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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Roscoe Parrish is simply the best at what he does...return punts. His career PR avg. is 0.1 yds. behind the all-time NFL leader. He is a full 2 yds. ahead of the next best active career numbers (the "legendary" Devin Hester). So bottom line is, if you trade him, it is almost a certainty that the Bills will never see another PR of his caliber. So if you think having an average punt returner + a 3rd or 4th round pick is better than having the best ever, then pull the trigger. I for one would never pull the plug on such an explosive threat, especially when grading his WR prowess in this running joke of an offense we've had for his entire career.
  2. I'm not sure if anyone has been following this seeing it involves my precious Dela-where?...however, it is pretty exciting news around here (at least for sports fans and gamblers). It's been going on for awhile but it's looking like it finally could be nearing the home stretch. It is alluded to only briefly in the article, but of course the NCAA and NFL strongly oppose it on "moral grounds." I wonder how Myles Brand and Co. can actually make these arguments with a straight face while simultaneously whoring their "amateur" association out whenever they can. Anyway, if this goes through (and hopefully in time for football), yall have an open invite to come grab a beer with your boy in DE and throw a few bills on our Sunday-Afternoon Heartbreakers. http://www.forbes.com/feeds/ap/2009/04/08/ap6269816.html
  3. STL, I think some people are having difficulty with third and fourth words of your post title...
  4. While I agree that his interview demeanor doesn't really help his cause, I don't think there is much to dislike about the guy as a basketball player at least. And the story you are referring to about ping pong is something that he and his brother did growing up. When they play each other, they do the ball smash thing. Just two brothers being competitive...I wouldn't read too much into it.
  5. You're in my thoughts, Grant. Come back with good news!!
  6. I saw neither of them. I heard mixed reviews ranging from "not bad" to "god awful." And there is no guarantee that this won't be a POS, but I like the fact that most of the original cast is coming back. And if all else fails, I fall back on Jordana Brewster. Worth the $10...
  7. Sweet....last place. Is there a prize for that? Can I get a 10 x 14 glossy of T-Bone from that tailgate years ago?
  8. Probably not the reply you are looking for (and I don't mean to hijack the mighty stooges), but I am actually pretty amped about Fast and Furious. The original was one of the more entertaining movies I've ever seen in the theater and I've never had such an urge to drive a car after it let out. I swear everyone who saw that movie sprinted to their cars in the parking lot and peeled out. My clunky, 20 year old 528e with 200K on it suddenly became a Testarossa. :wallbash: But I digress...
  9. Maybe I didn't explain my point very well, Deano. My comment referred only to remakes. My "reissued popular product vs. nothing" wasn't meant to mean we should be happy with recycled goods over new, fresh ideas. All I was trying to convey was that I'd rather a new version of something I loved come out (The Three Stooges) than not have anything on them come out at all. If I'm a huge fan of the "Alien" series (the Sigourney Weaver movies, I mean), then I'm happy when they make a new Alien vs. Predator movie. It's probably going to be a disaster, but I'd rather roll the dice there than never see new material in that story again. Does that make sense? And of course, I'd rather new, creative ideas come out before they resort to recycles. My comments were aimed more at the "why ruin a good thing?" crowd. I don't see how this ruins anytihng and it has the potential to add to the legacy.
  10. I think it's a great idea. This is not the same as the original actors coming back to make yet another sequel which would tarnish a solid brand. The Stooges were forced to re-cast several times and I'd argue that most people feel they never regained their true charm after Curly left. And some of their later stuff was very bad. Whether or not this idea bombs will have nothing to do with The Stooges legacy. If it sucks, it will be just another failed version of the original. And if it's great, AWESOME! Look at the new Batman series, or the new Star Trek movie coming out. If Star Trek sucks, it doesn't affect peoples' perception of the Original Cast, TNG, DS9, etc. It's just a new version. I'd think people would be more receptive to the idea of re-issued popular product vs. the alternative of nothing.
  11. We haven't had one those pleasant "**** Cop vs. Punk Athlete" debates in awhile. ESPN Link
  12. I assume you count yourself in the majority.
  13. It was a badass speech and an epic follow through. But I do think it's a little much to do this before he graduates. The guy isn't even through his junior year. Not only is it weird, but from what I've gathered from Tebow, it seems like the kind of excessive praise that he tries to deflect. UF should instead build a plaque which they can continually add to every time Lane Kiffin opens his mouth and inserts his foot.
