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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. I like all the doctors in this thread who somehow know that Spikes cannot return to form before next season. Ask Julian Peterson how his Achilles feels. You can write to him at: 2007 NFC Pro Bowl Starting OLB Honolulu, HI I'd hope that the Bills give Spikes a chance to show what he can do now that he he will be almost 2 years removed from the injury on opening day. If the team doctors and coaches think he doesn't have it anymore, then so be it. But I really hope they don't jump the gun and deliver another team a future Pro-Bowler for mere pennies.
  2. I'd take Green over Carr in a heartbeat, if I was a franchise that was already in good shape besides QB. Before taking that hit last season, Trent Green was the only QB in the NFL to have thrown for 4,000+ in each of the three previous seasons. He is a smart, productive QB and despite his age, he only has 7 full seasons worth of games on his tires. He will be 37 this year, but unless his bell got rung beyond belief, I'd still bet that he is good for a few more seasons. I think Miami might be better served in the long run by rolling the dice on Carr rather than Green, but I'd bet that Green would make them immediately a tougher team to beat than Carr. I'd rather face them with Carr than Green.
  3. I'd say that is very much in line with what we gave RJ. In fact, the whole deal is as close to the one we swung in 98 as any I could imagine. RJ: 5 yrs. 25 million 1st and 4th Schaub: 7 yrs. 48 million Two 2nds and minor 1st swap It seems that it is becoming less popular, but overpaying for potential is still something that teams will take a chance on. It is definitely a huge risk, but it's a bold risk that a struggling, heavily criticized franchise rolled the dice on. I applaud the Texans for making a strong move to escape the doldrums of a "never has been" expansion franchise.
  4. I can't wait until I'm on the rules committee: - Create a 5 yard Late Hit penalty. Nothing more ridiculous than a drive changing 15 yard penalty because a 300 lb man running full speed couldn't stop on a dime when the RB ducks out of bounds. There are some flagrant hits that deserve the 15, but most are just ticky-tack BS penalties. It's a rough game! Hits happen. - I say let players spike the football all they want after a play. But then give them 3 seconds to personally retrieve the ball from wherever it landed and hand it to the referee for the next play. Any delay past there is a 15 yard unsportsmanlike penalty. You wanna look like a hot dog after a non-scoring play, then go fetch the ball champ. - QBs are football players too. They wear pads. They have helmets. Some of them are bigger than defensive ends. They can take hits like the rest of the men on the field. - Offensive facemask penalty. So defenders can't even graze the running back's helmet without a flag coming out, but Willis McGahee and Ricky Williams can basically twist off a DBs head like a bottle cap if they feel like it? Bullsht. If the purpose is to avoid injury, then call it both ways.
  5. Wow. Did you watch any of the regular season, or just tune in for the playoffs? Stallworth's 6 regular season games with McNabb as QB: 29 rec. 593 yds. 3 TDs Stallworth's 6 regular season games with Garcia as QB: 13 rec. 207 yds. 2 TDs I'll even add his two playoff games with Garcia: 19 rec. 348 yds. 4 TDs Stallworth might have some issues, but he was looking great with McNabb before Donovan's injury.
  6. Congratulations, man. Getting that letter is always a great feeling no matter if it is a "safe school" or your dream college. If I could do college over, I wouldn't change much except I'd focus a little more. Very easy to say fck it and skip a few classes (or many as I can atest to), but most of the time, it's not even worth it. I'd never recommend burying yourself completely into your classes, because as others said here, college is a lot about learning how to live. Don't make school work your only priority, but also don't blow it off completely. Just make sure you aren't fcking thing up too bad and take care of business when you need to. Plus, the best advice I got when I was about to go to school but never followed and wish I had: If you do choose to do any school work, do it in the afternoon right after class. It's tempting to get back from classes and just do nothing for the rest of the day until nighttime. But if you just get a little bit of stuff done right away, then your whole night is free and you don't have to worry about that sht in the morning or on the weekend. I could never do that because if I didn't procrastinate I wouldn't know what to do with myself. But seriously, it's solid advice. Nothing is worse than telling your boys you can't go out one night because you haven't even started a 15 page paper that is due at 9am. Especially when you could have just knocked that sht out in the afternoon-evening and been straight. Oh, and I definitely wouldn't downplay the warm weather or college sports angle. I got one at ND, but sorely missed the other. No one likes a week of 25 degrees in early April.
  7. This happens every few years...people get comfortable with who says what and have finally gotten their ignore list to a nice steady balance and then new names start popping up asking what we think about trading a 1st and a 3rd for Michael Turner (still haven't gotten the consensus on that one....anyone?) It will settle down and of the 300 new members that join after the season, only a few ever make more than 50 posts it seems. Things even out. In one year, JSP will still be cranky, DC Tom will have a new name, Darin will have used " " at least 2000 times and mead will still want wine.....but GoB1LLZ07KellyMouldsReedTD348378 will most likely be long gone. Don't worry about it....just enjoy the ride.
