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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Alight, BB...let's get this thing moving. I'm reading all these updates and it looks like you are walking around, shaving, being a smartass and eating BBQ for chissakes! Stop milking this and get your azz back to TBD! For real, so glad to keep hearing the good news. I can't imagine what a whirlwind this has been for you and your family. Keep getting stronger...we'll be here waiting.
  2. Because in the phrase "don't act like a rooster," don't seems to be part you usually have trouble with. I was just trying to guide you.
  3. C'mon...this is a publicity stunt, pure and simple. There are 1000 ways offering a 7th grader will never come to fruition. I'm sure if he doesn't develop as planned, Lane will honor the commitment.
  4. Relax, son....it's not that serious. You should get back to counting how many days old you are...that or watching Animal House.
  5. Ummm...I think you may just have it covered there. I love Super Bowl Prop bets...best betting day of the year IMO. This one has always been my favorite: Gets real heated when a guy gets knocked out around the goal line. You hold your breath to see if they mark it on the 1 or 2.
  6. Definitely Super Bowl 50 or 51. If you look at our history, we win the AFC/AFL pretty much every 25 years like clockwork.
  7. Oh there's no avoiding gorging out...it just has to happen. How'd that sopressata ever turn out?
  8. ESPN Article First, this middle school is about 4 minutes from where I'm sitting right now. We used to play them in basketball; they sucked. Second, whoever wrote this ESPN article (Mark Saxon?) gets my dumbass of the day award. There are only 3 counties in all of Delaware...and none of them are called Bear. Read a map before you write. Third, this is ridiculous. Kiffin just looking to make some noise and hope people look at him. He is such a clown. Local Paper Article
  9. It looks sort of like this one: http://a248.e.akamai.net/pix.crutchfield.c...lMiniJacks.jpeg But the holes are larger...like 1/4" jack would fit. When I first saw them, it reminded of something you'd plug a guitar or microphone into. Maybe it's something else entirely...Darin's right...I need to get a picture.
  10. I've been eating right lately, working out, doing some yoga...generally dragging myself back into pretty good shape. So there is obviously nothing I'd rather do than blow it up and dominate some serious (hopefully decadent) Super Bowl grub. Usually someone starts a thread about this during this week, and I remember some really good stuff being posted over the years. So let's hear some ideas before it's too late. Especially since the crazies have already started flocking the grocery stores so they don't starve during the snowstorm. To get the balling rolling, I did a little work and dug up Super Bowl food threads of years past. I'm sure there are more if you want to look longer. Jack, I still make that Velveeta/Sausage/Salsa dip...gonna do it again this year. Thanks again, bud! 2009 2007 2007 2006 2005 ENJOY! PS - Funny story...I called my dad today to have this very same discussion and make a gameplan for Sunday. He informed me that he scheduled a colonoscopy (no, really) for Monday so he could not participate in any Super Bowl chowdown because Sunday would be his prep day. While I am genuinely happy that my father is taking steps to take care of himself (and I am), I had no choice but to mock and laugh at him for picking probably the worst day of the year to do this. It wasn't until I hung up that it occurred to me that only a lifetime Bills fan could have such a twisted perception of Super Bowl Sunday that planning a colonoscopy prep would seem like a perfectly normal use of the day. About an hour ago my mom called and told me he had rescheduled...attaboy dad!
  11. If your aunt had balls, I don't think she'd be so great...
  12. I wish I had...I knew my description wouldn't be very helpful without more. I'm in the the down-time period where we've done everything we need to do at the house before settlement. Probably won't be back inside for a little while. Whether or not people have thoughts now, I'll definitely take your suggestion and revisit this then.
  13. So I got sort of a speaker question (relax AJ, don't push people out of the way... ): Wife and I are closing on our first house at the end of the month, pretty excited. Anyway, the living room and finished basement area both have several jack plates in the wall that appear to be for 1/4" jacks. And there are a lot. I'm talking each plate has 2-4 holes and there are probably 6 plates spread throughout each room. When I looked in the unfinished part of the basement (where there is access to the backs of these walls where the plates are) there seems to be a whole mess of wires (like a nest) and each hole is currently connected to something. First off, maybe I'm retarded (can we still use this word?) when it comes to the workings of complex wiring, but I've never seen wall plates that contain 1/4" jack holes. Is this common? What is the purpose? I did some googling but I'm not even sure if I'm asking the right questions. Second, if there is a cool purpose...what is it and is it something I should take advantage of? I'm sure this is not very answerable with the limited information I've given you, but I was probably just going to replace these things with solid plates. But if this strange configuration means someone else did the grunt work for a legit setup, I'd definitely not want to waste it without checking out what I could do. Thanks!
  14. Pretty cool...a sort of lower-grade version of those legit Gatorade (or Nike?) commercials from a few years ago that changed famous moments in sports (Jordan clanking the shot over Ehlo, Clark missing the pass from Montana). Murra, pick one thread each day and don't act like a rooster.
