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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Are yall serious? A Century Club (using JSP's definition) is not exactly Mount Everest. It's can get real rough towards the end, but we did more than a few in college. It's a little over 7 beers per hour. If you got a good 1-minute CD going, you'll be groovin in no time. I probably wouldn't do one anymore, but in your best drinking shape, not impossible. Power Hours are far more manageable and fun however. Now this 100 beer thing Gordio is talking about.... that's friggin marathon.
  2. Some great shout outs in this thread. Beer pong was my #1...logged thousands of hours in college. Others: - flip cup (great pregamer) - **** (good anytime, anywhere) - anchor man - chandeliers The one game I learned since college might be my favorite for its simplicity is called Arrogance. Good for a group of guys pregaming (girls will fail miserably). It's very simple: You need a pint glass, a quarter and a case of beer (or more). First person cracks the beer and pours as much or as a little as they want into the glass. Then they flip the coin and call it. If they are right, they pass the glass and the coin to the next person and the process repeats. If they are wrong, they drink everything they poured and start again. Doesn't sound like much, but it gets very competitive with pride on the line. Combine that with brutal coin flip streaks and it's a great time. I've seen guys miss 8-9 flips in a row and be put down for the count on one round. And then there's always the d-bag who manages to call it right every time. Good times...give it a try.
  3. Saw it tonight in 3-D...wouldn't mind seeing it again without the glasses to see how it compares. I expected C movie and A+ visuals. I think it was way better than people give it credit for. I was thoroughly entertained and actually enjoyed the rather routine story so I could focus my energy on soaking up the sheer gorgeousness of the scenery. I was definitely consciously aware of the excessive length, but I found myself relieved it didn't end sooner. Great experience....definitely one for the theater. And I'll add that I avoided reading this thread until I saw the movie, but was amazed at the discussion the last 5 pages have contained. Very entertaining reading.
  4. Of course not. How could I read that from 500 feet away? Just seems crazy...that's like 2 city blocks.
  5. Wow. Very nice. Though, I've always been partial to my girl Natalie.
  6. I've heard the Muschamp rumors as well. Three things about the coaching search: 1. Isn't Muschamp in a sort of Jimbo Fisher situation at Texas? Meaning, as far as I understood it, he has been quasi-promised a "coach in waiting" type deal. If this was the case, I'd think he'd be just as likely to bounce from Tennessee in a few years if he was successful just as Kiffin did. 2. I'm wondering why no mention of Mike Leach. I'd seriously consider bringing him to Knoxville. He would have RichRod type growing pains, but I think he could be successful. And Tennessee has to shake things up to get out of their current 5th-fiddle spot. 3. I'm guessing Tuberville is kicking himself for taking the T-Tech job just as an SEC job opened.
  7. Oh for sure...I thought you were talking about this current class. I feel bad for last year's bunch...but at least they have each other. Might bring them closer as a group. The guys who just moved their **** into a dorm in Knoxville on Saturday are the ones who's heads must be spinning though.
  8. Yeah yeah...stop being rude and introduce me to your friend dressed like Pocahontas.
  9. Kiffin's a scumbag...but that's not entirely true. Current recruits can transfer without losing a year of eligibility as long as they haven't enrolled in classes yet. That is why Orgeron (another scumbag) was speed dialing Tennessee's early enrollees yesterday and trying to poach them to USC. Class starts today. So as long as they don't go to class and officially enroll, they won't lose their year. Recruits that aren't coming until next fall have plenty of time to change their mind with no repercussions. But you are right, it sucks. And I think sometime soon you will see the NCAA do something about it. Whether it is anti-tampering or whatever...
  10. "but leave it to Buffalo fans to want this clown"??? You serious Clark?...YOU were the biggest John Fox shill on this board for years. Now everyone else is the idiot? Same ol' schtick...
  11. This was a boom-or-bust, swing for the fences hire by USC. They pushed all their chips into the center and gave the NCAA two middle fingers. No other explanation for bringing back a dirty coach while a pending investigation is about to be underway. Sadly, I think the gutless turds at the NCAA will fold. They won't slaughter the cash cow in East LA.
  12. Well he just fcked UT pretty good right there. This is a boom or bust hire for USC...I'll give them credit for swinging for the fences, but I don't see this ending well. The positives: - Excellent recruiter - Has the best chance of any potential coach to hold USC's current recruiting class together - Has assembled hands down the best (on paper) staff in the country The negatives: - Is he even a good coach? - Daddy is 70 years old - Supposed bad blood between him and Chow (still baffled Norm took the job...I'm guessing it was the $$$) - Rumors that he was universally disliked by players, fellow coaches and administration while at USC And the biggest negative at all...he is DIRTY. He was part of the corrupt machine that got USC into it's pending mess, he immediately committed a dozen (minor) violations at UT and he brought another slimeball, Orgeron back into the mix. Is Mike Garrett really giving the keys to USC's Mercedes to this douchebag who will undoubtedly break rules right as the NCAA is itching to sanction them? I honestly can't picture a scenario where the NCAA would give another SMU death penalty again. What that did to the program was disastrous and I think it freaked them out. The fact that 'Bama survived in '02 is evidence enough. But if there was ever a situation that would force their hands again, I think it just walked on campus in Southern California. PS - Tennessee had two verbal commits on Saturday and 10 early enrollees start yesterday. OUCH.
