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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Hilarious. It just goes to show that a lot of people will steal things when they feel the price is out of whack for the product. For a long time people got tired of paying $20 for a CD that contained 1-2 good songs. The backlash brought about the Napsters of the world. Music and Video are such unique commodities because they can be obtained electronically. If people could steal clothes on the internet, they would. I will always believe though that if a reasonable compensation scheme for online songs had been introduced before free/illegal services were created, then illegal downloading would be a lot less rampant now. People went from having to way overpay for music to being able to get it for free. If 10 years ago people were given the option to buy songs for 50 cents or a buck or whatever, I'm sure they would have jumped at it. Free just became so casual that even when a "fairer" plan was put into place, it was too late for a lot of people. Just my two cents... And not to divert, but Kid Rock is also one of the last few artists to refuse to put his songs on iTunes (I think the Beatles are as well).
  2. That's a great example of his lack of work ethic, game smarts or both. I remember (as many here probably do) the week that he leveled Kevin Williams of the Vikings on a pass-block pickup. I mean Williams is 320 and a Pro-Bowl defensive tackle and Willis just threw him to the turf like he was a high school player. He didn't duck down and take out his feet, he didn't catch him from the side...he threw a shoulder into his chest and trucked him. It was one of the more impressive displays of athleticism I've seen by a football player. There was talk around here that one of the reasons the team started winning after the switch from Travis to Willis was not just his running, but that he was such a superior pass blocker. When it was time to trade him, it was brought up as one of his true weaknesses.
  3. Howard's stance baffles me. It is so open and so far away from the plate. Couple that with his balance issues and it just doesn't seem humanly possible that he could even make contact on outside pitches coming from the left. I could understand being steadfast in not wanting to change, but when you are hitting sub .250 and striking out the way he does...I dunno. I think I'd be open to suggestions. And about striking out, yes I agree that it's just another out. It's not so much the end result of a strikeout but more that it's a symptom of a bigger problem. I realize that part of the reason is his power game and HR swinging will tend to lead to more Ks, but the way he fans so badly sometimes is terrible. He doesn't even come close to a lot of 3rd strikes.
  4. I'll wait to see what he does. I think he will be significantly more useful than Adam Eaton and will give some rest to a bullpen that is already playing with fire. I understand your point about making the big splash move like the other contenders did, and part of me does wish that we had gone after Sabathia or Harden. But (and I'm probably repeating a lot of what has been said in this thread), I don't know if we had the ammunition to make the move nor would I have wanted to mortgage the future. Baseball teams can rise and fall pretty quickly, but if you have a good core and a few up-and-comers, you will be in the mix always. The Phils aren't the youngest team, but they have a great offensive group, a young ace pitcher and a lights out closer. I'm also very impressed with the minor league pitcher Happ that has come up and done outstanding work in his two appearances (it was rumored he would be part of the Holliday trade). My point is, when the Phils were clicking earlier this year, they were definitely good enough to win the NL. If they can get back to that, I'd still give them a very decent shot even with the Cubs and Brewers additions. I think Blanton could shore up a major weakness even if he is not a big time player. I'm not excited about the move, but I'm happy with it. And lastly, I'm also not so convinced that if you were going to do the "we're a contender lets make the big deal for the big player" move that this was the year to do it. Sabathia might be that guy, but I'd be scared of Harden. Sheets will be a FA next year and depending on whether they resign Burrell or get Holliday, they could have some great trade bait in Holliday and/or Howard next year to make a move for a serious pitching talent.
  5. Agreed. Burrell has been the favorite target of Philadelphia for quite some time (and mostly deservedly so). He strikes out a lot, his hard swing leaves him looking goofy on a lot of curve/slider whiffs and his outfield play is subpar. It was easy to hate him because as he seemingly got worse over the years, his contract increased to stupid money (he's actually making closer to 15 mill I'm pretty sure which is a bit overpriced but not for what he's done this year). He hit rock bottom last summer when his average dipped to like .195, but ever since then he has been one of the most consistent hitters on the team. He is always near the top of league in walks, he is a solid 30-90 guy and he is leading a good hitting heam in OBP, Slugging and OPS. And on top of all that, he has taken the extreme amount of abuse in total stride. When Philly paints you as the target, there are few who can take the heat without snapping. Look at how McNabb whimpers every time he is questioned. Pat puts the blame on himself and he is delivering of late. He and Howard have been the only two batters who have showed up this month while the team has struggled. The guy deserved a lot of the grief he got, but he has way outgrown it. All the things Burrell was sht on for are the same things Howard has done all year, except way worse. I love Ryan for all that he brings, but the guy is probably the worst 1B in the league and he seems eager to set a new strikeout record every year. Left hand pitchers salivate for the guy and it doesn't look like his is willing to change it anytime soon. And back to the topic at hand, I know little about Blanton, but he is definitely an upgrade for all the reasons Falstaff mentioned. Expecting the bullpen to keep it up is playing with fire, especially when Eaton makes them work 6.2 innings every game. I don't know why Kendrick seems to be discounted though. He has had a few blowup outings, but he is a very solid pitcher and played great down the stretch last year. I'd trust him in the playoffs over everyone except Hamels and Moyer.
