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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Wow. Another great one...and actually two very interesting games. Even though Houston pretty much controlled throughout, it was still exciting to see them stand up for themselves when they could have packed the series in. The Boston/Orlando game was just another thriller in this great post-season. And I echo Buftex...good for Glen Davis! The guy had some real growing up to do when he entered the league and he has worked his ass off. He really owes a lot to KG, IMO, in terms of showing him what level of preparation and intensity is required in the pros. Davis could have easily become just another out of shape PF who gets you 8 and 5 each night but frustrates the hell out of you with his occasional 25-15. I liked him A LOT coming out of LSU, but I never thought he'd develop this silky smooth jumper he has. His 20-footers are beautiful. Strangely similar to another PF on the Celtics who made a career out of those shots in Minnesota... Either way, another great game. And FWIW, I still like Orlando to take this series. Maybe in 6. I love (well hate actually) Courtney Lee and he's looking like he could be a fixture on that team for years to come. A Nelson-Lee-Lewis-Turk-Howard lineup will match up with anyone for a long time (although I still think Lewis' contract will hurt them long-run because this is about as good as they can get). And Rondo...14 boards. The guy is like a little Rodman. He's physical enough to go in the paint and grab the short misses and he's fast enough to track down the long rebounds off 3-ptrs. A lot of fun to watch (when he's not clotheslining people... ;) )
  2. I agree about these types of stories being the best. There was a story like this back in late December that detailed the final 48 hours of Lehman. Very interesting stuff. Just cool details I would never have known like how Fuld kept calling Ken Lewis' home in Charlotte until his wife finally told him to fck off. As an aside, I also have an audio subscription to the journal (basically a podcast) that downloads to my iPod each morning. It's a GREAT way to pass a morning commute if you don't have time to sit down and schlep through the paper. It's between 35-50 minutes usually and gives a good run down of the top stories as well as editorials, world news and usually a few articles from the different sections (technology, health, etc.). It's more of an overview, but better than nothing... I get it through audible.com. Definitely worth a look if anyone is interested...
  3. No doubt I'm assuming a lot. I just can't believe that the idea to spend that much money on a state park was the brainchild of a Flight 93 family member. In fact, I don't know how much of that $58MM is coming from solicited donations, but I'm actually much MORE pissed as a family member when I'm told that this amount of money is necessary for a memorial. I'm sure there is a better use for it. My wife has given money to the Flight 93 fund. If she knew it would be going towards a $60MM pot to fund this disaster, she might have thought twice about cutting that check.
  4. That's another part that bothers me. I'm pretty sure the Flight 93 families could give two shts if the memorial was a $1 million monument or a $60 million dollar park. In fact, I'm pretty sure they would be just as disgusted as the average person if the choices were explained. ("Hey we can build a wall and monument for a few hundred grand or we can buy up every cornfield for 4 square miles and legally rape anyone who stands in our way. Which would you like?") It's disgusting. Once one of these organizations starts planning, they can always fall back on the "Oh, so you'd rather not honor the the great sacrifices of these heroes?" Regardless of what the intended honorees/beneficiaries want, their name is used to defend an agenda that is probably very far detached from anyone who actually has a relationship to the event.
  5. No beef here either. There are some reasons to dislike Moulds, but a truthful (albeit smartass) answer to the question he was asked is not one of them.
  6. God, I miss those uniforms. And those big, beautiful RED endzones.
  7. Kobe can be debated forever and there really is no right answer. All I'll say for him is this...yes, he can be a huge B word and comes off as very obnoxious. However, he is the closest thing to Jordan we will probably ever see again, and actually for both of those reasons. MJ was a huge dick. He was selfish, arrogant, his teammates hated him and it wasn't until he actually learned to give a little that he started winning championships. But he was ruthless, clutch and probably the most mentally though athlete of all-time (Tiger Woods stacks up there as well, IMO). Kobe embodies almost everything that made Jordan great...the good and the bad. And as incredible as LeBron is, there is one person who I'd want to take my last shot and one person only. And it isn't even close. #24. But I digress...the star quality in the league right now is great. LeBron, Kobe, Wade, Howard, Paul, Carmelo, and soon to be Kevin Durant...all in their prime. And speaking of LeBron. 32-7-7 right now and the 3rd Q isnt even over. Jesus.
  8. And I'll add that I haven't followed baseball very closely all my life, but I would throw all my cash on Ryan Howard if I had to pick one masher who is definitely clean. Furthermore, I think it's a shame (although I shed no tears) that the steroid stigma is almost exclusively cast upon the hitters. If any one position benefits most from steroids and HGH, it's pitchers. The reduced recovery time alone makes HGH a perfect fit for pitchers. And that's not even talking about the increase in strength and therefore velocity.
  9. No doubt. But I'll settle for the absolutely great moments when LeBron drives the lane and goes to throw one down on Dwight Howard. Either we see a monster block or monster dunk. Those two are the two biggest athletic freaks in the league by far. Gonna be a lot of TiVo rewinding at my house...
  10. PS - Yao's foot is broken. Dunzo for the playoffs. Goodnight Houston....LAL in the finals now.
  11. I tend to agree. Although being protected by one of the best hitters of all-time probably helped as well. It's one of the two...if not both.
