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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Isiah Thomas continues to embarrass himself and the Knicks. Here is how I would have handled it: Isiah: 10 games + serious fine - He basically admitted that he ordered his player to make a hard foul on anyone who "went in the lane" at that point in the game. He told Carmelo exactly this right before it happened. I mean, John Cheney anyone? How Isiah managed to escape unpunished is beyond ridiculous to me. His actions were the proximate cause of the resulting melee. Carmelo Anthony: 10 games - Let's stop with the sucker punch sht. This wasn't Kermit Washington/Rudy T. Collins was staring right at him when Carmelo swung and he barely hit him. It was a cowardly, inexcusable act, but let's not make Mardy Collins into some innocent victim. Mardy Collins: 6-10 games. - His excuse about not trying to hurt JR Smith is lame. What he did could have resulted in serious injury. Had Smith gotten injured, this becomes a huge deal. The situation shouldn't change too much just because he didn't get hurt. Fouling someone like that, despite frustration, is a cowardly act. JR Smith was in a more vulnerable situation when Collins hit him than Collins was when Anthony hit him, Nate Robinson: 6-10 games - There was no need for lil' Nate to come running in and start pushing JR Smith. Smith had just been horse-collared and getting in Collins' face is reasonable and expected. Nothing may have come from the whole situation had Nate not come flying in to repeatedly shove Smith away. JR Smith: 5 games - Attacking Nate Robinson was not the right thing to do. However, I can understand him snapping like he did. He was already heated over being fouled and immediately after he steps to Collins, Nate comes out of nowhere to rile him up more. I might have hit Robinson too, but regardless, 5 games is fine for that. Jared Jeffries: 2-4 games - Running after and swinging at Melo when he backpeddled like a sissy was the wrong move, but not anywhere equal to the other infractions.
  2. Just think, if Losman doesn't complete that last pass to Evans with 6 minutes left, then he finishes with 191 yards. Could anyone really enjoy this win (or even call it a win) if that had happened? Was there honestly a more meaningful or exciting play of the game? I think not...
  3. I think it's funny that they named an elephant Osama Bin Laden.
  4. I really wouldn't let this bother me if I were you. Just say "Christmas" and don't worry about what someone else says. And even if this was some sort of PC disaster (which it's not), complaining about it is so backwards. The easily offended complaining about a problem created by the easily offended...
  5. Happy Birthday bro...you trojan bastard!
  6. Totally agree. What I think is funny is that (and maybe I'm jumping the gun here but my gut says no) there are a whole bunch of people here who look at this fight and say: "That's why I hate the NBA" "It's just a league full of thugs" "I won't watch anymore" Yet, many of these same people are HUGE hockey fans. The situation drips with hypocrisy. Take this scenario: Dude takes a cheap hit to the head or from behind. Teammates come to his aid and start shoving each other. It even escalates to the point where a pair of players circle each other and start throwing punches, pulling jerseys and beating ass. Example A: The players are wearing skates and sweaters. Example B: The players are wearing shorts and sneakers. Which is worse? Well, while the players in example A will most likely actually fight (blood drawn, multiple *real* blows landed), there will be a penalty. Example B, a news shtstorm, suspensions exceeding a dozen games and an increased perception that there is something wrong with the NBA. Like I said, maybe I'm jumping the gun here...but I'd bet my last dollar that half of all hockey fans will click on Sportscenter tomorrow morning, see this fight and shake their heads while they complain that the NBA is full of thugs. Then a hockey highlight will follow and they will cheer at what a badass fight took place.
  7. No way...he barely made contact. 25 games...MAX. Most likely 5-15. Besides, what Collins did was worse. He really could have hurt JR Smith with that bush league sht. They should suspend him the most.
  8. Furthermore, the only thing gayer than Melo SLAPPING that guy was him then running away afterwards. God damn...
  9. Yeah, the NBA turns them into thugs... Melo growing up in a sht part of Bmore all of his life had nothing to do with it.
