven Lovin
  8. Yeah, overall they were, but in the computer portion (the second table...Sagarin ratings, etc.) they were ranked below us in 5 of 6. The Bills were actually the only team that was ranked so much higher by the "computers" than the human polls (ESPN, Pro Football Weekly)
  9. No doubt. That was the best trick ever. Usually when you pass out after drinking, you wake up at some point in the night. Just drag yourself to the bathroom real quick, drink a few glasses of water and pop a few tylenol and go back to sleep. Does wonders when you wake up several hours later...
  10. No, I was just kidding...I always prayed he would get traded to the Sabres though so that I could pick up a tight SHANAHAN jersey.
  11. I don't know how long they have done this, but ESPN has made a Super Bowl Championship Series Standings. They take power ranking polls and use them like the human polls in the BCS and then use a bunch of computer rankings. It is actually pretty cool...interesting to see where everyone ranks the teams. Bills check in at 21, but what's more interesting is that we average 15 in the computer polls and one has us at 11th. SBCSS
  12. No doubt. But I can't say that I blame them. Working 60-70 hour weeks with your busiest day being the day that everyone else is watching all the games, I can't imagine how any of them could possibly be informed. When I was at ND, I used to pull all-nighters in this computer cluster by the JACC where the coaches offices are. I'd roll out most mornings at about 4:30 and Charlie's black Escalade was always in the first spot. Dude would put in 14 hour days on the regular. I can't imagine that he knows anything about the Big East, or Big XII or anything. How could he have time? Which is why it is so stupid to make their opinions so important in the national championship discussion and ranking.
  13. Nah, but my cousin is leading the NHL in scoring...
  14. I think he wants to play football more, but a baseball career, especially as a quality pitcher is about as good a gig as there is. If you got skills, then you can look forward to a nice 15+ year career, throwing 100 balls twice a week and collecting about 100 million dollars in guaranteed jack. Football, he will last about 8 years, spend years of his life in rehab and probably make half of that if he is really lucky. If he commits to football full-time, then he is a mid first rounder and I would love to have him. I think he could be a McCafferty type player. Tall, not fast but will surprise you, great hands and great head for the game. I wouldn't pick him any higher than 15 though.
  15. You really know how to cut to the core of me, Baxter...Matt Bernstein gets 9 months of unnoticed peace and you give me 4 minutes? Well, my reign at the top was fun while it lasted. At least you didn't just reply to the Matt Bernstein post. (Don't do it, Ed)
  16. That's nuts...I dig that site. Might give it a few shots...
  17. Yeah I actually thought the ND line would be higher given that we are coming off a big loss, LSU is coming off a big win and it is basically a home game for them. I could see thousands of ND fans jumping the line if it was at 10-12 though. So I think it's about right.
  18. The thread below about Matt Bernstein has been the last thread for 9 months. If I'm going to have to look at the same name every time I go to the college football main forum, it aint gonna be Matt Bernstein anymore. Cheers to me!
  19. My biggest fear is that I really am stupid enough to be wasting time on the internet when I have my first law school exam in 8 hours.
  20. Works with IE...strange that Firefox would kill it.
  21. I posted the BCS lines in the College Football Forum too. I like OSU -8 Arkansas -1.5 (sportsinteraction had -1) Rutgers -7 UL -9.5
  22. I'm still going to win, but I played Romo over Trent Green. Could have cost me if Reggie Bush didn't explode. Grossman screwed me too though. In my league, there are two divisions, top team in each gets a 1st rd bye. I am half a game out of first and going to win today. The top guy was playing a very good team, but for some reason his opponent decided to play Grossman over Vick?!? Had he not started that disaster, he would have beaten him easily and my squad could enjoy their week off. But now he needs Westbrook to absolutely crush in the 2nd half. Thanks Rex!
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