  15. Overhand, naturally. Next question, where do you locate the mount? This is equally as important. I'd say best position is along side of you on the opposite side as your wiping/tearing hand. People who mount it on the wall in front of the toilet always baffle me. It's never close enough to reach without leaning!
  16. Oh, you mean, you didn't like all the commas, and, of course, hyphens, placed in every, single sentence? That article was like a stutter in print.
  17. Some quick notes: - WTF is with these teams signing 27, 28+ players? Is the attrition rate really that high that they can fit in under the 85 limit? I'm assuming several of these "recruits" will either JUCO or grayshirt. Still, it seems to skew the rankings (if that is really important anyway). - Incredible job by Urban...not only does he improve his class after his "retirement" announcement, he managed to pull the wool over the eyes of top defense recruits for the SECOND time in two years. I'm sure these guys were told Edwards was coming to Buffalo before they signed their LOIs (just like with Mattison last year). -I'm not taking away from him, but does anyone have an easier job in the recruiting world than Mack Brown? Does even have to leave Austin to get a top 10 class? UT got 17 recruits in Rivals Top250 just from the state of Texas! Key-rist! People talk about Florida and California as talent hot beds, but Mack has it made in the shade down in the Alamo State. Not only is there an orgy of top talent, they all want to go to UT! The machine keeps rolling... - Fck Lane Kiffin...I'm going to enjoy hating this clown for next few years. Hopefully the NCAA locates its nads and actually spanks them with a real penalty. If they allow Lane and his goon Orgeron to run their circus at USC, it's going to be a disgrace. Sad thing, it's the most likely outcome. - Kelly managed a decent class, given it was a transition class. Got some solid guys late in the game after losing a few big timers earlier on. I don't think we had a legit shot and Henderson, but losing Martin, Leuders and Bernard and losing out on Ferguson kind of stung (especially the DEs which ND has lacked for years). Plus we signed a guy that had ZERO I-A offers on the table. WOAH! Either Kelly knows what he is doing or this is going to be ugly. Either way, I'll grade him on what he does next year. - Great class for UCLA - Not a bad job of Tennessee's coach keeping his class at least respectable despite Kiffin and Orgeron attacking like rabid hyenas. Could have been worse... - Fck Lane Kiffin
  18. Now, this puzzles me. I get the bashing of people who parrot W/L record, throw out Brady Quinn's name and can't even manage to spell 'Clausen' without seven "Ss." Those people obviously didn't see him play so their opinions can be brushed off lightly. But you are the first ND fan I've come across that doesn't like Jimmy's game. Maybe you could expound on what you mean, but I'm at a loss as to what you observed him doing poorly this season.
  19. Was that the explanation? I was too young to follow any of that backdrop but seeing this is the first time I've seen any part of this game, I couldn't believe the OL just stood there after Klecko nailed him.
  20. Non-story. I hold no strong feelings either way on Sarah Palin, but her facebook reaction to this is just too much. Linking this "incident" to a commentary on the federal budget, suggesting it makes Emanuel unfit to participate in government, titling someone a 'patriot' for no apparent reason and actually choosing a facebook post as her method of communication is ridiculous. If she hadn't been so busy cramming superfluous language into her boilerplate 'indignant reaction', she might have been able to make the 140-character limit and put it on Twitter.
  21. The journal also had another autism article today studying the rates of diagnoses across different geographic areas. (sidebar: is it geographic or geographical?) It focused on West LA as an example of an area with abnormally high autism rates. There definitely seems to be a strong belief that there is a correlation between education level and autism diagnosis. The school of thought being that higher educated people are more aware of the condition, have better access to treatment (ergo diagnosis) and have greater expectations for their childrens' cognitive abilities. A lot of hypotheses without any real answers, but an interesting read nonetheless: Studies Seek Reasons for Autism's Rise BTW - I see GG's article as dated February 3rd. Does the WSJ often postdate articles for the next day's edition or am I having a reverse groundhog day?
  22. That's the key. Nothing kills the mojo of an attention whore like the whoosh of the spotlight being swung to a new target. Great article...thanks for posting.
  23. I'm fully in Andre's corner...he deserves it 100%. But this just ain't the year for an already (unjustly) borderline WR to sneak into the hall. The deck is too stacked. It would be like Kurt Warner trying to get in the same year as Brett Favre, Peyton Manning and Tom Brady. August 2011 baby...I'll drag my ass back to those uncomfortable bleachers at Fawcett Stadium and all us Bills fans can bring the house down like we did this past summer.
  24. Que?? If by "up for grabs" you mean "in between the WRs thumb and forefinger" I'd agree with you.
  25. Along those lines, maybe it would be best if the doctors just let that one go. As a Bills fan, I think I'd jump at the chance to have the Jauron Years wiped from my memory. Keep fighting, bro!
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