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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. I agree that people are (predictably) going overboard on that train of thought, but I can understand the idea. Follow this analogy: Let's say you are a young lad and once a week you go to your grandmother's house after school for a visit and dinner. She's a sweet old woman, but a notoriously bad cook. She's made a few great meals in her life, but overall, it's been an ugly experience. 3 weeks ago you went over there and she made you dinner. It smelled good, but after you ate it, you had the ***** for the rest of the week. 2 weeks ago you went over there and she again made you dinner. You asked if maybe you could just order pizza from a reputable place, but she would have nothing of it. This dinner didn't quite smell as good, and while it tasted good at first, you ended up puking. Last week you went over there and begged her to just order a pizza. So she did, but she ordered from a restaurant that is known to suck and had already been closed twice for health code violations. You ate it begrudingly and shat painful blood for 7 days. Now it's time to go to grandma's again. You did your homework and wrote down the numbers of a few great, award winning pizza places. They are far away and it's possible they won't deliver to her house, but you gotta at least try to sweet talk them. Tell them you won't use a coupon and you'll tip their driver extra. You beg your sweet grandmother to, for once in her life, ORDER THE GOOD PIZZA!!! Now she's sitting there at the counter. The ingredients for her latest casserole are out of the fridge. This could be the time she gets the recipe right, but her track record is poor. You have the phone number for the pizza places. What do you do? (*And FWIW, I can't believe I just typed all of that out to make a simple, somewhat humorous point. I think I need to spend my lunch break in different ways. Maybe therapy. )
  2. I pissed my pants the first time I saw that. Impossible to decide a #1 though...it would be up there. I might put Planes, Trains, and Automobiles on the short list as well.
  3. I think Sigourney's the gate keeper. Kurt is the key master.
  4. You know, for the first time, I saw a player do that this week...Colt McCoy. He didn't blame God for a loss (or in his case, his injury) but he did acknowledge that it was God's doing. Until that moment, I think the tally of "God invocations" was about 6 billion to zero in favor of wins vs. losses. But FWIW, doesn't really bother me either way...it was just nice to see some consistency.
  5. Maybe because he married Gozer? Besides that, I've always liked him.
  6. Attaboy...7791. Now go watch Animal House and your college education will be complete.
  7. If you are going to be condescending towards others, you should get your **** right. Your math is wrong...you're short by 5 days. I'll let you figure out why.
  8. If that is any indication of your math skills, I'm beginning to doubt your 3.9573847563847362 GPA Try again...
  9. tbarrett2030 and Over40Club ...who says this place is boring in the offseason.
  10. Andre better get in....but it ain't gonna happen this year against those guys.
  11. Another FWIW, apparently on LA sports radio they are already talking about potential replacements for Carroll at USC. The top 3 were: - Mike Riley (Oregon St.) - Jeff Fisher - Jack Del Rio Both Fisher and Del Rio are SC grads. TOTAL 2nd hand rumor speculation, so take it as you will, but this could potentially affect further NFL coach openings.
  12. Additionally, McKnight is going pro. Could be to take advantage of rookie salaries while he can; could be to avoid a brewing storm. The Bush thing is loooooooong overdue. and FWIW, some SoCal fans that I converse with are of the opinion that the dynasty has begun to crack (regardless of any NCAA/legal troubles). Some view Carroll as a vastly different coach than he was when he created the juggernaut.
  13. PS - Weak and tired PPS - Weak, tired and sickly. PPPS - I was being sarcastic
  14. I could buy that....but not after the 2nd pick. They were up 13-3, in complete control of the game despite Sanchez's erratic play. At that point you say "Lesson over...hand the ball off and we'll start over next week." By Sanchez's 3rd pick, he was shook for good. I still can't believe we didn't lose that game.
  15. Doc...you're taking a beating here, bro! This is what happens when you knock Nickelback AND Jimmy Clausen in the same day. Heed my warning...
  16. The guy called 31 pass plays for shell-shocked, rookie Sanchez in that gale-force cluster!@#$ against us while his RBs were pounding away at a 300 yard game. Where is the appeal?? What am I missing?? ??????
  17. Great...he's weak. Pass.
  18. FYI....my anti-virus software just zapped a Trojan Horse on that site. Just a heads up for others...
  19. I'm sorry man (it's all in good fun), but how many??
  20. I like the thought, but: I'd say the Eagles already have their starting RB (McCoy) whom I'd bet they like better than our troubled friend, Marshawn. And...I'd also say McNabb is gone from Philly before Kolb.
  21. Living in the area as well, I mostly agree. Except that I think overall, Philly fans have wanted McNabb gone for awhile. All my friends as Eagles fans and I'd say 4/5 don't like him. He has several warts, worst being his "big game" ineptitude, but I think he is treated way too harshly in this town. I tell any Eagles fan that will listen, when you get a good QB, you sink your hooks into him. We've been trying to replace our last one for 14 years.
  22. Time will tell, my friend. You should have watched him sometime. He's the truth. Now, back to my Creed album.
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