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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Instead of having them come forward one at a time via the newspaper, Nike should hold a casting call for their new ad campaign of "I !@#$ed Tiger Woods." But seriously, these "unidentified" ones are the worst...take #7: The unidentified cocktail waitress, No. 7, is being repped by Florida lawyer Michael O'Quinn, who told The Post yesterday that the single gal, who met Tiger at Orlando's Roxy Nightclub, now "has a corporate job" and doesn't want to be identified -- yet. "She had not come forward until this point out of respect for Mr. Woods and because she wanted to remain anonymous," he said. First of all, "corporate job?"" Hahahahaha...right. Second, out of respect she remained quiet? What changed? She saw the bus to Famous-for-Nothingville was getting full? The way these self-promoting skanks are being allowed to use the media for legal shakedowns is disgusting. The complete lack of self-respect or empathy for Tiger's family these chicks continue to display is choking.
  2. Fair enough. You're right that we are probably going to slant things to fit our own views. Weis did plenty to piss people off with his off-the-cuff comments. But he did a lot of good things that went ignored once people had made their mind up about him. He let a kid dying of cancer call the first offensive play of the Washington game in '05. He started a great tradition of bringing the ND players over to Navy's side of the field after home games to stand with them while Navy played their alma mater. He wasn't all bad. He just wasn't a good coach.
  3. Without verifying any of this (I'll take your word for it), come on man...your "interpretations" are ridiculous. By this definition anytime a coach said "We didn't execute" he'd be saying I did everything right and the players screwed it up. Responding to a possible suggestion as to why they lost by saying a team captain disagreed with another players reasoning is "blaming his players for the loss"??? I'll agree that he was a bit harsh to call out a single player, but you are reeeeeeeaching here. Crazy how no player currently on the roster has had the slightest negative thing to say about him and the overwhelming response to his potential firing was for players to blame themselves for the team's shortcomings. Golden Tate practically started crying after the Stanford game when talking about how it was probably his last time playing for Weis. Sure sounds like the mark of a coach who consistently blamed his players for his failure...
  4. A lot of people have problems with Weis, and he deserves a lot it for how he came to Notre Dame, but please. Find me one quote where he threw his players under the bus.
  5. Agreed. Terrible. All these gripping insights he seems to have...maybe he could take his profound knowledge and work in a team's front office or something. I can't imagine that not working out...
  6. Better yet, he got a text from her. King loves to slobber on about how he and all these big-time athletes text each other all the time. I'm guessing these texts are mainly one-sided. I wonder if it is a rookie hazing practice for veterans to tell the young guys to give King their cell numbers. "Yeah man, go ahead...go talk to Pete. He's a good guy...if you got some beef, he'll spin your story good. Give him your number for real. He won't be a bother at all." Next thing the poor rook is dodging calls like Matthew Broderick in Cable Guy. "Hey Knowshon, it's your boy Peter again. I was in the shower and I thought I might have heard the phone ring. Anywho, if you could hit me back with a quote for my MMQB article, that would be super. Peace out homie." Clown...
  7. I think that's a "chicken or egg" argument. But about Fisher, if senile Bud thinks that Jeff is no longer the right man, I'd send him Ralph's G4 to pick him up immediately.
  8. We're so quick to jump to conclusions. The last time this happened it turned out the guy was framed by a one-armed man.
  9. I miss those Jets uniforms. Reminds me of the good old days of Bruce Coslet and Rich Kotite.
  10. 1. Trading McGahee hasn't come back to haunt us in the slightest. He was a slightly-above-average RB his last few years here and he has been none better in Baltimore (maybe worse). He's not even starting anymore. If we dump Lynch to the Pats and he does this, I won't lose any sleep. 2. Lynch probably isn't going anywhere anytime soon. His trade value is at an all-time low and there is no reason to move him unless he causes trouble.
  11. Where did you find the list? That's ridiculous that Alexander didn't make it. He was a monster down the stretch especially. I think Tate should get it though...the best YAC player in the country, hands down.
  12. I'd have a hard time believing that in TO's final chance for one last big contract that he'd purposely submarine more than half the season in order to get a QB switched from a terrible one to a slightly better one. He was just frustrated early on and his frustrations carried over into his play. His head was clearly not into it and his spotty play showed it.
  13. "Before the woman could get the suspect out of her residence, he gave her a hug and allegedly would not immediately let her go. He also allegedly asked her on a date." :lol:
  14. My eyes! Shannaham and Holgrem?? I hope we don't hire either of those clowns.
  15. You toy with me?? I'll get my cousin Brendan to come whip your ass. I heard he quit his job a few weeks ago so he's got plenty of free time.