  12. Very bad call. Clear bump and no reason why the whistle was silent. But another great (albeit sloppy) game in what has been the best playoffs I can remember since the Jordan days. All complaints about the quality of the NBA have been effectively erased this post-season. "Players don't care enough." - Bull. Hard fouls, high emotions and great individual efforts. "All dunks and 3s." - Bull. That was never really a valid reason anyway. "No star quality." - HUGE Bull. LeBron has been superhuman. Kobe is firing on all cylinders. Rajon Rondo is becoming one of the best PGs right before our eyes (He's AVERAGING a triple double for the whole playoffs for Chrissakes...and he's 6'1").
  13. If the OL improves with our new players, I think Lynch will definitely benefit. But put me in the "Jackson will benefit more" camp. I really do think Lynch's vision is problematic or he simply didn't trust our OL last year. He does that weird "crab walk" type thing where he shuffles his way down the line. It's like he looks at the 1 Gap, thinks about it and moves on, looks at the 3 Gap, thinks about it and moves on, etc. before finally burying his shoulder and willing his way for 2-3 yards. He's got the tools, he just seems to rarely break it to the second level for big damage. I yearn for the days of Thurman and the Counter-Trey
  14. $58MM and 2200 acres? Good God...Whatever happened to building a wall or a statue or something? I'm assuming a lot but from the article is looks like there was no communication, a lot of time wasting and now panic to meet the deadline. So faced with the possibility of looking like idiots, they pull the Eminent Domain card and give the obligatory "We're all sorry it had to come to this, but we tried our best." Sickening... And to be clear, I'm actually in favor of them building some sort of memorial for US 93. It was a true act of heroism and who knows what those people prevented. But a $60 million dollar, 4 square mile national park that is "legally" stolen from landowners is not the way to honor their memory...
  15. It better help us...he owes us. His comeback last year screwed us. He somehow managed to make two teams in our division that should have had losing seasons BOTH good enough to beat us 4 times. We should have been facing Kellen Clemons and Chad Henne and instead we get a pissed off Chad Pennington and a good enough Brett Favre. HE destroyed our season. It was all him!* *and, um, maybe he had a little help from our comatose head coach, handicapped defensive line, out of shape left tackle and shell-shocked QB who had nightmares about Adrian Wilson...but that's not the point.
  16. If I'm Jacqui Smith, I'm terrified. Has Savage ever won a lawsuit?
  17. Thanks for the "newsflash." My point was that it is understandable why some people pine away for Jim Kelly when we have spent the last 13 years with that list of QBs. No one expects to be served Filet Mignon two meals in a row, but we've spent the last decade eating at Applebee's (at best). Jimbo wasn't too great at the end. But he was the last consistently good QB we've had. No one else has managed to put together more than 1 decent season since...and even that list is short. And finally, I still have high hopes for Trent. No reason to toss him in that pile yet...
  18. Todd Collins Billy Joe Hobert Alex Van Pelt Rob Johnson Doug Flutie Drew Bledsoe JP Losman Kelly Holcomb Trent Edwards
  19. Did Rosie lose weight? She's looking good!
  20. As do I. The main reason Favre's decision making remains newsworthy is that people have some strange fascination with it. Imagine...a professional athlete who loves his job wanting to squeeze every last drop out of his career. The horror! If you don't like Brett, ignore him. And no, rolling your eyes and loudly proclaiming how this "ISN'T NEWS" doesn't fit that description.
  21. After the basketball game last night, I was flipping channels and I came across John Cleese doing an infomercial pimping something called The Book of Inside Information. It was bizarre. The premise was that this book contains hundreds of secrets that "they" don't want you to know. So everywhere John went to tell you a secret, someone was chasing him or trying to kill him to keep him silent . So he had to keep changing locations with his assistant so he could reveal another secret (How to save money on groceries, how to find the cheapest gas, when to file taxes to avoid audit, etc.) It lasted almost a half hour and while I kind of ashamed to say I watched the whole thing, it was actually very amusing to see Cleese doing this strange commercial.
  22. Good looking on that boil-in-a-bag thing, Cincy! I'm definitely going to check those out. I make sushi a lot and by far the most annoying and time consuming part is cooking the damn rice. If these rice bags don't work out, I definitely need to get a cooker. Also, I don't mean to hijack this away from the cinnamon cakes, but since people are talking about foods here...there is a recipe from Men's Health Magazine (April) that I just finished making for the 3rd time. I think it's awesome and MH recipes are always healthy too. So if anyone likes lamb, definitely give this a shot: Grilled Lamb Gyros - 2 lb. butterflied leg of lamb - 6 whole wheat pitas - 16 oz plain yogurt - 2 tomatoes (thinly sliced) - 4 cloves minced garlic - 1 red onion (thinly sliced) - 1.5 tsp cumin - 1 tsp salt - 1 tsp pepper - hot sauce - hummus 1. Make a marinade out of the yogurt, garlic, cumin, salt and pepper. Marinate the lamb in it in a covered container for at least 2 hours. 2. Scrape the excess marinade off the lamb and grill on medium heat. I think about 15 minutes on each side definitely gets the job done. But you can cook it to your liking. When it is cool enough, slice it into thin, bite-sized pieces. 3. Warm the pitas on the grill for 1 minutes or so (or you can wrap them in tin foil and put them in the oven on 350 for 5 minutes). 4. Slice open the pita (like an English muffin) and spread hummus on one side. Add a few slices of tomato and onion and a few chunks of lamb. Add hot sauce to taste (And I'm not trying to pimp out my precious Sriracha again, but the recipe did call it out by name and it is a delicious addition. But I'm sure any hot sauce would be fine). It makes a great pita sandwich. I'm in love.
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