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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. There was a Madden version several years ago that changed the maximum ratings to 100. I forget which year it was, and I think it only lasted for one version, but they had players who were 100 overall and had 100 in several categories (maybe not speed I guess).
  2. Hard to bet against the Master today (haha, "Master" I kill me... ). I say he takes it by 2+. And who else saw Ogilvy's NINE on the 15th yesterday?? I thought I was watching Tin Cup... EDIT: I tried to make this a poll, but failed miserably.
  3. San Diego holds all the cards? Buffalo has no other options? Marshawn Lynch will be gone BEFORE the 12th pick?? Which member of the Bolt's Front Office spoon-fed this nonsense to the media? Please....
  4. Thanks bro. And no doubt about Andrew...how's someone from Syracuse gonna dog Lee like that?
  5. Not a big deal, but ESPN Insider KC Joyner said that Evans had Hall of Fame talent but would likely never make it. Pretty bold statement...nice that Lee gets some deserved respect. I was just curious if the "would never make it" comment was just another Losman swipe or if Joyner had something new to add to the discussion. If anyone has Insider, it would be appreciated. This is all you get with the preview: Andrew (Syracuse, N.Y.): Lee Evans has "Hall of Fame" talent? Are you kidding me? KC, I think you've had one too many. Joyner: I can promise you that inebriation had nothing to do with my comments on Evans. He led the NFL last season with a 10.6 yards per attempt. This wasn't an anomaly, either, because he also led the league in this category in 2004. He is well known as a dominant deep pass threat, but also placed in the top 10 in short pass YPA in 2006.
  6. Someplace the Rutgers gals have never been...
  7. I think Ed is a little cranky after the Rutgers game...
  8. hilarious
  9. After watching AP for the last few years, I think he is going to be one of the next great backs in the NFL. The guy is just an animal. Ridiculous blend of speed and power. As much as I'm warming up to Willis, I'd never miss the chance to grab Peterson. 3-3?
  10. I have never typed lol in any kind of serious manner. I type what I want to say. People don't need to a play-by-play of my actions as well. Next.
  11. C'mon...LSI's posts are far from boring. Laugh a minute. You saw his latest Michael Turner masterpiece. He consistently finds a way to put a new spin on stupid.
  12. Why wouldn't we? It's the best fcking school I can think of. I'm playing, but yeah I'm proud...everyone should be proud of where they went to school I think. But I try not to use it to make myself seem better or cooler. I never tell anyone where I went to school unless they ask. Why would anyone care? The only reason I put ND in my name here is because there was already a 'Bart' when I registered.
  13. That thing injured somebody? It looks like a baby ewok.
  14. Yeah...actually you're right. I just think the ring looks cool. Am I failing your friendship interview?
  15. I wouldn't say Alanis is a "total babe" but that was the best she's looked in over 10 years.
  16. I thought my ring was awesome at the time, but I haven't worn it since high school. My college ring, on the other hand, is something I will wear forever...something I earned and I am proud of.
  17. Wow. I mean, I'm all for the RB by committee idea, but wow. Are you saying that Adrian Peterson is more or less interchangeable with a guy like Shaud Williams? Just a bit of a stretch....IMHO.
  18. I'm not terribly excited about this matchup, but put me in the camp that is damn impressed with what both of these schools have just accomplished. To dominate a complete season of both major college sports is incredible. Schools like Notre Dame will always have football (well, kinda ) and Duke and UNC will always have basketball to brag about, but to represent the championship game in both sports in the same year is quite a feat. Big ups to both schools and their ADs for putting together first rate programs from coaches to players. Having said that, I think OSU is overmatched. I thought UCLA could get by Florida, but the Gators aren't slowing down, they are peaking. A bit of sloppy play at the beginning and end tonight, but all in all another stiffling performance. Oden is going to have some serious heat on him, and it will be hard for him to stay out of foul trouble. Of course if Florida runs cold and Conley keeps his game up, it could be a great one. We'll see.... Side note....after watching him for about 5-6 games, I am convinced that Roy Hibbert has zero basketball IQ. What is up with him consistently making TERRIBLE fouls right when his team needs him to stay in the game?? He did it in the BE tourney and he did it throughout the NCAAs. Roy, you got 3 fouls. There are 12 minutes left. STOP reaching! DON'T grab on rebounds. DON'T foul 3-PT shots! Then when he fouls out (or picks up #4) he just blankly stares and sits on the bench. It's like he doesn't even know what he did wrong. Terrible.
  19. Annoying as you may be at times, I gotta say I haven't consistently looked forward to anyone's posts for pure comic value since BF...or dare I say...ICE took his leave of this place. You are among special company, LSI....very special company. Carry on.
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