  16. A Plea: My last name is Shanahan. That side of my family is the side from the Buffalo area. There has to be 100 other Shanahans running around Western NY that are somehow related to me. It is the Shanahans who cursed me with Bills fandom. This coach search is great. I've got to enjoy headlines I've dreamed about since I was 6 like "Bills Court Shanahan" or "Bills Set to Offer Shanahan $50 Million." My dad even cut a few out of the paper. Seriously, it doesn't take much to amuse us. But I can't take the double-Ns anymore. Telemarketers butcher my name. I can't make a reservation without sounding like a speak-and-spell. Et tu, Bills fans?? I beg of all of you...my Bills brethren. One N! ONE N!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is all.
  17. Ugghh...my condolences. Not about the game...that was one of the all-time most enjoyable plays I've ever seen. But to become a Bills fan in 1998?? Terrible timing...
  18. I'm wracking my scrambled brain for an earlier game, but the first one I can clearly remember attending was Super Bowl XXV. So um....nah.
  19. I wasn't trying to credit Davis for Miami's grand ascension into the elite, just for building the the early 2000s team that seemed to produce multiple 1st round picks every year. He took over a program that Dennis Erickson mangled (and I'm sure Jimmy Johnson's hands weren't clean) and rebuilt Miami with one-hand behind his back due to the NCAA sanctions. The amount of pure talent he was able to bring into that school was insane. Plus, apparently Miami had pretty good graduation rates under his watch, which I would have never guessed. Weis was no pushover when he first got to campus. He may not have screamed and hollered as much as Johnson, but he was pretty rough from what I've heard. Either way, I think ND wouldn't have a problem with a tough coach. I agree that the switch back to an option offense would be too dramatic though. It would be akin to the challenge RichRod is having in Ann Arbor. Although, part of me wouldn't mind seeing ND get back the running game. The spread is fun, but the results speak for themselves. Wasn't aware...I really don't know much about him. Although, extensions seems to hold about as much weight as pinkie promises in the world of college football coaching. I'd agree that Meyer is a big longshot for the reasons you stated, which have always been the case. The only reason I think he might come would be his off-and-on comments about ND which show me that there obviously is a little bit of an internal struggle going on. Plus, I think this go-around is a different situation as last time. In '05, Meyer was the hot up and coming coach. Everyone wanted him, but his reputation wasn't cemented yet. Winning at UF the way he has will give him a free multi-year pass at whatever school he goes to next (if he chooses to leave). That wouldn't have been the case in South Bend 5 years ago. If he had struggled, he'd be out on the street like Weis. While I begrudged his decision back then, he made the best career move he could have by entering a situation setup for success and taking advantage. Now, he is a far bigger power broker than he ever was. Even if he went to ND and failed, he is now the established party and if he left, it would look like Notre Dame's failure more than his. He would lose a lot less. Basically, this was my long-winded way of saying it would be far less of a career gamble for him this time and if he really wanted it, that might give him the peace of mind that prevented him from taking it 5 years ago.
  20. Interesting...I never heard of any of that. But like you said, I'm sure ND will do its due diligence with respect to any potential problems. I mean it's not like we were ever burned before by not checking someone's resume.....
  21. Seconded. I got one last year and the picture quality is surprisingly good...even when it's not completely still. I want to say its 720p but I'm not certain. The biggest quality is probably the ease with which you can transfer, edit and sort your videos as well as combine them to make movies. I have the Flip Mino one and the software is very basic and has some drawbacks, but for someone who wants something pretty idiot proof, I'd highly recommend it. You can do things like splice videos together, add music, add a title page, credits, etc. Not too much more though... Also agree on the zoom. Not too much going on there. Also, mine has the annoying tendency to freeze every so often. Usually I just have to hold the power button in for a minute and it resets. But it can be irritating if you are trying to film something quick. Overall, I'd recommend one in lieu of a serious video camera if you want an easy, accessible way to shoot good quality video and perhaps create some decent home movies.
  22. YO...wtf is that?? I didn't notice it the first time. It's like when you'd take the arms off an action figure and put them on a different guy.
  23. Without commenting on whether smoking bans are bad precedent, the government is not banning cigarette smoking to prevent health problems for smokers, it is to prevent health problems for second-hand smokers. If every time you ate a Grilled Stuffed Steak Burrito, the person next to you got a little fatter, then you'd be talking apples to apples. Not saying this is a justifying stance, but it is the argument. Um...?
  24. Damn, Roscoe is tiny. And what is on Stevie Johnson's face? Is that just a blemish on the photo? It looks like he is hooked up to an oxygen tank.
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