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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. FWIW, I've read reports on an ND board that Kelly has scheduled a team meeting for this evening to be held one hour before their end of the year banquet. If true, it would likely be to break the news that he's leaving. But as of now, it is purely a rumor.
  2. Te'o said all through the recruiting process that he would likely take his sabbatical after his freshman year. Since then, there has been talk that he may not take it at all. I don't know what the latest word is though. However, if I was the only good defensive player on a team who is currently bumbling through its 4th coach search in 8 years, if there was ever a good time to get the hell outta dodge...
  3. The episodes where Michael and Dwight team-up for some ridiculous reason/mission are the funniest IMO. I think they are the two funniest hands down, but there has never been a scene with Andy that I haven't laughed about. They need to write him back into a bigger role like when he was engaged to Angela. Women...eh. Meredith creates some hilarious moments (Rehab and 'Sex with a Terrorist' come to mind). Angela can be hilarious too. Re: Jim and Pam...I'll say that I'm beginning to dislike both of them very much. With Jim being a boss now, all of the goofy things he used to do to make the character funny are gone. They've stripped him of the main reason he was likable. Pam too has just been unfunny and bitchy. Nothing like the way the show used to be when Jim was a salesman and she was the secretary. The funniest episode I ever saw was the one where Jim and Pam went to Dwight's Beet Farm for an overnight stay. His crazy cousin Mose and everything else was just too much. The Christmas episode a few years ago at the Benihana was also great. As was the one when Dwight betrayed Michael and tried to get Jan to give him his job. Still the funniest show on TV, IMO...
  4. Bigger than I was yesterday. 5'10" 185....worst shape of my life. Can't imagine why. I'd like to blame the cookie dough, but I think I can actually trace it back to this weird ceremony I was involved in this past March. I remember standing on a beach and this woman I vaguely recognize slid something onto one of my fingers. Someone else spoke a few words, which must have been a spell, and I haven't had the slightest desire to work out or eat healthy ever since. Spooky...
  5. I agree with CJ...the "still soft" baked cookies are on point. But the thing with raw cookie dough is it's best cold, right out of the fridge. Once it starts to thaw and gets mushy, its loses a lot of its appeal. You really just gotta get a few spoonfuls out the sleeve and then wrap it back up for next time. In and out.
  6. It's out of control. Even the Offensive PI by Mason was questionable. It's crazy how much control refs can have...
  7. My mom filled my head with them too. But the hold on me is too strong. I just read an article about how Toll House recalled a **** ton of their dough because of E. Coli but I kept eating while I was reading.
  8. While reading the fat thread, I decided it would be a good idea to spoon several hunks of cookie dough down my gullet. It just reaffirmed how much more I like raw chocolate chip cookie dough to actual baked cookies. Am I in the minority here? Plus it got me thinking, are there any other 'meant-to-be cooked' foods that are actually better raw? I don't mean things that are cooked optionally like vegetables.
  9. I can see what you are saying, but I think it does get worse with each new girl. A. because it keeps the story in the news longer and B. because it's just worse. I think the only saving grace is that the kids aren't old enough to appreciate what is going on. But they will suffer from this far more than the average anonymous family who doesn't have millions of strangers reading about their personal lives. Bottom line, if I ever had an affair with a married woman, the last thing I'd want to do is expose her. Just basic empathy...why hurt someone if you don't have to? Especially one who is being piled on daily. Damaging someone's family so you can get your 15 minutes is about as shamelessly selfish as one can be...
  10. I don't like the Surfing Poodle either, but c'mon....
  11. Reid's histrionics aren't useful for anyone (including himself and his cause) but I don't see this as such a great assault. Democrats (rightly or wrongly) believe that Republicans are going beyond slowing this process down for critique and resorting to completely refusing to participate in this legislation. Reid clumsily explained this frustration in an inflammatory and divisive way. He didn't say "If you are an opponent of health care reform, you like slaves and hate women" (as this thread title implies), just that the perceived unwillingness to make progress on this legislation is akin to congressmen of yesterday dragging their feet on what turned out to be historical issues. Now you can say "read between the lines" and that Reid was implying those things or even just tossing in stuff like slavery to confuse the issue, but I guess I just don't see how his words in this specific instance rise about the usual rhetoric politicians throw around while they are pretending to accomplish things. Listening to congressmen debate is like listening to dorky middle-schoolers argue...except that no one ever says anything funny, even by accident. Steele's grandiose demand that he apologize to America is just as eye-rolling as Reid's blather. Unfortunately, this is how the game is played...
  12. Then start a thread about them. Is this board the "national media?" Kellen Moore is a top-5 Heisman candidate and just might be invited to NYC for the Heisman ceremony. Tony Pike is talked about plenty. The reason he isn't on any Heisman list is because he missed 3 games and Cincinnati didn't seem to notice. If Jimmy Clausen had chosen to go to USC over ND, USC would be in BCS position right now and he'd be the Heisman front runner. His on-field performance has been way more deserving of the accolades he has received this year. I mean, people honestly believe that Colt McCoy is a better prospect! Think about that. If roles were reversed, Clausen might already have a Heisman and McCoy would be going undrafted. Mirer...BUST Powlus...was never good at ND. Never touted as good pro prospect Quinn...late 1st rounder, jury still out, talent nowhere near Clausen's.
  13. I'd put down a good wager that the average person who dislikes Clausen, is basing it on: a) Arriving in South Bend in a limo almost 4 years ago b) Being from California c) Playing for ND There is really nothing he has done in the past year+ that would make you think he had a bad attitude or lack of a bright future. But like we've both said, maybe he is a douche, maybe he's not. That doesn't likely separate him from many other QBs...