  6. Very strange to watch a Sunday Major without Tiger. Too bad for Greg Norman...dude just can't seem to keep it together on Day 4. But Harrington is one of most enjoyable golfers on tour I think and I can't think of a better winner. Only the 3rd player in the past 100-something years to win the Open in consecutive years. Cheers, Padraig! And on a side note...even though he too couldn't keep it together, it was nice that Rocco Mediate got another day in the sun after his 1st round lead. What a month he's had.
  7. Makes sense, but I'm not sure if I buy it completely. One of my good friends in college was a projected 1st-2nd round pick and he signed with an agent a few months before the draft. Based on his grading and draft projection, the agency loaned him a *substantial* amount of "start up" money (I'm not talking about a few grand to buy some clothes and a PS2). And this was before he was even drafted. Now that these guys have been drafted and slotted, their salaries are all but determined. I believe all of the guys in first few rounds (1st round at the least) have been walking around with quite a few benjamins to burn for some time now. But perhaps the situation I described was atypical.
  8. Holy shite! That's wild, Jack...good post.
  9. Five guys is pretty good...I think Cheeburger Cheeburger is better. Five guys came into our area about 3-4 years ago and now it seems there is one in every strip mall. We also have a local chain called Jakes in DE...pretty damn good if anyone ever comes out this way.
  10. Absolutely agree. I don't need movies that are wrapped up with a bow and the audience is given an answer sheet. I thought it was a great flick and I loved that it left so many questions. But when I read/heard others' views on it, the vast majority was pounding on it for the same reasons I liked it. I liked that they used a no name cast. I like that they stayed true to the concept ("this is probably how YOU really would react if this happened and you had a camera"). And I liked that it kept me wondering when I left the theater. Movies like that are good for a change of pace.
  11. I'll second the doc in that I don't think they compare to fresh, but I think they are damn good. If I buy frozen patties, I'm definitely picking up Bubbas.
  12. Interesting article there. However the real gem was the first comment on the bottom of the page from Ablity Mouwan: "i am a big madden fan, and reggie bush juke move rating is on 100 and his rating is 86 -1 from his rookie rating but lean washsinton is only 82, the jets dont understand how dangerous and useful lean washiston can be..." Go Jets fan, Go!
  13. I know this is off-topic since it revolves around basketball, but I thought it might be relevant since there is a contingent of people who seem to think no good comes out of a bad team winning and hurting its draft stock. Elton Brand just signed with the Sixers and I watched his press conference. He was offered more money from a different team as well as numerous other perks that the Sixers couldn't match. But when they asked him what the main reason he came to Philly was, he said that he took notice of how well they played in the 2nd half of last season and how the young core group of players fought for every inch. He said he respected how they dug deep with holes on their roster and gutted out a great end of the season and scratched their way into the playoffs. He said he felt if they could do that the way they were, then he felt his presence could really push them far. Now I know the situations are a little different. The Sixers ended up making the playoffs barely, so its not totally analogous to a 4-9 team gutting out 2 or 3 wins at the end of a season. But the lesson remains the same. Players take note of how other teams respond to adversity and how their character and toughness comes out. Fans might just see 1 or 2 "meaningless" wins at the end of a losing season as just a way to screw up the chance to get that "perfect" draft pick that would have been available. But the impact on potential FAs and just on league-wide player awareness cannot be measured with numbers. Players take pride in how well they play despite the cynical perception that they could care less as they laugh all the way to the bank. Just something to maybe think about next time you're about to complain because our team "screwed up" by gutting out a few "meaningless" wins at the end of a losing campaign.