  13. And right on cue.... Jose's two cents...
  14. Especially microwave popcorn...
  15. Agree that one bad game does not a bad coach make, but disagree that it's not his fault. Once Sanchez threw that 2nd or 3rd INT, B Schott should've shut it down. His QB was struggling and his RBs were eating us alive. And the weather was horrendous. Yet he kept calling passes. No adjustments made. Fair enough, but my take: 1. I don't think our D was very worried about the pass at all. Byrd was salivating in center field and the whole D could tell Sanchez was shook. I think if anything, they were focused on the run, which made it even more painful when the Jets kept breaking big gain after big gain. 2. I agree that rookie development is a greater goal. And that you have to let guys fight through adversity to learn. But at a certain point you gotta say "Look, today's not your day...hand the ball off and we'll go to work again next week." If anything, pushing Sanchez too hard in that situation could have severely damaged his development. Some mentally weak QBs never recover from those 1 or 2 terrible outings. And the Bills coaches of the past 5 years have cornered the market on piss poor QB development.
  16. I posted this in a different thread so I'll just copy and paste: The guy called 31 pass plays for shell-shocked, rookie Sanchez in that gale-force cluster!@#$ against us while his RBs were pounding away at a 300 yard game. He single-handedly coached the Jets into a loss that game. His decisions directly caused a far superior team to lose at home vs. our lovable band of losers. Where is the appeal?? What am I missing?? ??????
  17. That's what she said. ICE and Brandon in the same month? What's happening to this place? FWIW, it's rare that anything gets this exciting around here anymore. For God's sake that kid arguing in the Sabres thread AND about Animal House the other day passed for a good one.
  18. I'm actually claiming a split title this year for ND so it's all good. For real though, as long as Saban doesn't flame out again (which is never a sure thing), you'll probably be hanging up banner #644 soon. He's incredible. I still can't believe Alabama came back this fast. It would be like if Nebraska won a National title in 2 years....only 'Bama is probably more impressive. And to think we could have had Nick in '01 (and possibly '04).
  19. Is it the shoes?? I was unstoppable with the LJ & Zo Charlotte combo....close 2nd being Olajuwon/Vernon "Mad Max" Maxwel Houston Rockets.
  20. No doubt...I remember reading an article to that effect back when he first took the job. It was clear that at some point, he would have to face this since he was now back in the "spotlight." My point was more that if any of these people care about their reputation amongst the general public, they would be wise to admit these things ASAP. Clemens never will because it's his personality and Bonds is so crazy that on his planet, I bet he's actually convinced himself he never doped. Andy Pettitte's name came up in the Mitchell report. He admitted to it immediately, apologized and moved on. Now I bet there are people out there that have even forgotten he used HGH. A-Rod, the most visible player in the league, and maybe in professional sports, got caught, admitted it immediately, took his lumps and then 9 months later was celebrating a World Series. The story during the playoffs was not about his PED use, it was about his incredible hitting. No one cared anymore. If he had clammed up Bonds style, I guarantee it would have been different. These guys should take the lesson that nothing is gained from lying. No one believes you anyway and it infuriates people further when they think you can insult their intelligence. In the immortal words of Ace Ventura, Pet Detective: REPENT... and thou shall be saved!
  21. I'm not saying I want him necessarily, but he is a legit college coach....and an excellent recruiter.
  22. And then there were two. If there is one thing we know about the the American public, it's that we are forgiving. McGuire gained nothing by denying this for 5 years and he tarnished his image even more than it already was (hard to believe). His records will always be viewed as dirty and his baseball legacy will forever have an asterisk. But he will come out of this better for having told the truth. People don't forget, but we forgive. If I were Barry Bonds or Roger Clemens...I wouldn't want to be the last one to finally admit it.
  23. Yo man...you've been MIA for over a year. What's the deal? You chillin in sunny Naples and decided to unplug for good? I've been forced to stomach SC stomping ND for years and now that the fortress has collapsed and the NCAA death penalty is on the horizon, you aint around? No no...you're gonna come back here and talk college football with the rest of us. Rich doesn't do his previews anymore The Michigan fans are getting restless...albeit probably excited about raiding Carroll's recruiting class BlueFire is already printing UT 2012 Championship banners Cynical is celebrating Alabama's 642nd National Championship Ed thinks Rutgers will bring the Big Eleven $80 billion in revenue every year Faustus is crushing up xanys and shipping them to Urban's house For real bro...if you are around somewhere and you see this message, holler at your boy. I lost your cell when the board crashed in '08 and you've been in the wind since. Hope all is well. ~Bart
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