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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Blue...what was your feeling on Orakpo? Didn't see him play besides the UT/Tech and UT/OU games and I honestly didn't even know who he was to be watching him anyway... Let me see if I have you straight...you are pissed because we could have gotten good OL in the late rounds (or undrafted) BUT you think we NEEDED a 3rd Rd TE?
  2. I'm not sold, but you make good points. Tell you what though, if the Bills do end up pulling the trigger on Roscoe, I'll dig your post up and re-read it a few times to remember the positives (as I ice my hand and re-spackle the hole in the wall )
  3. Agreed...and I don't hate Kelsay either...that play where he deflected Romo's pass into the air and then caught it for a TD was one of the better plays anyone on defense has made in a few years. I just expected more of him and that ridiculous contract hasn't helped. About Parrish...Ehhhh, I just don't like the idea of trading away such an electrifying talent. He has shown that will likely never be more than an average #3 (ceiling), but he is basically the best statistical punt returner in the history of this league. I think the intangible he brings there in the form of confidence and excitation really can't be measured and is surely worth more than whatever depth player we'd get from a 5th rd pick.
  4. We have a guy to play stout against the run....Ryan Denney. We don't need two of these guys. Plus Spencer Johnson can rotate at DE. I like your thinking and I agree that Maybin is a perfect compliment to a run-stopping DE. But we don't need three of them.
  5. Don't be sorry...nice thoughts! And today is the day of the excessive threads. I made a new one just so I could post a disturbing picture of Al Davis. Go Bills!
  6. I'd honestly trade Kelsay for just about anything. 3 or 4 nice plays per year seems to be his ceiling and his contract does more damage to this team than keeping him around. He does not separate himself from Denney (who is painfully average as well) and with Maybin (sink or swim) he is even more expendable than he was 8 hours ago. Package him with a 4th to get a 3rd for all I care....
  7. I'm sorry, but that's funny. I'm cracking up and I don't really know why.
  8. Probably the same thing Ronald Curry and Jerry Porter thought when they drafted Russell. And around and around we go in Raiderland...
  9. If he makes it to 121, I'll be shocked. And to be honest, if we don't get him...I'm not too high on grabbing a guy in the late 4th. I fail to see how that would be an upgrade over Fine. We decided not to go impact with TE, so using another late pick on one doesn't really improve our situation, IMO.
  10. PS - Kobe is ruthless tonight... Turn out the lights on this series...
  11. Being a professional talent evaluator in the Oakland Raiders' war room must be excruciating. Random Person paid six figures to agree with Al: Ummm, Al...Mr. Davis, we already passed on the best WR in the draft and now I've never heard of this Mitchell dude. How about we go with a....um...safer pick? Al: Graghhhhhh!
  12. I loved what the Browns did picking up a 2nd and two 6ths plus 3 players (with a legit starter in Elam) while also picking up one of the highest rated centers and two WRs to help cushion the loss of Braylon Edwards (which I assume will still happen?) Also, the Seahawks getting Curry and Unger AND raping the Broncos out of what will likely be a top-15 pick next year. I have little beef with what we did today. I think it could work out beautifully. We'll find out...
  13. Said he was going "a little off the radar" but that we got the best pass rusher (and "probowl type player") in Maybin and 3 starters after that. Grain of salt...but hey!
  14. No doubt...my favorite was always those quick WR screens or TE flats. Winfield wouldn't even be in the TV screen when the catch was made, but by the time the dude turned his shoulders upfield, his ankles were above his waist. Ever since then we've been treated to the WR catching the ball and running 8 yds with a head of steam before our DB playing 10 yds off the ball manages to reach him just to get stiff-armed in the face and pushed away like minor annoyance. I'm just glad he screwed over the Jets and wound up in Minny. Having to watch him against us twice per year just might be too much stomach.
  15. I have to believe his ankle is seriously F'd. He hesitates on everything and when he drives the lane, it's like he isn't even looking to shoot before he kicks it out. I gotta say that I love the Sixers' strategy so far of playing Howard mainly straight up with a combo of Sammy/Theo/Evans and using up those 18 fouls. Keep a hand in Lewis' face all day and despite his ankle, Turk as well. Courtney Lee was lights out in the first two games, but if he and Alston can beat us 4 games, then hats off and great series. It is a shame though...because if Jameer hadn't gone down and Turk was healthy, this team might win the Eastern Conference.
  16. Ahhhhh, Antoine....I miss you everyday In this clusterfck of a decade, few things genuinely made me smile more than watching 'Toine drop 260 lb. TEs with ease.
  17. Schulz was kind of an enigma. He hit like a train, had 21 picks in 5 years as a starter for us, but something was missing. I do think he was our last intimidating safety before Whitner. Milloy intimidated the Patriots for one shell-shocked week in 2003 and that's about it. I gotta say that if Byrd works out, I could fall in love with McKelvin-Youboty-Whitner-Byrd-Corner-McGee in a dime.
  18. Only because it was reported that Wood is going to play Guard. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-7-135...play-guard.html Otherwise, I would have agreed with you and, reallly, Wood might not stay there. But who knows at this point? I'm no OL expert my any means.
  19. Taking a wild stab, but I'd guess: Walker-Wood-Hangarter-Butler-Chambers With Levitre pushing Wood/Butler/Chambers and Bell pushing Chambers
  20. With pleasure... http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=87695
  21. The best play-making DB of the decade? Setting the bar a little high, Lori??
  22. I hope so...we haven't gotten a legit meltdown here yet.
  23. My boy Shulz used to knock blocks off if I remember correct. But your point is taken...I hope Byrd is that guy.
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