  14. FWIW, I watched Brand's press conference on local TV here. His side of the story was as follows: - when he opted out, his initial intention was to return to the Clips - he received an offer from the team and was told that their coach/GM (Mike Dunleavy) had really gone to bat for him to get him a big offer. he was then also told that the owner (Donald Sterling) was not very comfortable with giving that size of an offer and he would be just as happy if Brand turned it down than if he accepted. the offer was take it or leave it. (it was later reported that the offer was 5 yr/70 million as opposed to the Sixers 5 yrs/82 million). - Brand said he felt unwanted by Sterling's seemingly lukewarm attitude about him returning or not. he felt he wanted to go where he was wanted - he said Golden State then offered him more than the Sixers, but the Sixers offered the most they possibly could and that made him feel like they wanted him the most - he never had any kind of "handshake deal" with Baron Davis about staying with the Clips. In fact, he said he was in contact with BD throughout the process and Davis told him to "go take care of himself and get that money." He said that's what Baron did when he left Golden State and thats what he told him to do with Philly. Said there are no bad feelings at all. So take all that as you will...just thought I'd throw out the other side of the story.
  15. I probably wouldn't be too happy with Brand if I was a Clippers fan. Of course, I also won't pretend to know the behind-the-scenes details that swayed his decision either. If it was just straight up cash, then it is a kind of backhanded move on his part. Who knows... As a Sixers fan, absolutely thrilled. If that leg holds up, this team has just opened up a window for a serious run at the Finals over the next few seasons. We finally have a post player for the first time since....ummm. Brand also gives us a #1 scorer so Iguodala doesn't have to be that guy (which he truly isn't). Hopefully Miller has a few good years left in him. But Thad is going to be getting better every game and Lou Williams is so close to becoming a Monta Ellis type breakout player. Andre Miller, Andre Iguodala, Thaddeus Young, Elton Brand, Sammy Dalembert....plus Lou Williams, Reggie Evans, Willie Green. Then throw in Jason Smith and Maurese Speights in a few years. DAAMN. This team is young and deep. Hopefully Garnett's back gives out next year and LeBron stays in Cleveland purgatory for a few more seasons. And to think where this team was 18 months ago...
  16. I don't doubt it. It just surprised me that DT could be 3rd on a list. I wish I had seen them play.
  17. I guess I'm not old enough, but damn...Willie Lanier and Bobby Bell must have been super human. Not too bad for your team when one of the most dominant pass rushers of all time is ranked 3rd. If only tragedy hadn't struck him. I wonder how many sacks he would have ended up with.
  18. I guess I missed this thread. I saw them two fridays ago in Camden, NJ. I was always a Pearl Jam fan, but they weren't my favorite out of the STP, Soundgarden, AIC group. But having said that, they put on a GREAT show! On of the most enjoyable concerts I've been to. Some cool moments: - About 15 minutes before the opening band came on, EV just came out by himself, no announcement, with a guitar and harmonica and played the Beatles' "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away." Not only was it a great opening sing-a-long type song, but it was a very cool move on his part as it got a few hundred people who were milling around to come to their seats, thereby building up a nice crowd for the opening act. Classy move. - About half way through the show, EV comes out holding two beers and mentions how expensive they are and how he told the crowd the previous night (they played Camden twice) that if anyone would come back for the next show (ours) then he would buy the whole crowd beers. So everyone gets all crazy and starts cheering. Then he shrugs and says "But you know, they got that stupid Two Beer Per Person Limit so, um, maybe I could pass these two out and everyone can just take a sip and pass it down the aisle." Then he hands out the two beers to people in the crowd as the whole place cracks up. I thought it was a pretty funny move. - Ended with Baba O'Reily as the final encore. I like their habit of doing rock-out covers to close the show. Amazing ending to a great rock concert.
  19. Saw it last night. I thought it was good. I can't really say what it was about it that I liked, but for whatever reason, I left the theater satisfied. It was very different as far as horror movie goes, but I found the casualness of its graphic parts made it very chilling. I like his movies and I've come to expect what you're going to get when you watch one. I think he brings a very different style and I appreciate it. It was the same with Cloverfield. I thought it was a great flick and I loved that it left so many questions. But when I read/heard others' views on it, the vast majority was pounding on it for the same reasons I liked it.
  20. Based on what I read, I think everyone would agree that whatever opinion they had before this statement has basically remained unchanged. If you believed Lynch before, then you most likely still do. If you thought he was lying, then you probably see this as just his lawyer doing whatever he had to do in order to close this case up. Regardless, it's done but I think it will still be on peoples' minds for awhile.
  21. Word. Did you catch the final comment under those pictures? "Just because she's revealing, that doesn't mean she's hot." - Atif, India, 20/10/2007 05:05 Thanks, Atif. You're a tool.
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