  10. My girl could never cook because she never tried. She is an *extremely* picky eater and therefore (a) had no desire to touch gross foods (raw meat, etc.) and (b) no desire to cook something that she wasn't going to eat. Additionally, she is a very smart and capable girl but she would say ridiculous things like she didn't know how to boil water. Like what is that sht about?? Like JSP said, she is a GREAT baker...muffins, cookies, cupcakes, cakes, etc...ALL on point. But cooking was a different story. So what I did was encourage her to try some new foods, and start cooking some simple things. I think she also wanted to impress her parents when they came over for dinner. So she started going to the Kraft website and making meals from there. Obviously nothing there is going to end up on the menu of a four star restaurant, but there are some decent enough, easy recipies to make. Plus everything is user-rated so she would just pick things that had the highest ratings. So she started making things and I would help her with the prep. Before I knew it, she was cooking something very good once a week with plenty of leftovers to snack on. Like I said, she isn't cooking Thanksgiving dinner or a gourmet meal, but she makes a mean lasagna, an amazing peanut butter pie and several other things that I look forward too. As she becomes more comfortable, she is trying harder (and hopefully more delicious) recipies. But I feel like as long as I let her go at her own pace, she will want to do it herself. Encourage her to give easy things a try so that she can get a few under her belt. If she balks at that, I'd hint at the idea that sucking at anything is not something to proud of. I mean I told Katie, I don't know why she thought it was okay to be shtty at something. She should have pride in developing a new talent.
  11. Well, I believe Howard Cosell said it best, Speakers on
  12. In an attempt to do anything but study for my last law final of the semester last night, I was just checking through some team stats for the Bills. Just some stuff I thought was interesting: The Good - Our defense leads the league in fewest 1st downs allowed due to penalty (8). Compare that with New England who is dead last (28). Pretty nice to have a defense that doesn't just hand over first downs in addition to the ones that are earned. - We are 5th in total sacks (36.0). - Since we "opened the offense up" 4 weeks ago, our pass blocking has improved tremendously. In the last 4 games we have averaged 31 passing plays per game and allowed only 7 sacks (sorry Hochuli, not counting that bullsht in the grasp ). This works out to 1 sack per 18 drop backs. In the prior 9 games, we had averaged 28 passing plays and allowed 30 sacks. That works out to 1 sack per 8.5 drop backs. A Bills offensive line to be proud of...who would have thought? - Since the bye week, we have drastically cut our penalties. In those first 7 games, we had committed 50 penalties (7 per game) and in the previous 6, only 24 (4 per game). No more of those ridiculous delay of game disasters AFTER a timeout. The Bad - We are 26th in total takeaways (18) and 29th in INTs (8). Yet, maybe it's just me but we seem to be getting them at the right times lately. The Ugly - Our offense is dead last in 1st downs (189), 31st in 3rd down % (31.1) and 30th in total offense (258.8). And some random Losman bits: - Better rating in the 2nd half than the 1st (87.2 vs 82.0) - Shtty on 3rd down (62.4) and ungodly awful on 3rd and 8-10 (rating of 7.3) yet strangely very good on 3rd and 3-7 (112.8) and 11+ (89.3). - Perfect QB rating when 7+ defenders line up on the LOS (4-4 77 yds 2 TDs). Handles those suicide blitzes/goal line stands pretty well I guess. Anyway, hope you enjoy...I'm off to celebrate not looking at a casebook for 4 weeks and trying to forget as many rules of civil procedure and estate conveyances as possible.
  13. That is hilarious...I love the descriptions given in the Jet's comment section: - worst loss - pedestrian - hapless Sounds good! Let's bump em up a few slots!
  14. Sack yardage lost... Which in itself is a pretty nice stat...over the last 4 games we are only allowing an average of 2 sacks for 9 yards. And this is after we started passing more.
  15. Not that it makes his rambling any less nonsensical, but I'd bet he was referring to the JAX game. Losman had like 165 and at least 30 came on that last-minute drive for the win. But great post Lori!
  16. Notre Dame Sixers....and it sure is a great time to be a fan!
  17. I, too, am beginning to think you are just fcking with everyone. Did you read ANY of Dibs' post (8 posts up)?? Or I am to believe that this is what you saw?
  18. Of course, he could have made himself useful and punched Buoniconti instead. Would have gone up several pegs in my book...
  19. Is it like the new thing to have awkwardly weird situations occur during stand-up routines? I think Michael Richards has given ideas to all failing comics looking for a jump start... I'd say that sht was staged. Otherwise real good job of that fatass cop for letting the guy crack PS before gently leading him away.
  20. Wow, man! Thanks for all of that...guess I have some time to develop my taste yet.
  21. My parents did exactly that for me...have a nice 1983 bottle unopened at the house. I'm not really feeling port yet (I think it's all right) and I'd love to wait a little bit until I have a serious taste for it so I don't waste it. Is my window closing?
  22. Honestly, there are only 5 guys ahead of him that I would rather have. Palmer Brees Manning McNabb Brady I like where he is heading...
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