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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. 3:27....to get 49. I spent the next 6:33 staring blankly at the screen. I forget Wyoming EVERY SINGLE time I try to do one of these. It's as if I've written them off from the union completely.
  2. Wow. I respectfully disagree. I've seen every game of Walker's career and while he was obviously no Bettis, he didn't just fall over with contact. Plus he always found the crease or fell that way that would give him the extra yard or two. His field vision is amazing. Never seen anyone line up his blockers or assess the field the way he does. Running screens was a thing of beauty...completely Thurman-esque. His true weakness was lack of speed. You give him speed in the 4.4 range and we are talking about the next Reggie Bush.
  3. Ramius knows his sht about the Noles... Lorenzo Booker As I mentioned in that thread, I think he would be a great pickup in the 3rd round. Rarely can you get someone with his talent in such a late round unless there are character/injury issues. Booker will slip simply because of the blackhole that has been FSU's offense for the last 5+ years. Three RBs I would love to grab after Round 1 - Michael Bush (2nd) - Lorenzo Booker (3rd) - Darius Walker (3rd)
  4. What a turd. But anyway, wouldn't he have to prove that she acted unreasonably compared to other 11 year-olds (not adults)? How unreasonable is it for a pre-teen girl to lose control of her skating when some goofy doctor with a BELL (who uses a bike bell??) comes up behind her and shouts at her? It's always somebody else's fault....
  5. Got it for $2.37 (regular) yesterday in Wilmington, DE. And I'm pretty sure I got it for $2.11 about two weeks ago.
  6. "[The check was signed] King Savior, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Servant." People like Kevin Russell make my day better and give me a good laugh. A+ for creativity.
  7. "The American public had an opportunity to pick what they wanted from David Banner," he says. "I wish America would just be honest. America is sick. ... America loves violence and sex." BINGO. But everything in this world is cyclical...and rap is no exception. The weak lyrics, catchy hooks have had their day for awhile now, but as the sales show, it is getting stale. The consumer controls (to an extent) what is popular and what will be tolerated through his dollar. The excessive self-promotion, violence glorification and misogyny that has dominated rap for the last few years is approaching it's boiling point. It will pop, and the style and content will swing back another direction. Then in 5-10 years it will change again. Nothing new...just the way it goes. The only thing that makes this example unique is the fact that the sales' drops are not simply caused by the publics boredom with the current flavor of rap music. It is also backed by a movement that protests the messages of rap music from a social standpoint. Rap isn't selling as well because: A. People are tired of the same sht (which is no different from people being tried of disco or hair metal) B. People believe the current style of rap is socially damaging and protest it from this angle (not entirely unique to rap music, but also not universal among music styles of the past).
  8. I have a similar @sshole story about Simon from when he was with the Eagles....so that really wouldn't surprise me. But I was also under the impression that he had a degenerative knee condition that was basically going to end his career. Very easily could have been the cover story...better than telling the world that your big FA signee was a puss and just didn't want to play anymore.
  9. While I agree that it is somewhat unnecessary to announce this decision on a message board, some of your reactions are hilarious. So the guy doesn't want to spend a few grand each year going to games...some you act like he just banged and dumped your sister. What do you care if he's not taking up a seat at the Ralph next fall? And as if the 70,000 people that fill the stadium each Sunday represent the end-all of Buffalo Bills fans.
  10. Completely agree...except that Paul was at Wake for two seasons. It may seem like a minor thing, but IMO, that extra season made him into the player he is now. He learned to be the leader of a championship caliber team playing at a high level...something Livingston and Telfair never did. I will never fault a player for going to the NBA "before they are ready," but I believe that PG is a position that you just can't transition to from the high school ranks. Learning to be a leader and leading your team in games where you aren't far and away the best player on the court every game is a skill that high school PGs never get to hone if they skip college (or leave quickly). Look at Luke Ridnour, Kirk Heinrich...even Delonte West....just a few PGs who have half of the natural ability of Livingston but are enjoying more success. But even if Livingston's entire career ended yesterday, I still bet he's glad he went to the pros instead of Duke. If this had happened at Cameron Indoor, he'd be about $12 million poorer right now. In the end, it's just a business...a career.
  11. I watched that this morning and my knee has literally been sore since. Damn, that was horrific!
  12. I don't think Denney was better, but I don't think the difference between the two was monumental either. Half of Denney's season sacks came in one game because Duante Culpepper couldn't walk or manage to make a single good decision in Week 2. So I'd take his total with a grain of salt. I think Denney gives us solid play, but Kelsay has more big play potential. I think he is a better athlete and I think the ceiling is higher for him. The contracts DEs get is just the nature of the beast. Someone was going to overpay for him, and I don't think what we threw at him was too exorbitant (if those $$ amounts were legit). I think he has a better than 50% chance of justifying this contract down the road.
  13. I agree with the premise that we don't "need" Clements for $50 million, but I am continually baffled by many peoples' opinion here that we are okay with: 1. McGee at #1 2. Youbouty at anything We've seen what McGee looks like when trying to cover a bona-fide #1 WR (I think he is still looking for Roy Williams) and what possible inkling has Ashton Youbouty given you that he can be even a #2? I see no reason why he can't progress into a good starting CB, but to me that would be like letting Jason Peters go because we have Brad Butler waiting in the wings. If the Bills brass think Youboty is ready, then that is good enough for me. But there is no way anyone who does not evaluate him for a living knows nearly enough to have an informed opinion on his readiness....IMO.