  8. I don't know about easy game to predict. Everyone says that whenever and upset occurs that they happened to scribble in their bracket. But I do agree that it was a shtty matchup. Giving us the #6 sucked and getting Winthrop at the #11 sucked harder. It's a shame too because we would have cleared out Oregon. Nice work, Horns...showed some toughness.
  9. damn, where did you get a radio that only plays Steely Dan?
  10. If that is how they do the system, then I dislike it. I think quality (while subjective) should be placed higher than quantity. If the idea is truly to help out the teams that lost good players, then losing 1 great player and gaining 10 shtty ones should still net some sort of compensation.
  11. I wonder how ND keeps coming up with new ways to disappoint me. Sad end to a surprisingly bright season. I give the guys credit though...battling back from 20 points down with 12 to go was damn exciting. Just couldn't close it out. Big ups to Winthrop finally breaking their 1st round cherry. I definitely look forward to watching them again in the 2nd. CHEERS NCAA Tourney!
  12. Very sorry man. My dog died almost two years ago and I posted about him (I remember you replying too about the pet loss poems ). We still have his ashes and I think we are going to spread them this spring. I completely understand about your wanting to be with him to the very end. My dog died two days before I was set to come home from school after graduation so I never got to say goodbye. In fact, it had been the longest amount of time I'd been away from him ever. It was crushing to know that I couldn't be there to hold on to him while they put him to sleep. My deepest sympathies...enjoy the memories.
  13. Being young and sucking are not mutually exclusive. Answering the statement "Duke sucks" with "They are young" doesn't discount the fact that they did suck (by Duke standards).
  14. Well we can't have that....wouldn't want any of us to......enjoy.....being a Bills fan.
  15. You could be right...I guess I interpreted it differently. He said "past couple of years" so I was going back 5-6 tops. Also, I felt that his main point was that we have had little success when we use our 1st rounders on draft picks (as opposed to trading...hence advocating Michael Turner) so I didn't include Bledsoe. Lastly, yeah I think Polian and few other GMs have kicked our ass, but I would match our record with most clubs.
  16. If I was in charge, I'd make one serious change to NFL contracts: Create a multi-tiered salary limit based on experience (as done in the NBA). No more of this 6 year/50 million dollar rookie bullsht. If Lebron James can make half of what Marcus Camby makes, then I'm sure every top 10 draft pick can stomach a less exorbitant, and far more appropriate salary. It is getting out of control to the point where it is ruining the quality of football because teams are forced to purge superior veterans for the sake of paying out "potential." Rod Woodson once said that in his day you had to be a very good rookie to make a team, but now you have to be a very good veteran to make it. Rookie contracts must be capped, or salaries will spin out of control. As far as more drastic, experimental changes...I'd consider another: Incentive based-guaranteed contracts. I hate guaranteed contracts because of what they have done to baseball and basketball players. But OTOH, I feel it is very unfair that the athletes partaking in our country's most violent (and shortest-lived career-wise) sport are the only ones who do not have this luxury. I'm not sure if it would work, but I've always played with the idea of creating a system of relatively low (amount) base salaries with an array of very high incentive bonuses. I would still allow signing bonuses (they would however also be subject the the experience-tier) so that players wouldn't get screwed by injuries. I just think that maybe experimenting with a guarantee/incentive hybrid might keep the players from mailing it in like MLBers, but still afford them some security which might avoid potential hold-outs and early re-negotiations. I don't know...just some stuff I think about from time to time when the wonderful world of easements and defeasible fees isn't filling my life with excitement.
  17. I'm sorry....you wouldn't give up a 1st and 3rd for one of the best and most valuable receiving weapons in the NFL? If Gates is offered for anything less close to a 1st rounder, you take the deal before they change their mind. Whose has? Yeah, we aren't landing rookie probowlers, but I'd match up Clements+Fat Mike+McGahee+JP+Evans+Whitner with just about any team in the league...
  18. Damn, it just worked...and now it doesn't. I'll try again...if not, I'll just reply and bump a 3 year old thread to the front page. I think I'll change my name to "Bart who can't work internet"
  19. damn you're fast...fixed
  20. I, too wondered about the names a few years ago. This should add a lot of insight: How did everyone come up with their names? P.S. - I didn't re-read the whole thing, but Beerball, you got some explaining to do. Either that or all the, um.....beer, is taking your memory.
  21. You want another SS? Move Whitner to CB?
  22. This is definitely the best response in this thread. Why anyone cares enough to get worked up over the off-season opinion of someone in the sports media is beyond me.
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