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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. WTF is that? What is up with these gay ND QB pics? The fake Brady ones from a few years ago were worse! But I like this link a little better...
  2. For those that love Locker, how much have you seen him play? The guy just isn't accurate. He might still improve on that, but right now he is nowhere near NFL-accurate. Tough guy though, superb athlete and great leader. But wait until next year for JC...
  3. ? I'm really hoping that wasn't directed at me...
  4. I don't even know what that means. Among my 1.1 posts per day, I doubt you'll find very many where I made fun of someone for ripping a player I have likely ripped in the past for very same reasons before he decided to roll into Buffalo for a 1-year merc contract. And if I have, I was being a dumbass, and therefore not something I am proud of. But I don't really mean to fight over Joanna Krupa...
  5. No doubt, 'people' are and can be that way...I wouldn't be proud of or strive to be among them.
  6. Wow...she didn't like TO and called him out during an "edited for entertainment" reality show. What a crazy B word... How many of you all have cursed out TO for being a bad teammate, crazy egomaniac and overall jackass BEFORE he donned a Bills jersey? If the clip was her cursing out Tom Brady, everyone would cheer it.
  7. I'd definitely lay the points. Unlike the Jets line which was a tempting trap, this one is solid IMO. Our last two wins are weak and unsustainable. You can't put up no offense and be unable to even contain the opposing running game and expect to keep winning. We aren't going to be given 3-6 more INTs each week and unless Fitzpatrick can consistently hit his WRs, TO can consistently catch 3rd down passes and Marshawn can consistently stop juking no one in the backfield, we aren't going to be able to sustain drives. Our defense is in ultimate bend-but-don't-break mode and has relied on bailout INTs to keep points off the board. I'd be thrilled if the offense gets it together and the defense keeps causing turnovers at historic rates. But unless that happens, I'd say Texans by 10, maybe more.
  8. Not hating on Stroud (although I don't think he's been great), but I'd love to hear about the last time a DT made the probowl on a team that was dead last in rushing defense and YPC. And if Marshawn wasn't sucking away carries on the way to his 2.9 yards per dance, I would have given Freddy an outside shot.
  9. That's the first good article Reilly has written in a loooooong while. Well done. Except for the breathalyzer idea...c'mon. It's one thing when universities piss all over their own students (nothing new), but expanding this to the realm of professional sports is beyond ridiculous. The NFL has already priced out most of its once base market. This is just another step towards alienation.
  10. Good to see Dragon Warrior getting high love (#8). I think I had it when I was 9. Besides Mario 3, that just might be the best NES game I can remember. It set the groundwork for the Final Fantasy series and really Fantasy RPGs in general probably. Took WEEKS to beat the game! Also for anyone who didn't know, there is a legit site where you can play NES games online. Virtual NES Just don't blame me if you get fired for playing Tecmo Super Bowl all day...
  11. Crazy @sshole... Plus now the daughter is definitely gonna bang that guy out even more once he heals up. Dumbass
  12. Great, then we could have our WRs line up 8 yards off the line of scrimmage as well.
  13. The best. I even had to buy a bottle to keep in the fridge at work. Goes on anything.
  14. Nail in the coffin. Your roommate is a girl. I'll echo LA because he gave you the best advice given how you seem to have a pathological need to "fix" this. You don't need everyone to like you. I'm not being a dick because I have trouble with it too...I'm sure most people as well to a greater or lesser degree. Unless you really just don't give a fck about anyone (see the poster above me...I kid I kid Jim), it's natural to want people to get along with you. But this situation is broken. I don't know you and your personality, nor your roommates and theirs. But it's not working. It's easy for people to come on here and tell you to "man up" or something along those lines because they don't have to wake up in your apartment for the next 6 months. If I were you, I'd go back down there when all of them are there and tell them that you don't know how things got to where they are, but either we need to work it out RIGHT NOW, or we go our separate ways. If you don't get a positive and/or at least willing response, start researching your next move. Might have to pay some $$$ for breaking your lease, you might have to find some shtty temporary place. But pack your sht and move on. Life (and especially COLLEGE for chrissakes) is too short to waste being miserable. Best of luck.
  15. The billboard is stupid looking and tasteless. Poorly disguised shameless self-promotion. I wonder how old this guy is...I'll give him a pass if he's just kid. However, people who give money to these "causes" should be put on a list and then never be allowed to gripe about any money-related problems they have. Of course this did bring about a hilarious comment on Jerry Sullivan's blog about it: Easy there, Jo...
  16. The only endgame of Turk's dismissal is that we don't have 500 threads popping up demanding Alex Van Pelt be promoted to OC.
  17. Nice find! The Stokley one is sick.
  18. Very tempting...I'd give this game a 50/50 chance of being a blowout. But it also smells like the kind of game where Buffalo plays surprisingly well only to fall a little short...In fact, I think I'm going to start considering those games victories. Side note...I bet $25 on Cleveland straight up last week. I got +235. I did it because I kind of liked the bet and also because it was a good opportunity to "buy" a Bills victory. I thought to myself "How much would I pay to see the Bills win today?" And the saddest part was $25 was my limit. I just didn't give a sht.
  19. I wasn't around to experience the 60s-80s, but from what I've gathered that is his legacy. Ralph has made a career of going the cheap route with coaches and players. He struck gold with one of the great GMs of our time and got rid of him in the midst of our highest peak. This is a franchise largely defined by failure and mediocrity, only to be blessed by the occasional short periods of success.
  20. Jimmy C. all the way...but I doubt he'd come out unless ND wins out in style.
  21. There is nothing over the course of the past 3 games that should indicate the Bills will finish better than anybody. Add the comical rash of season ending injuries...it's ugly.
  22. 2002 11-5 (basically Gruden's team) 2003 4-12 Of course judging coaches in the black hole of Oakland isn't exactly fair...
  23. Local news is going wild over this. Just another example of the failure of zero-tolerance policies. Side note...it's been 15-20 years since I was in elementary school, but its crazy how much things have changed. I remember my school having one of those Christmas shopping setups in the library where you could buy little presents for your parents. They used to sell pocketknives!!
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