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Everything posted by bartshan-83

  1. Flashforward might just be one of the best concept/worst execution shows I've seen in awhile. The premise is compelling enough to keep me invested each week, but the acting is god awful and downright bizarre at times. I've lost a lot of respect for Joseph Fiennes. He can't speak with an American accent above a whisper...at all. It's very, very strange. It's like 60 minutes of watching Luke Perry play Dylan McKay as an FBI agent. I don't know...I'll keep watching. I'd like to see where they are going to take it and some of the characters are entertaining. I just wish it was done better.
  2. I think Wood is the crushing blow. He was playing really good ball last year and with a full off-season of strength and conditioning, I think he was set to take big step this year. The tackles are what they are....terrible. There is little doubt that we will struggle with off-the-edge pass rushes and will likely have to keep a TE/RB back on most pass plays. Pass protection doesn't look promising, but if it weren't for Wood's injury, I'd at least feel comfortable that our running game (which I assume will be a big part of the offense this year) would be competent. I'd hope we have a lot of counters and screens* built into this playbook. It's going to be very interesting who (if anyone) steps up on the OL this year. One thing's for sure though, as weak as our 1st string looks, cross your damn fingers for no injuries or things will turn from ugly to comical really fast. *Speaking of screens...am I the only one who prays to the gods we can develop a good screen pass system again? I thought Marshawn would have been a great screen guy and now with Spiller....WOW! Watching old tapes of Thurman is like poetry in motion.
  3. I don't think he'd fly to the pro-bowl on another team's plane. And even if he did, you think the coach would allow running in the aisle?
  4. Great find! 700K per touchdown. Well done, JaMarcus.
  5. What? If Maybin goes to 3 pro-bowls and Orakpo goes to 4 then Maybin is a failure? I'm not defending Maybin...the jury just left the box on that one. But to measure his worth against a different player in a different system with different coaches and teammates makes no sense.
  6. Just read that whole thing. Thanks for that. The one truly, truly positive moment in 240:00 minutes of Buffalo Bills Super Bowl history.
  7. Mike Williams - still finishing
  8. Reminded me of a posting by that internet writer, Maddox, about vegetarians. I'm sure people are familiar with his work. Anyway, still cracked me up! For every animal you don't eat, I'm going to eat THREE
  9. PS - Carolina radio station WFNZ had Steve Smith call in this morning and he adamantly refuted Florio's bs. Additionally, it was said that Smith wanted to go on WITH Florio at the same time to refute it face-to-face, but Florio pussed out and would only call in after Smith's interview. WFNZ Mac Attack I defend Clausen because this "attitude problem" thing has been around for years with no credible substantiation (other than he rode a limo to his announcement day when he was 18). But this is more of an attack on Florio and people like him who use "sources" to make **** up and attempt to draw site hits. What a clown.
  10. Good article...very in-depth. I just have a few questions for the author after reading it though. If only there was a convenient was to ask him...
  11. Some great songs here. Damien Marley - Welcome to Jamrock (most of that CD actually...same title) Sublime - Summertime Citizen Cope - Son's Gonna Rise Dr. Good Size - Pineapple Song (a little more upbeat, but one of my favorite "good mood" songs ever. It's from the opening montage scene in After the Sunset).
  12. Hmmm....shocker. A report that refutes profootballtalk's "story." And Sure sounds like he hates that prima donna, Clausen.
  13. Feels good to win something! Can't really argue. We are just going to have to see (a) how much of an upgrade Gailey is from Jauron and (b) how much that upgrade can improve the team without a significant player personnel change. Although, I'll say that I roll my eyes at the constant singing of the Jets' praises. They have a very, very good team. But signing an inconsistent, one-good-year CB (Cromartie), an injured, declining RB (Tomlinson) and an already-suspended, headache WR (Holmes) doesn't really impress me very much. Considering they cut ties with TJ and Leon Washington...I wonder if the net was positive at all.
  14. Funny moment with Josh Smith last night. Right after the Hawks went on their 8-0 run in the first quarter to cut it to 3, Van Gundy called a timeout. Smith was walking back to the bench and caught a live mic and clearly said: "Sh-t...we in this mu'fcker now!" I rewound it a few times....any one else catch that?
  15. You know that ain't true... If the story happened exactly the way she is saying it happened, then the judge needs to take it down a few notches. I've been at more than one morning roll-call in Court where someone in the gallery mouths off like an idiot. The worst that happens is the judge tells them to shut up or leave. I'm guessing there was more of an exchange than reported here...
  16. You are so full of it. If the Bills drafted him and this exact same story came out, you'd be saying "Good! About time a QB shows up and takes control of these pansies!" Assuming that this story is anything more than an anecdote used to prolong a dying story, the guy has been a Panther for 15 minutes and incredibly the veterans (including the oh-so-underspoken Steve Smith) prefer the veteran QB and don't like being yelled at by their QB in practice. Color me shocked...
  17. I don't know...the idea of picking up a #21 "Thriller" is tempting. But good ol' #78 has kept me going for awhile now.
  18. This is what I was getting at. It was my understanding that (at the time) it would have been much cheaper if I could have stayed on my parents' plan, which was far superior to the "catastrophe" plans I was shopping. My parents would have been happy to help me out with one of those plans. But in the end, I weighed the risks and told them to keep their money. If I was going to ask for their help, it would have been one thing to have them pay $X for a legit plan that helped me with frequent expenses. It was very different to have them pay $3X for a bare bones plan that didn't seem worth the trouble.
  19. There you go, I knew you could do better. Much different than thinking I would say "But you have to, the government says so." I'm pretty sure I said nothing like that in my post. Your broad brush misses the point. I didn't ask my parents for a dime. Hence, the reason I went uninsured. I was only saying that I could see the argument that having a system where parents could cover their full-time young-adult student on their insurance (if they were so inclined) wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.
  20. Don't disagree at all. I wasn't trying to justify ObamaCare....just commenting on the idea of insuring dependents up to age 26. I don't feel that strongly about it either way, but I can see the other side of the "it just encourages slackers" argument.
  21. The grad school scenario is worth considering though. When I graduated college, I took a job with a law firm and got benefits. Then when I started law school full-time, I was forced to drop down to 25-30 hrs per week at my job and I lost my benefits. Even the cheapest "student" health insurance plans weren't very viable for someone making what I was making and still trying to make rent, bills, etc. So I went uninsured for 3 years. Not a huge risk considering my age and health history, but it would have been nice to have been covered under my parents' plan for that small window. Paying out of pocket for prescriptions, dentist visits, etc sucked. Not the biggest problem I've faced in life, but I can see the merit in trying to make it a little easier for young people while they are getting their start in the real world.
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