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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. 13-0 son...and Clausen wins his first of three Heismans.
  2. I don't shed a tear for them either...especially not Clarett. However, I think the situation they found themselves in was not as clearly recoverable as you paint it to be. They could lift weights and do cone drills until they were blue in the face. They even could have watched game film. But I still don't think any of that can make up for the loss of round-the-clock coaching at football factory programs as well as intense competition against other elite athletes in practice and real game situations. Their growth was stunted at a very crucial time. And I just find it interesting that two of the biggest talents in college football couldn't even cut it for a few seasons in the NFL (Clarett a few weeks). It would be one thing if Mike Williams had an unremarkable career and never lived up to his billing, but he was gone in the blink of an eye. Now obviously this is just a hypothesis. I'm not saying this was definitely what happened and they would have had solid/great careers otherwise. But on the other hand, I'm not so sure they are good examples of why players shouldn't be able to enter the draft earlier. If these guys were such immature knuckleheads that they couldn't even survive in the pros, do you really think 12 months would have made any difference?
  3. I don't necessarily disagree, but one could argue that since Williams declared during a time that he was *technically* eligible, the NFL could/should have let him stay in the draft. The NCAA gave him the bigger screw job, but the NFL denied a player entry when that player did not do anything incorrectly. And furthermore, you could argue that it was the year off from football that killed their careers. I know Clarett is a complete waste and Williams seems lazy, but the league is full of stupid, crazy and lazy players who can get by on extreme talent (which both of those guys had). I think a full year away from the sport at such a critical learning time could have been the death blow. But then again it could very well have been that both these guys would have washed out anyway. I guess we'll never know...
  4. Hmm... Yeah that about nails it. I watched a lot of Mike Williams in college and I can't think of a prospect I was more sure would be a stud who sucked as bad as he did in the league. The next closest player was Charles Rogers...but his injuries played a big part there. Amazingly, the Lions drafted both of them.
  5. Ah, the annual moment where a meaningless and dreadfully inaccurate ranking is released that serves no other purpose but to entertain fans and unfairly advantage/disadvantage teams for their final rankings weeks before the first ball is snapped. 2008 Coaches Poll #1 Notables: - Georgia wins the 3 way battle for #1. - USC and Ohio St. split #2 - WVU hanging in there at #8...interesting - Bama, South Carolina, Utah, Rutgers and FSU first five outside the top 25 - ND #43...lovin it. - Michigan #24 seems a bit high considering the square peg/round hole they will fight all year Thoughts?
  6. Now that's a fcking commercial!
  7. Yeah, agreed...that's the X factor as well as how much the mortgage was paid back. Hopefully (for the bank) that cushion will absorb any loss on the auction. I was assuming a lot with my post...I don't know any of those facts. It was more of a general statement.
  8. I'm no expert, but it seems that its not the theory part of the equation that's the problem, it's the practice. IF the bank can recoup everything then everything is smooth. But if I'm a bank, I don't want to be holding the deed to a house in this shtty market anymore than anyone else. If you had the means to lend someone money for a house right now, would you lend it to someone who was a pay-back risk knowing that your security is an asset that is extremely difficult to recoup value on at the present time? I'm probably oversimplifying something that I don't know enough about, but that's how I look at it...
  9. Agreed...good article. Funny side note*...Edwards states that his playing weight was about 205 last year!! He was listed as 230! I've seen some stretches but.....c'maaaaan. No wonder he got banged up. *Anyone who uses this post as a way to leverage a QB debate is a tool.
  10. Oops! I might have been a little overzealous...I thought he was 1st. My point was that it was never a question with Irvin. He was considered a lock from the start...something Reed has undeservedly been denied IMO.
  11. No doubt...I should have added that caveat.
  12. I've never heard of him...I was going to link the article, but it wasn't really salient to the discussion. But here it is anyway: John Lynch
  13. What does this mean? Pretty strong statement. The guy was lights out playing with garbage tossing him the ball for his whole career. The guy holds several team records and his '98 campaign just might be the best ever by a Bills WR. I would have loved to see him lined up in the slot during the K-Gun years. I'd give Andre the nod of course, but having a Hall of Fame QB in a revolutionary offense can never be compared to the incompetence Moulds was surrounded by at all levels throughout almost his entire tenure. Evans is a distant 3rd.
  14. I just read an ESPN article about John Lynch leaving Denver's camp because he is unhappy with his role, and the article began with this introduction: "The likely Pro Football Hall of Famer..." Is it really conventional wisdom/popular opinion that John Lynch is Canton bound? I've watched almost all of his career and I've always thought he was a great player, but I didn't realize people considered him Hall of Fame material. He's got a ring and was part of a historic defense and has racked up the pro bowls (although I believe he coasted into "big name popularity" territory for his last few). I just never saw him as among the greatest to ever play his position. It boils my blood enough that Michael Irvin was a hands-down, lock of the year, 1st ballot shoo-in and Andre is repeatedly doubted, but I think I'd really be at a loss if John Lynch had a bust made and Reed did not. Am I crazy here?
  15. That was a tragedy. Dude got to see his dream come true for 11 days. I always wondered if he would have worked out...he had so much hype and feel-good press going into that draft. But besides that, didn't he trade up to pick up a LT in the 2nd round a year or two ago? I remember thinking how well it worked out with Glenn deciding to retire. I miss Polian...
  16. :lol: Hilarious ads! Side note...anytime I start thinking about how I just did something dumb or how I didn't know sht when I was younger, I take a few minutes and read the comments on an random youtube video. After that extreme dose of stupid, I feel a lot better about myself. Everyone should try it sometime.
  17. Wouldn't even do medium? Ridiculous. I've seen places refuse medium rare, but medium seems excessive. So your only choices were medium-well or well-done? Wonderful...
  18. I blame the schools for their greed in the used book process. Consider this, they sell a book for $150 brand new, buy it back from the student for like $25 and then flip it back as a used version for like $110. None of that profit is being given back to the publishers or authors. They are effectively cut out of the loop as their product is flipped back and forth continually while the school gets rich. The only way to stop this cycle is to create a "new" edition every year (that basically just renumbers the pages) so that they can get paid again. If the schools kicked back a little of the disgusting profit they make when they buy back from the students, then I don't believe there would be nearly as big an incentive for the publishers/authors to "revise" editions almost every year. Basically the school screws the author, the author screws back the school and the student is the one who takes all of it in the @ss. JMO...
  19. "He had a knife on him and he said, 'I will stab you,' and I told him 'Don't even try it because, you know, my knife is more bigger than yours. Don't even think about it.'" - Sammy Othman It doesn't get any more basic than that! What a quote!
  20. Agreed...well done.
  21. Well, yeah...obviously the topic predates the thread. It just seemed strange that you would start a new thread about it and then rail on people who weren't really arguing against you. Who was all the "slime" in those first 10 posts? I got no beef...just commenting...
  22. When you posted that, of the 10 previous replies, only one of them was justifying downloading free music. It seems like you started this topic hoping that a bunch of people were going to flock here and say how downloading free music is great and moral. Maybe one or two people have done something like that, but not many people are disagreeing with the premise that downloading music without paying for it is cheating somebody and is rightfully illegal. You are ranting (mainly) to the choir...
  23. I don't doubt that he got off lightly due to his status and what he gave up on the dealer, but the oxys were definitely personal use. He's not selling them...why would a millionaire athlete take such a risk to flip pills for a few more thousand?
  24. I think that sums it up perfectly. Do they think yellow cupcakes with chocolate icing are chocolate cupcakes?
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