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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Of course... Plus you got Dave Chapelle setting an American Indian on fire ("The Last Mohican is burnin', man!") AND the generic Mexican criminal dude.
  2. :flirt: :lol: Congrats to the Magic. They pulled together and played like a true playoff team when they needed it most. The Sixers didn't even show up. I was at the game in Row 3 directly across from their bench. No enthusiasm, no rhythm, no urgency, no intelligence. It was as if all of them decided to take a 5 hour nap in the middle of the day and were woken up 5 minutes before tip-off. Bad coaching decisions, lethargic play (some questionable reffing... ) and overall a completely piss-poor and unacceptable way to end the season. It was probably the most disappointing Sixers game I've gone to in 15 years. But once again, congratulations to Orlando. This just might have been the game that finally galvanizes the team and gets them at the mental level they need to be. Whoever wins Boston/Chicago is going to SPENT and Orlando will have a golden opportunity to jump on the series and demoralize their opponent. I hope Courtney Lee is alright... PS - Since his Duke days seem so long ago, I had completely forgotten how annoying JJ Redick is. The guy simply isn't athletic enough to guard NBA SGs and then when he is inevitably called for his foul, he rolls his eyes and begins a 10 minute discussion with the ref. Every time. Enough, bro....this ain't the ACC.
  3. Along those lines, we sure were an angry bunch during the 2004 and 2005 seasons.
  4. It was impressive because he took a topic that should have had some supporters and systematically eliminated anyone who would have been on his side just by spazzing out. Then, if there was anyone still in his corner by Page 7 or so, he decided to drop a bomb and take care of that. It couldn't have been stranger if it were intentional...
  5. First, I don't dislike him. I don't dislike anybody I haven't interacted with unless I can find a pretty strong reason. I'm just extremely disappointed with his apparent lack of dedication to an employer that gave him millions to do a job. Second, I did read the article. When I read "Williams offered no excuses for his Buffalo years but he did say it wasn't easy playing for three different line coaches in his four seasons as well as two different head coaches" I laugh. Taking responsibility for something and then immediately qualifying your statement afterward with "explanations" is not taking responsibility. "I have no excuses for why I stole the money, but I will say that it wasn't easy to resist when the cashier just left it out on the counter." So it's just my interpretation of the statement. Not putting any words in his mouth. You are free to disagree of course...
  6. He still posts here...same Arm, different QB...
  7. I voted for this one last time one of these polls were done and it is still my favorite. The only basketball thread to ever get banished to PPP. KOBE PUTS UP 81 PTS ON RAPTORS
  8. I don't know if you are referring to me, but I'm not crying about it. I think it was a borderline flagrant and I probably would have called it that way, but I don't think it was blatant. My comment about Rondo was a general one. He commits a ton of hard fouls on guys driving the lane. Part of me likes it as it shows a tough defender with too much pride to give up layups. But I think he crosses the line every now and then. Re: Howard. Thank God the league got than one right. It was an easy call to make, but after 3 refs "couldn't see contact" during the game, I had my doubts about whether they'd do the right thing. It still sucks though.
  9. Ugghhh...Sixers should have stepped on their throats in Game 4. Great, physical game by the Magic and I'm hoping this series is not lost. Having said that, Howard should have been tossed for that bullsht elbow and he better get suspended for Game 6. The rules don't get any clearer and I can't believe the refs just gave him a technical. Although I would have much preferred him to get ejected last night so we could have possibly stolen the game and would be in position to wrap it up in Philly. No Howard and Lee for Game 6 should equal a win for Philly or they deserve to lose the series. And YES, another great Boston/Chicago game...Rondo (for being a little chippy as well) has cemented himself as the #3 PG in the league IMO. Tony Parker and Devin Harris might score easier, but not one does as much as Rondo overall. 24-10-10 for the whole series so far?? Redic...
  10. I see your point, but I'd say a 4th rounder who contributes nothing his rookie year and is then released to make room for another rookie next year is kind of a failure...
  11. I didn't do it mathematically....I did the individual grades and then just gave a gut feeling grade for the overall.
  12. I assume we are taking into account where they were drafted and what we gave up? Like getting a good backup in the 6th would be higher than the same player in the 4th? Three years ago ('06): 1 (8) - Donte Whitner, S-- B 1 (26) - John McCargo, DT-- F 3 (70) - Ashton Youboty, CB-- B- 4 (105) - Ko Simpson, S-- C- 5 (134) - Kyle Williams, DT-- A- 5 (143) - Brad Butler, OL-- A- 6 (178) - Keith Ellison, LB-- B- 7 (216) - Terrance Pennington, OT-- D 7 (248) - Aaron Merz, G-- C Overall: C+ Two years ago ('07) 1 (12) - Marshawn Lynch, RB-- B+ 2 (34) - Paul Posluszny, LB-- B 3 (92) - Trent Edwards, QB-- A- 4 (111) - Dwayne Wright, RB-- F 6 (184) - John Wendling, S-- C 7 (222) - Derek Schouman, TE-- B 7 (239) - C.J. Ah You, DE-- F Overall: B+
  13. Probably has something to do with their selfish desire for equality. Remember when public colleges used to be for men only? How about when they finally started to admit women, the government said "OK, we'll allow you to be students, but you won't be called students...you'll be called visitors. You'll take the same classes and pay the same tuition, but you will not be referred to as students." And then people would come to defense of the colleges and say "Well, traditionally, only men have been educated...been that way forever. If these 'women' want to get an education, fine, but a student is a man." So you could say "What's the big deal? Why do they care what they are called? They are getting the same benefits as students, they just can't have the title." And I'd say, it's not your decision to make. And if you don't think it would be demeaning to a daughter or sister of yours, then I don't know what to tell you.