  14. I don't know why you're speechless...are his actions (or the feigned outrage of the right and the snarky replies of the left) really out of character for anyone? Steele is right about one thing...Reid is under immense pressure. What he's wrong about is that's not what caused him to act in such a way. Polarizing and throwing barbs is just a standard Monday for these guys. Garbage in, garbage out...
  15. Global warming I tell you! Avg high for the month is like 47! You found 2 days where the temperature hit 70 which happened to be 2 degrees off the all-time record high. They should call it South Beach instead of South Bend. I might be a wuss but I'm just reporting my experiences. A flask of Jim Beam saved my sorry ass several times during November home games....although maybe the weather had nothing to do with that. Folks seem to just blindly make the claim that he's a "California QB" - erroneously thinking that, just because he was born in SoCal, that he will be like RJ, JP or Trent - it just ain't so! See how that works? I get your overaching point though...rumors and reputations get built often times became they seem to make sense without actually having any empirical evidence. I got it switched and thought Stanford was home this year. Doesn't matter. You can cherry pick 3 of his 4 career worst statistical games from his sophomore year where he and the entire team were shitting the bed. And citing his W/L record is like saying Chris Johnson sucks because the Titans are 5-7. That's how much Clausen caused many of those losses. The point is he was an almost-unstoppable force this year. He was one of the best QBs in the nation and will be the best pro of this crop. Fair enough...but there is a difference IMO. And he might not have grown up throwing ice chunks in Fargo, but the guy has shown no conceivable sign that bad weather affects him. College ball is the most impressionable time in these guys' careers. I never said he was a "cold weather QB" just that he was cold-weather tested. And I believe his experience in South Bend will show to have adequately prepared him. Time will tell... No comment...if that's him then, ugghh. Like I said, he could be a douche...don't know him.
  16. Look, you are smarter than this. 1. I don't know where you are getting your weather data and I don't know the game time temperatures for the games you listed. I do know I lived in South Bend for 4 years and froze my dick off during October and November games. 70 degrees in early November? Hardly... 2. Your definition of how well he responds to cold weather seems to be in wins and losses. The point of the discussion of how adverse weather would potentially affect a player is how well that individual player played. You bring up the Stanford game as if it should be counted against him. Do you think completing 77% of your passes for 340 yards, 5 TDs and no INTs is the mark of not playing well in the cold? If Trent Edwards had gone 23-30 340 yds 5 TDs vs. the Browns in that snow bowl in '08 and we had lost 45-38, would you say he can't play well in the snow? 3. Even if every "cold weather game" he played at ND didn't meet your standard for "cold enough", the guy has lived in that arctic hole for 3 years. I'll concede that living in cold weather is not the same as playing professional football in it, but the point is that this will not be a Roscoe "I'm afraid of snow" situation. Clausen has spent significant time living in a climate that stacks up with Buffalo in almost every regard. You don't like the guy...got it. I don't know him personally either...maybe he's a douche, maybe he's not. Football wise, he'll be your best friend if Buffalo calls his name in April.
  17. I'll admit I haven't seen Locker more than a handful of times. I saw one game his freshman year (USC?) and then just parts of the famous "celebration penalty" BYU game his sophomore year because he only played 2 games that year. This year I've seen him twice...Stanford and Notre Dame. He is a warrior and a great athlete, but his accuracy just isn't there IMO. The ND game was a great example. He played great that game and UW almost pulled off the upset. But he missed several throws that could have ensured victory. And when you look at what every other single QB has done to ND's defense this year, it really stands out. Watching him and Clausen throw head to head is like night and day.
  18. OK, I'm over it. Now let me apologize in advance for my next 4 months of posts which will make even BlueFire's campaign to draft Vince Young in '06 look pale. I'll start with: - Strong Arm - Surgical accuracy - Cold-weather tested - Pro-style offense - 3-year starter - Moxie His accuracy makes Jake Locker look like JaMarcus Russell and his toughness makes Sam Bradford look like Rob Johnson. If ND's defense could stop a high school, he'd be preparing for a BCS bowl and clearing a space on his mantle for the Heisman. He is the truth.
  19. What? How about because they (his family) are victims of his actions and every woman who comes forward compounds the humiliation, hurt and embarrassment they are all subjected to through no fault of their own. I shed no tears for Tiger, but you honestly don't have a problem with these vultures getting their 15-minutes by heaping extra misery onto Elin and especially the kids?
  20. I saw comedian Greg Geraldo over the Thanksgiving break. He was talking about how he was going through another divorce. He said it was weird, one day his wife just looked at him and said: "You know, Greg, I just love you so much and marriage is wonderful and I love being with you and I love talking to you and spending time with you. I don't mind all the travel and the drugs and the booze and the women, really everything is just so great. It's....it's just that these !@#$ing faggots wanting to get married now is ruining everything we've built! I don't think I can do this anymore." Bottom line, I've never heard an anti-gay marriage argument that can't ultimately be boiled down to "I think being gay is gross."
  21. It actually just illustrates how helpless this franchise has been for a decade. Every year good teams give games away and open the door for someone else. Every year circumstances are such that a good team can make the playoffs. We've been so inept that even when bad things happen to our enemies, we stay stuck in neutral. - When a division rival loses their franchise QB for the year in Week 1, a good team turns on the gas and wins the division. - When a perennial division leader has a down year and the other two division rivals are fielding weak teams with average-at-best QBs, a good team goes 6-0 and wins the division - When all that stands between you and the playoffs is a home game against a team with nothing to gain playing their backups, a good team crushes and gets ready for the wild card. We are handed opportunities like candy each year and there is simply nothing we can and ever do about it. A systemic change is required to break the cycle.
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