  14. Maybe because he is not a full-time player like Schobel. He platoons with Denney quite often. I would agree that the Schobel-Kelsay/Denney "duo" is pretty nice. I like Kelsay and I think he is on the rise, but usually "great duos" are pairs of superior, full-time players. Something the Schobel-Kelsay tandem has yet to be. Hopefully, this will change as Kelsay improves further.
  15. Completely agree. Overpaying for your own talent is far superior to overpaying for a free agent. You are getting more for your dollar. You are also buying continuity for the team and you are in a far better place to accurately judge a player you watch everyday than a FA who is scouted maybe a half dozen times per year and game-taped. You don't get the minor negatives like waiting for the player to adjust to his new teammates, learning the playbook, learning the system, getting to know the coaches, etc. I think it is a far better value on average and usually a safer move.
  16. I think that's a little harsh. How do you know he is not giving it his all when rushing the passer? Players feed off of each others energy. And as much as most of this board would love to see a time full of comatose "lunch pail" players who make plays and then quietly tiptoe back to the huddle, you need a few guys who are constantly keeping the energy level up. I'm not talking about guys dancing while we are down 14. But guys who celebrate when there is a good reason. Hargrove is always the first one to congratulate another player on a big play and he just genuinely looks happy to be where he is in every moment. I'll take a team full of players with Hargrove's enthusiasm and zest for being a Buffalo Bill anyday.
  17. That's totally fair, but I don't believe for one second that Willis would hold out this year. Running backs usually get one big payday in their career (if any). The dumbest thing Willis could do would be to hold out in a contract year after putting together his least impressive season as a pro. I think that the hold out posturing is just that, posturing. Willis (more specifically Rosenhaus) havs to be at least mildly concerned that the Bills may be looking to go a new direction at RB this year. Any decrease in playing time for McGahee next year is just going to hurt his value come March 1, 2008. I think they want the deal now because they aren't sure if a better offer is going to come along. This is all just speculation on my part, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least. I wouldn't mind drafting a RB...just NOT in the first round (and probably second as well). I'd say there is a better than 50% chance that Willis will not be back here next year, and an insurance policy (like you said) wouldn't be bad. Especially a young RB who could get some time in this year. But I stand by my claim that Willis will not hold out and that there is a good chance he will play his best football in 2007 if he enters the season without a new contract. The reason I prefer riding him this year on that hunch over trading him, is because I don't think we could get anything better than a 3rd this year and I don't think that anywhere near offsets his value or the ways it will hurt this team to have to use resources to replace his very adequate production.
  18. Yup and I think we also traded our 5th rounder for Hargrove
  19. I sure love this cycle we seem to be enjoying of using high draft picks on RBs when we don't need them and then trading them for lower round draft picks while they are still producing! Seriously, I understand the idea of getting something for him if we are going to lose him next year anyway, but I wouldn't trade him for a 3rd round pick. It's pretty obvious that when Willis is properly motivated, he is one of the better backs in the league. If anything is going to motivate him, it's a contract year. I'd say we ride him out this year. If he has a great year, then we deal with it then. Franchise him, transition him...get something BETTER for him. And in the mean time we don't lose production at a position we are already okay at. Plus, worst case scenario, he has another 1000 yd year like last year. Best case, he plays hard for a new deal and rips it up helping the offense tremendously AND increasing his value to other teams. I think trading him right now when his value is at an all-time LOW would be a terrible move and would also force us to use resources to replace his production that should go to filling REAL needs on this team.
  20. Here is the link: Beckham Salary I mean, I had thought it was reported from the get go that his salary was only going to be about 5 yr/50 million and that the $250 million was the estimate for totality of endorsements + salary. But I never saw a figure as low as 5.5 million per year. Interesting.
  21. You know the loons in Philly held a "funeral" for TO two years ago before a game and burned jerseys and threw a bunch in a casket. The whole thing was on the radio. I remember laughing and thinking how ridiculous it was and being grateful that Bills fans weren't like that. But hey, that McGahee jersey might be useless come draft day anyway.
  22. damn dude, just rockin diesels around the house? what kind of jeans do you wear when you go out?
  23. If they draft Lynch or someone other RB in Round 1, I sure hope they are keeping tabs on next years high school seniors. It's never too late to be thinking about replacing a productive player at a non-need position! I can't wait to see who we replace Lynch with in Round 1 of the 2011 NFL Draft. I like: Jermie Calhoun, Van High School (TX) Ryan Bass, Centennial High School (CA)
  24. Dax, they are all just jealous of your winning personality.
  25. The more I read about Revis, the more I like him. I love CBs who play well against the run and his athleticism is supposedly excellent. I don't know enough about him to know if he is a good fit for the Cover 2, but if we lose Nate, I wouldn't mind snatching this guy up at all. Also, going by various mock drafts, there is a possibility that we could trade down and still get him. One mock has him going to INDY at 32 and several others have him going lower than 15.
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