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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Agreed on both counts. Diet DP and Coke Zero are the only two diet versions I'll drink.
  2. I remember at ND the players getting boom-boxes (that broke pretty quickly), portable DVD player (remember when they were hot?) and a few other little things. Plus the school stipends each player a certain amount for travel expenses, of which the players can keep the change if they can get out to the bowl on the cheap. I'm all for it. I don't think its necessary but I also have zero problem with the bowls throwing the players some swag after their millions of dollars in endorsements clear.
  3. Matt Leinart with arm-strength and the actual desire to play football. I'll agree he's no Graham Harrell though...
  4. Bad news for us...less of a chance to get Clausen now.
  5. Yeah he's an idiot. But that's what happens when you don't actually click on the links in peoples' posts. You end up missing the joke...
  6. I thought the "12 Drummers" ending to last week was pretty cool. Nice to see Andy get a win every once and awhile...
  7. He specifically asked for it...
  8. Slow down. Let's start with him explaining "the constitutional authority granted under Article I and the limitations imposed under Article III." Sorry if I'm a bit skeptical of his constitutional knowledge after his invocation of the Equal Protection Clause to argue against gay marriage.
  9. No, I don't think this has been discussed before so don't worry. I'm in favor of wearing any jersey from the 1960s-2001. I grew up with the SB jerseys so they will always be my favorite, but I like your point about not being worthy enough to wear them. But I'll set the bar low. I'd just like something that doesn't combine multiple shades of the same color, right-angle stripes or pants that match the shirts. Somehow we're currently 0-3 in that regard.
  10. Great thread, Jim. More dicks whipped out than the OJ nude locker room thread.
  11. Going with my dad tomorrow morning to the local tree farm we've used for 20 years. We used to get really big trees when I lived with my parents...sometimes 20'+...my mom has finally kaiboshed that though. We'll still probably cut him down a 10-12' tree and I'll grab a dinky 6-footer for my apartment. Every year my wife begs to switch to artificial. I see all the arguments and I think it would make my life 100x easier not to have to go through this process every year. But there is nothing like going out to a tree farm on a cold December day and sawing down your own tree, IMO. Clark !@#$ing Griswold baby...
  12. Uh... did you say 'yutes'?
  13. Hilarious! Who here is gonna have the TBD Television Shoot-Out when the Bills are 12-0 next year?
  14. Kelly's press conference is on right now....watching during lunch. The guy sounds very impressive, very real. (yeah yeah....easy to get excited now). http://assets.espn.go.com/livenow/chicago/ If that link doesn't work, just go to www.espnchicago.com and follow the link there.
  15. Relax...show me where I "sh*t all over" UC. I think the last 3 years have been tremendous and I am envious of their success and excited that its architect is coming to ND.
  16. Bingo. Joe Simpson is a creepy MF. Plus, gaining 50 lbs. and being serially dumped by several high profile celebrities probably hasn't done much for her self-esteem.
  17. Unless you are a scout, there is really no way to evaluate High School "talent" without using the rankings "professionals' assign them. If you think UC and ND were recruiting talent of the same "grade" then I don't know what to tell you. Further, if you think high school players can't be made better or fail to live up to their potential due to the quality of coaching they receive, then I don't know what to tell you either. Notre Dame's defense had athletes. Strong, fast, big, etc. They just didn't do things fundamentally well, they weren't put into schemes to succeed and they were soft. Saying that an Kelly-coached Notre Dame would get destroyed by a Kelly-coached UC is ridiculous.
  18. Hey it keeps you grounded. Instead of spending all summer building up a false high over how "this" will be the year that ND and Buffalo doesn't kick us in the nuts, you at least have something to keep you miserable until labor day. Summer misery is always a good warm-up for fall misery.
  19. The defense was terrible. But there was talent there...it just wasn't coached properly. Players were soft, didn't tackle, didn't stay home, etc. Mainly a function of coaching. Now Cincinnati's defense was just as atrocious. However, the bigger issue there was lack of talent. Not only did UC recruit at a lower level, they had lost 10 starters from last year. And I'm with ya...its been a rough stretch to be a Bills/ND guy.
  20. Wrong. The talent on this year's ND squad was ridiculous. Far superior to UC. The problems started with, and ended with, coaching.
  21. Yeah it sucks...it sucks a lot. But its how the game is played. Strong word is that Notre Dame negotiated with Stoops last week. They didn't get him. If he had left, you damn well know it would have been immediately. Would you be trashing your beloved Bob had that been the case?
  22. Storm's a brewin...WDNU reporting that UC banquet now closed off to the media. http://www.wndu.com/hometop/headlines/78990842.html
  23. First of all, I used the headline the article used just to point it out. Pretty slimy IMO...they make it sound like a cop gunned down some bum begging for quarters. Second, why in the holy hell did the panhandler have and return fire with a Mac-10?? Something seems weird here... Third, good shot...incredible no one was hurt. LINK
  24. "Saboteur! Saboteur! I'm gonna kill you for real! This game... the game is over, I'm *really* going to shoot you!" With regards to Creed and some other minor characters, I think the Office has created a unique way to give them all great one-liners through the use of the "documentary camera." It's the perfect opportunity for Creed to drop that line like you just mentioned or the one about how he steals all the time, without it feeling forced. Brilliant show.
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