  14. Truly one of the best of his trade. RIP George.
  15. I had the same situation. After explaining how to fill it out and giving her pointers (16s don't beat 1s, etc.) she still needed 3 new sheets because she kept messing up. She's 15-1.
  16. That's terrible...and scary. Very sorry, Simon.
  17. For sure...I just think of the hundreds of places that fake worked without so much as a second glance. And then trying to get an after dinner drink with my parents is when I get the third degree. Yeah the B-L-T thing is pretty out there. Like I said, it could be a total failure. But I was thinking about it like a different take on a Bloody Mary.
  18. I think a 1-2 game suspension will barely hurt us. Jackson is more than capable of handling the load for a short time. Also, with Lynch's bruising running style, perhaps a game or two less wouldn't be the worst thing for his long-term health. We're gonna need him in February...
  19. Ahhh, FOX. Seems like just yesterday you were trotting out "World's Scariest Police Chases" and "When Good Pets Go Bad" to scrounge up viewers. I kind of miss those shows. Anyone here watch Homeland Security? We checked it out this year thinking it would be corny, and it is a little, but I'm become hooked. A good balance of cheesiness and actual info. And Buffalo gets a regular appearance for border patrol stuff. Thanks to DVR, I've lost all concept of what show are on what days and what channels.
  20. Get outta here!
  21. I don't follow the Sabres as closely as a lot of you do...just try to catch them whenever they are on TV here and then live through the boxscores and recaps. But I have to agree how disappointingly fast their little window of success closed. What a dark day it was to lose Drury and Briere. Even worse, I get to hear and see Briere all the time hear playing for the Flyers (well not all the time since he's been more than a little banged up since arriving). For you more knowledgeable fans, which of the last two teams do you think was better....the 2005-06 or the 2006-07? I have to think that the 2005 squad would have had a great chance had not 3/4 of the team been injured. But man, that hot start in '06 was incredible. Sad to see them possibly on the outside looking in again this year.
  22. Ugggh!! Here I was all excited that someone finally got the right idea and I was about to commend you for posting what I figured would be The Comeback Game or 51-3 or 31-0 vs. Pats. But instead I have to relive that nightmare of the Bush Push? Thanks, bro! Let's get us back on the right track: (never gets old)
  23. One funky suggestion unfortunately I cannot vouch for because I haven't made the time to sit down and make it. 1. The B-L-Tini. I don't know if this is well known in more metropolitan areas, but I came across a recipe online for this drink made from tomato water and bacon vodka . There are tons of websites detailing how to create both (although I'm sure as a former chef, you probably have a good idea). The bacon vodka is basically 1. Take vodka 2. Add bacon 3. Let it sit for a while. 4. Strain. It could be a complete abortion but something about bacon flavored booze sounds incredible to me. Anyway, here is a blog I found for the bacon vodka. And here is one talking about the B-L-Tini. 2. I got a copy of the Food & Wine "Cocktails 2008" book for Christmas. It is basically a collection of creative drinks taken from dozens of bars throughout the country. And since you mentioned wanting to use spices and such, it involves a lot of that. For example: Hibiscus Petal - thai basil, OJ, lime juice, simple syrup, hibiscus vodka (similar idea to the bacon vodka only with dried hibiscus leaves). Pick up a copy...you might find a bunch of out-of-the-box ideas that aren't contained in your standard "1001 Drinks" handbooks. Finally, good call on Buena Vista. I had few Irish Coffees there during a SF trip back in college. I was 19 at the time and I've never been grilled harder on a fake ID. I was with both my parents at around 9pm on a weeknight and this seemingly sweet waitress interrogated me for like 10 minutes. It was bizarre. Didn't seem to go with the vibe of the place at all.
  24. Totally agree about the losing streak being overstated. Any team in the BE could have lost those 5 games. I just have trouble picking teams that enter the tournament below full strength. It's hard enough to advance when you got your starting 5. I think the odds of stringing together multiple wins decreases significantly when one of your veterans is out. I don't like UConn for the same reason. Maybe it's just an overreaction on my part though...
  25. Full strength? Absolutely. Without James? I don't know about that...
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