  14. Exactly...his choice was probably to say our worst pick was either a minor reach while neglecting a need (OT) in Rd. 1b or that we burned choices 183 & 220 on CBs. Not great options if you are looking for something bad. I love it.
  15. We drafted a TE with almost this exact same pick (122) 10 years ago who was hailed by some experts as the "steal of the draft." He has 16 career catches. But now that I've made a ridiculous pessimistic statement that has no bearing on Shawn Nelson whatsoever, I'll join the crowd and say I am pumped and hope he fills that need we've had since Big Red left.
  16. I'm assuming he meant Cincinnati took a lot of calls from teams wanting to trade up into that spot, but instead turned them down and went with Rey. Otherwise I have no idea what that means...
  17. 1. Ahhhhh....INTERIOR LINEMAN. High draft picks on versatile, mean, interior lineman. It's like a cool breeze on a 90 degree day. Maybe these guys flop, but for the first time since Ruben Brown (and maybe Dockery), we can actually be legitimately excited about guards we acquired instead of having to choke down the Bennie Anderson and Tutan Reyes sh-- sandwiches we have been served and act like they taste good. 2. DJ loves his DBs. We all know this. You can make peace with it or you can suffer through it every time. I think every coach has a certain position that they feel they can "never have enough of." Some coaches love WRs, some love DEs, some love RBs and some love DBs. I don't necessarily agree with Dick's philosophy here, but I'm also not going to get worked up over a few corners in rounds 6 & 7. 3. I wasn't high on Maybin, but what do I know? I hardly saw him play. We needed a pass rusher and we got a pass rusher. I don't know if he is going work out, but if it means I don't have to see Kelsay take a 30 yard circle around the QB, grab him six different times and yet somehow end up on his face in the dirt, then I'll be happy. 4. Unless Youboty regresses (or gets injured again) and/or Reggie Corner looks bad, I don't see McGee returning after his contract is up unless it's for a significant "hometown discount." 5. It will be an interesting summer for our WLB candidates. I love what I've seen of Nic Harris so far, but I'm really just hoping that one of these guys significantly distances himself from the pack. 6. No skill positions besides Nelson? I love it. And I'm also looking forward to the competition between him and Fine. I think Fine is our starter, but I'd love to see a good battle. 7. I think our OL looks like Walker-Levitre-Hangarter-Wood-Butler -or- Walker-Wood-Hangarter-Butler-Chambers. 8. It's always a sad moment when our last pick is finally made. It's like opening up your last present on Christmas morning. You want to enjoy the gifts you've already opened, but part of you is already thinking about next year. 9. I say Kawika Mitchell splits Mark Sanchez' chin open Week 6 at approximately 5:18pm EST. 10. I don't pretend to know the best draft strategy, but I can confidently say that I believe it's not what you pick, but who you pick. I said this in another thread, but I notice a lot of people point to the Giants and their lines as a benchmark for a success and a model to emulate. The Giants haven't drafted an Offensive Lineman OR Defensive Lineman in the First 2 rounds since 2004 (Chris Snee RD2), unless you count Kiwanuka who really is an OLB. In terms of their vaunted DL, they drafted Osi in Rd 2 of 2003 and Tuck in Rd 3 of 2005 and got two probowlers. We drafted McCargo and Kelsay in the same time-frame and got one loser and one borderline starter. You can draft a certain position until you are blue in the face, but if you do it right, you only gotta do it once. Anyway...good night all. Great weekend to be a football fan and only 365 more days until "Christmas" comes again...
  18. Wife and I dusted off the Wii Fit yesterday and it informed me that I had gained 26.5 lbs since my last visit (in July) so I'm not in the best....shape....to give advice. But I will say this, you say you've been eating salads and diet drinks. Do you envision yourself being able to eat salads and drink Slim Fast for the long haul? If not, I'd switch that up immediately. Otherwise it will only be a matter of time before you dump it completely. Lots of good advice in this thread and everyone will tell you what types of foods to eat. But you gotta pick healthy foods you can live with. Otherwise on April 26, 2010, you just might start a thread saying "So I turned 22 last may...."
  19. Everyone loves to B word about how their team is disrespected, but one of the constants of draft days has always been ESPN seemingly cutting away every time we are on the clock. Or interviewing Jerry Jones for the 3rd time while our pick is being announced... Not the case at all this year. I think we've gotten more coverage than any other team (maybe save the Jets for the Sanchez pick and the Raiders for Al's scotch-and-soda selections). I think every one of our picks has gotten the little "video highlight bio" and Kiper seems to stop and talk about each one (and like them). So I don't know how many of you have been watching NFL network instead, but you may have missed the most coverage our Bills have ever gotten from the Bristol crew...
  20. I actually watched that special a few years ago. Pretty crazy. I'm far more impressed with Maria Sharapova's "makeover" of Matthew Stafford. "Here Matt, try on this Polo shirt. Done"
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