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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Just a quick 60 second spot, but just another very creative Nike ad. Definitely pumps you up. Good soundtrack too.
  2. I agree that he is a capable starter and I like him very much. When I hear "franchise" though, I think "franchise player" meaning someone you can build the team around. Maybe that's not what you meant. I could have just interpreted you wrongly. Polamalu is a franchise safety...Ed Reed is a franchise safety.
  3. 4 pages and not one " " or sarcastic retort from Darin?? You're slipping, bud....
  4. I'm pretty sure Cadillac was on the PUP (Physically Unable to Perform) List, not the IR. That means he has to sit out the first six games of the season and then after that, the team has until Week 10 to activate him or lose him for the remainder of the year. As far as I know, IR is an absolute season ender.
  5. I think the '96 Ravens will get added to this List with Ogden and Ray-Ray. Helluva 1st round draft there!
  6. *disclaimer - the title misled me too; these aren't outer space pictures. They are aerial shots. Not a big art guy, but I stumbled across an article about this photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand who takes these photos. He is having a big display in NYC next year. Anyway, I thought they were pretty unique shots. Article w/ Photos And here is his website...can't link the actual photos, but you should be able to navigate it pretty easily. Wild stuff... Yann Arthus-Bertrand
  7. The SEC cleared him of any wrongdoing and stated that he acted appropriately in trying to defend himself (paraphrasing). Next time I'm in a crowded situation and someone is running by me, I'll be sure to defend myself by running into their projected path and throwing a forearm into their chest.
  8. Does anyone watch Nip/Tuck? The crazy chick who pretended to be an agent and roped Sean in last season came to mind when I read this story. Serious issues with needing attention.
  9. Holy shite...what a wacko. And she had done it before?? TWICE???
  10. From the Indy one: "During a Patriots game, the line in the bathroom was really long, so people started urinating on a father and his 10-year-old son who wearing Patriots jerseys." :lol:
  11. Couldn't help but think of . :lol:
  12. 4.36...fckin parallelogram...
  13. STL, I'll say that when you started making assinine posts whoring out a band of nobodys led by a short QB named Daniel and a couple of TEs I'd never heard of, I was wondering if you hadn't drank whatever gave Ed his boner for Rutgers. But your boys are the truth...the turn around of that program has been incredible. I think they could take Bama, but they ain't hanging 40 on them. And this is a game I wouldn't mind seeing for the NC. Big XII title game should be legit again this year.
  14. I'm still kind of pissed no one on our team evened that score. Lynch sells out on every play, and when he gets his hat ripped off in the middle of a gang tackle, you don't lay down and take it.
  15. I tried to reply before and got a board error. I agree that it was a savage hit, but I have trouble assigning blame when it's played in slow motion. I think your claim that he redirected his helmet into Trent's chin "on the way down" is bit much considering that portion of the hit probably took all of a quarter-second. I don't think Wilson made the conscious decision to viciously change the angle of his head in the amount of time it takes you to blink. I think it was borderline, and I'm not too crazy that he drove his body into the ground. I would have been okay with a roughing penalty, but I'm not livid there wasn't one. This was a hard hit. Bruce made a career out of launching his body at the back of a QB's head and driving their face into the turf. Sometimes it's the way it goes... JMO...
  16. While I don't disagree (and it's almost impossible to disagree since we have several weeks of proof), I really believe that Trent's injury today shell-shocked the team. I'm not at all saying that this was the magical game where they were going to turn it around and come out sharp, but I grade them on a curve today. I believe Trent means as much to this team as any QB in the league means to any other team. The players love and believe in him. Him going down like that (combined with the fumble) really shook them I think. JMO... Now, this is no excuse for how the played the rest of the game (especially the 2nd half). And I'm talking primarily about the defense. I had a little hope when they forced the punt on the Cards first drive, but it was clear that was a fluke. They were simply out hustled, out executed, out coached and out played.
  17. I thought it was pretty clean, but I can see the argument for unecessarily driving Trent into the ground. If he was a DT and not a S, it would have been a penalty I think. Refs are human and I think sometimes its easier to hold the flag when the tackler is the smaller player. Now him ripping of Marshawn's helmet...that was some sht. I was hoping someone would slap him around for that. In fact, I was really hoping Reed would find himself blocking Wilson at some point.
  18. Damn Meyers just gave him a fight AGAIN. TEN pitches after falling behind 0-2. Eventually flied out on the tenth pitch, but man those were two incredible at bats as a pitcher. Drew 19 pitches and got a two out walk. Brett is helping his cause big time.
  19. Victorino gets the credit...he nailed the Grand Slam, but IMO, Brett Myers made that play. He absolutely demoralized CC with a NINE pitch at bat that ended in a walk...with TWO outs no less. That definitely shook him hard. Way to go Brett!!
  20. That sht just cracked me up thinking about American Pie 3 when Jim wants Stiffler to teach him how to dance. "No p-ssy, no dancing"
  21. Authorities said the "multi-kilogram cocaine transaction occurred in Centennial." So the dude wasn't just trying to get a little blow. Ouch...sad story. Guy just couldn't keep it together.
  22. Yo, those weren't the only questions...although the rest was kind of fluff too. Asked how it felt to score his first TD - felt good, felt better to help teammates and make a play in that moment...says a lot about that team What changed in 4th quarter to get 18-0 run - momentum...creates a psychological advantage. Chemistry is key, its what helped the last 4 weeks...will continue to stress. Bold comments were made by teammates this summer (Whitner I guess)...how does is feel to be the "hunted"? - we are a family...we focus on ourselves (our responsibilities, assignments, etc) can only control that. confident, but have a long way to go Asked about hurdles records at Tennessee...who is fastest between him, McKel, Moorman, Parrish - hopefully me...wouldn't want to chase any of them around Showed him clip of Knowshawn Moreno (UG) jumping over a player...is that something you would do on a return? - no, his hurdle form was terrible...congrats to him Locker room clown? - Royal or Stroud...plugged some skits he has posted on youtube. said to type in "Jabari Greer out of bounds" on youtube Best dressed? - Whitner or me Best looking? - ducked that one Flashiest (confidence)? - Royal or Parrish Like DrDank said...not much substance, but hope that feeds your Tuesday afternoon Bills fix.
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