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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Yeah, it takes talent to be a good stripper (I guess). It takes breasts to be an average one. Just as it takes talent to be a good prostitute and a pulse to be an average one. And the analogy is not apples and oranges when used in response to this argument of yours: Why does legalized prostitution make your daughter a hooker, but legalized stripping doesn't make her get on the pole?
  2. I mean, others have said it in this thread, but is your daughter and aunt Edna working at Scores or one of your local strip clubs? Just because an "amoral" choice is available, doesn't mean it becomes more attractive. It simply becomes more available. Don't want your daughter to become a stripper? Raise her accordingly the best you can. Now replace "stripper" with "prostitute," wash, rinse, repeat. And I have trouble with the premise that the spread of STDs would INCREASE by bringing a currently drug-infested, back alley practice infested with peripheral crime into the daylight.
  3. Gotta earn it back Usually I'm pretty pro-"student" athlete, but I love what he did here. Make the players remember it is a privilege (albeit one bargained for gladly by the university) to be a D-1 scholarship athlete at a big-time program (or anywhere for that matter). There was plenty of talent on the Gators squad this year...definitely above and beyond NIT. Actions like this separate the leaders and winners from the rest. Those who see it as a test and accept the challenge are always better off. Nice to see some of the Gators' young stars reacting in such a way.
  4. Not exactly a sport, but when I was 10 I went to one of those Alpine Slide parks for my birthday (you know the concrete tracks down a slope where you ride a sled/cart-type thing). I was racing my buddy and lost control going around a curve. I flew off the cart and slid about 30 feet down the concrete track on my elbows and knees wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Brush burn doesn't quite do it justice... And that wasn't even the fun part....the twice daily changing of the bandages aka ripping the wounds back open. Bactine Spray was my miracle. :lol: But I'm sure others have been though much, much worse. Been pretty lucky with no majors during 16 years (and counting) of basketball. Mild concussion, broken most of my fingers, my nose and hairline ankle fracture, but no ACLs, shoulder dislocations/tears, etc. KNOCK ON WOOD.
  5. Awesome news! I know we don't know each other personally, but after learning of your diagnosis I have always thought about it anytime I'd see one of your posts and think "I wonder how that Campy dude is doing." Good to know things have (knock on wood) turned around. Cheers!
  6. Coke or Diet Pepsi Max. Max is the sht....a good middle ground between Diet Pepsi (water) and Pepsi (syrup).
  7. Another Olsen rapping...never thought I'd see the day. His younger brother, Chris, was recruited to ND to play QB (long story short, Greg was our real target so we took Chris along for the ride....then Chris saw Brady Quinn, sht his pants, cried about it and immediately transfered to UVA or something. Of course with his brother gone, Greg caught the first flight to Coral Gables). Anyway, when Chris was at ND, he once tried to battle rap one of my roommates who was on the football team as well. In an Eminem-like barrage of lyrical mastery, he managed to mumble out "What up D-Mitch / You're more like D-B word, cause you got big breasts." (My boys name was Darin Mitchell and the breasts reference was due to the fact that he was an OL and was therefore kinda fat). So I waited for him to say something else...nope. That was it. Terrible. Nice to see Greg carried on the tradition.
  8. I just wonder if he waits until the second verse before he starts throwing punches...I'd like to know so I can raise my future kids "properly."
  9. Poor Gayle Sayers and Barbaro...they never stood a chance. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...mp;lid=tab2pos1
  10. Jesus. I can't imagine a better way to show respect for our country than to start a fight during the national anthem...
  11. Well played... To answer the original question, I always remove my hat during the National Anthem. If someone I'm with doesn't, I say "Take your hat off." That's where it ends. If someone I don't know is wearing a hat, that's his business. There is no point in ineffectively attempting to align every stranger's moral compass with your own.
  12. You play to win. What people often fail to understand is that professional sports is a group of human beings. It's not a stat sheet, a win loss column or a draft pick order. Being #1 in the draft is not in every way better than being #2. Emotions are involved. Pride is at stake. Winning is an attitude. When a team that is 2-10 rallies to win 3 of its final 4, it means more than sliding down the draft totem pole. It means that players have confidence going into the off-season. It means a talented FA who was counting down the days until he could purchase his ticket off of a losing team might reconsider his decision. It means a group of young men are learning to become leaders. And it means a growing faction of the team that was beginning to tune out the coaching staff each week might have opened their ears again. And yes, it means they get the 9th pick instead of the 3rd. I'll take the wins.
  13. Nice...a vote for Ray Ray. I think he's going to be a serious sleeper. Would love to have him on the Bills.
  14. I grew up watching the Super Bowl Era jerseys and they will always be my favorite. Don't like the current ones at all...except when they were the home blues with WHITE pants. The Blue on Blue makes me a little sick. Question though for all....is it possible to get any WHITE throwback jerseys? I remember checking it out at length awhile back and had no luck. I had a blue McGahee throwback, but since that is worthless, I'd love to get a white throwback. I know they've never worn them so its probably not possible, but does anyone know?
  15. Great stories! Thanks!
  16. money talks, middle fingers walk.
  17. I had forgotten I even posted that until I searched for the thread. It didn't show up because its on the College Football board. Thanks for the sentiments. Although thinking about losing maybe the next Reggie Bush over that slut Denushi (or Denushu whatever her name was) still pisses me off.
  18. As I've gotten older, wiser and snobbier, I've noticed my choice in beer has changed significantly. I'll still gladly shotgun a half-dozen Nattys at a tailgate or bong a few Stones...but I find myself (strangely) looking for a little more. So, I'm counting on some great suggestions here...I'll start: Yuengling - In my opinion, the perfect beer for any occasion. Not the world's best, but I can't ever think of a time where a Yuengling didn't sound like a great idea. Magic Hat #9 - I grew up taking family vacations to South Burlington, VT and my older buddies used to go to the Magic Hat brewery tours and bring back shitloads. One of my first loves....great flavor. Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA - Dogfish is pretty much a local brewery to me (Rehoboth, DE) and a great restaurant/bar to hang out at if you ever come down this way. Some of their beers are a little rough, but 60 Minute is legit. The 120 will take you down a few pegs. Chimay Red - Went to a Beer tasting/guzzling dinner at a local restaurant a year or so ago. They served four kinds of Chimay, all of which were great. I blacked out that night but I remember the Red stood alone. Shiner Bock/Blonde - One of my roommates in college was from south TX and he used to bring up a case of each at the start of each semester. Never lasted too long. Honorable Mentions: Sam Adams Cherry Wheat Blue Moon Guinness Coors Light (eh, why not?) I'm probably forgetting one or two...but I'm sure one of you will remember for me. Cheers! :blink:
  19. Check these older threads out....should give you some info. Hope it helps! http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=59060 http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...ooker&st=20
  20. Damn that's a lotta dough. Though not nearly as much as Vitaminwater forked over to get him to do it I'm sure. Everyone wins....except Gatorade.
  21. That's fckin mint. You just better hope the strip club has internet access so you can login here and shoot off a few dozen posts. Oh wait, you're not LSI...
  22. Since when did you? I'm actually taken back by how much I agree with you in this thread. Pretty soon I might actually want to grab a beer with you at the Eagles game this year. (and great post Dean).
  23. Jesus that student video taken with the cell phone is spooky. The one dude Jamal Albarghouti got right up on Norris Hall. You can hear shots fired and people screaming. Unbelievable.
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